Saturday, December 30, 2006

“I quit show business and committed myself to advancing the rights of the vertically challenged”

Miss Piggy, as the Good Witch from the Muppets in Oz.

Ok so I haven’t blogged properly for how long? Did you miss me? This will be last blog(g) of the year, because tomorrow I’m at my boff’s house to welcome the new year with him. Woot!

I’ve had a wonderful couple of weeks, spent mostly with the boff and over Christmas. Which is probably all I’m going to share…

Thinking about it I’ve had a wonderful year in general really. If you exclude The Incident that was Bath, it’s probably been the best year of my life so far. I hope everyone else can say the same thing.

Right I’m going to pay full attention to “The Muppets in Oz”, possibly one of the funniest films of the year.

Happy New Year everybody!

Love and New Year Huggles, Claire

“They can put a trailer in munchkin land but can’t make a magical shoes comfortable, go figure”

Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas Everyone

Happy Christmas to everyone that reads my blog(g). I hope you have had a wonderful day and that you got everything you wanted, and all your Christmas wishes come true.

Love and festive Huggles, Claire

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Baby It’s Almost Too Much, I’m Helplessly, Hoplessly, Recklessly Falling In Love

Helplessly, Hopelessly, Recklessly, Jessica Andrews

Finally got a spare moment to blog(g)! I have been rather busy the last couple of days. Mainly I have been emboffificated. In fact I think that might be all I’ve done really.

It’s so wonderful to have my darling back, we’ve had an amazing couple of days, there’s a lot to catch up on. I’m deliriously happy to have him back. Yippee!!

You know I’m going to leave it, because although I have loads to say it’s not anything I’m going to blog(g). See you next time I blog(g) folks!

Love and Huggles, Claire

PS. I love my Dominic.

Monday, December 18, 2006

HE'S GOING TO BE HOME IN ONE HOUR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HE'S GOING TO BE HOME IN ONE HOUR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

love and huggles, Claire

PS, What is wrong with Britney Spears Justin? Hmmm??? Don't make me come over there!

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Tell Me My True Love Is Here. He’s All I Want Just For Me, Underneath My Christmas Tree

My Only Wish (This Year), Britney Spears

I do not appear to have blogged for a couple of days, oops. In a nutshell I’ve been to see De ja vu, which was brilliant, and during which Jess slept on my shoulder for most of it. Most people were back from uni, so it was the first time I got to see people like Phil, Eddy and Jess Milly for a while. We had an interesting encounter with some chavy-sluty girls far too young to be drinking at the cinema bar but obviously had been allowed to. Ever heard of ID Mr.Bartender?

Yesterday I hunted for a pair of silver shoes to go with my dress, only to be left with no choice but a pair of cream ballerinas. The problem with having feet that are not only impossibly tiny but also between shoe sizes means buying shoes is difficult. Cream ones went nicely with my dress, especially as I managed to get jewellery to match. I do love being colour co-ordinated.

Today I have spent putting up decorations and finishing the last 2 scarf’s I was making. They need trimming and the stuff dissolving off tomorrow, but they are pretty much done. I also might wrap some presents tomorrow too, I could do with keeping busy. the house is all Christmasfied and looks brilliant. Lot's of sparkly bits and shiny lights.

Those of you who are smart enough to be counting will know my darling boyfriend is due back from India tomorrow. “So why aren’t you excited?” you ask.
Well it dawned on me that a flight from Bangalore to Leeds is about 14-16 hours, plus checking time either end, plus getting back from Leeds, (2 hours depending on traffic), means that as my boff’s flight home is tomorrow, he might not actually be back till early Tuesday morning.
I am deliriously excited about him coming home already, but I would like to sleep tonight, so I’m trying not to be overly excited until tomorrow. If he does get back late Monday night/early Tuesday morning I suspect I won’t see him till Wednesday. *taps fingers impatiently. Frankly I don’t care, I want him back in the same country so I can talk to him.

It’s nearly over! I can’t believe how fast nearly three months has gone. He’s gonna be home sooooo soon. YIPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

Love and Huggles, Claire

Tomorrow Is Only A Day Away

Tomorrow, Bugsy Malone


Love and Huggles, Claire

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Time Goes By So Slowly

Hung Up, Madonna

The first proper blog(g) for days methinks, although I haven’t got a lot to report really. I went to see Happy Feet with Liz the other day, it was BRILLIANT! Seriously cool, I love the mix of CGI and actual real lifeness used. Seriously it’s brilliant. It isn’t terribly funny but there’s more of a plot to it, it nearly had me in tears at one point. But then again I can cry at anything….

Don’t know if I said but I did actually get 5 marks on that Chemistry mock, but the teacher that marked was surprised I’d sat it to start with. Well I wasn’t given any alternative. What was I supposed to do? Sit there twiddling my thumbs for an hour?

Neways here is a picture of me in the dress without my head looking like a lighthouse. Although I do appear to have my eyes closed. I’m gonna go before I have a meltdown. Seriously, FOUR MORE DAYS and it’s going at a snails pace. I am going crazy.

Love and Huggles, Claire

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

No Matter How Many Miles Stand Between Us This Is Love

Last Night On Earth, Delta Goodrem

Ok I was gonna blog(g) all about the last 2 days but ohhh nooo, Justin goes and tags me! So now I have to tell you five things about me that you may or may not know about me. Nuts.

1. My Dad smokes a pipe. I am terrified to the point of tears just thinking about it that one day he will die of some smoking related disease.
2. I used to get D’s and B’s mixed up as a child, to the point where my Mum made me a little card with a teddy sat on the word “Bed” so I would be able to tell them apart. I grew out of it, but still have the card somewhere. Now I just can’t spell anything at all.
3. My underwear has little gold and red sparkly reindeers on it.
4. I used to want to drive a purple train when I was younger.
5. I’ve gone up a bra size in the last six months.

Sorry, at short notice that’s the best I can do. I will also be blogging another pic of my dress without me looking like I have a lighthouse for a head. Charming Justin, a real confidence booster.

Right I tag Hutters and Liz to do the same thing. SO five things the general public may not know about you.

Love and Huggles, Claire

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Does my butt look big in this?

This is a very bad photo of my potential dress for the reuion on Monday. Please let me know what you all think. Ta!

Monday, December 11, 2006

We Want The Same Things, We Dream The Same Dream

(We Want) The Same Things, Belinda Carlisle

ONE WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Yes of course you can, because all those who read my blogg are supremely intelligent people. There is also the fact I’ve been banging on about Dominic’s return for what, about 2 and half months…I am SO excited I think I might EXPLODE. Next Monday, as Katie put it, I will be “radioactive”.

(I like that word used like that, to describe something unbelievably exciting. We’ll add that to the dictionary, along with rat-arsed to means something broken, and the word boff to mean boyfriend.)

I digress. I cleaned faster than I’ve cleaned for a long time and spent a lot of it singing random snippets of songs I know, much to the amusement of my bosses. I think they might abuse the fact I have so much energy this week.

Ok, I shall go do more Chemicals homework before I actually explode.

OH OH, I remember what I was gonna say. Did I blogg when there was ten days to go? *checks. Yes I did, and I forgot to put in what I’ve been planning on putting in for aaaages. So for anyone who can be fluffed, December 8th blogg has an addition to it, in the form of a quote. Please read, it might make you laugh, (no promises though).

Love and Huggles, Claire

PS. Thanks for poking me to watch your blogg Justin. It was soo cool and had me laughing my tush off, (as all your Vlogs do), when I was supposed to be doing my Chemicals homework.
PPS. Yep Hutters, all my uni choices are within about 50miles of home. VERY close.

PPS. Someone sedate me please.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

The Signs All Said “Caution Kid’s At Play”

Objects In The Rear-view Mirror May Appear Closer Than They Are, Meat Loaf

Wow, what a BRILLIANT weekend. I’ve got so much done, and really important jobs like writing my Christmas cards and sending my UCAS form off, and I’ve been out with two of my best friends! There’s only eight days till Dominic comes home! My friend Christine told me something that made me SO happy it’s untrue, darling Chris, I am SO happy for you!

Last night I went to a party with Luke, who was home for the weekend from Chester. It was so good to see him, and spend the evening hanging out with him and his sisters, and some of the funniest people I’ve ever met! Such a cool night. I owe Luke loads of drinks, he paid for me allllll night, but he did say he was trying to get me drunk. He failed miserably, but we still had a huge amount of fun.

Today I went for a drive about with Katie, home from Lancaster. We went and explored the new Tesco that was the old ASDA. Before the old one shut, the very ight before, Katie and I went for a last wander around it, to also wander down memory lane. We did that again today, but more like “Omigod where have the toilets gone/What’s up with the cafĂ©?/Why are the ATM’s inside?/Didn’t the veggies used to be here?/What used to be here?” kind.
Then we beetled off to MacDonalds, partly because we were hungry, partly to sample the Christmas menu, and partly because hell, we always go and traditions MUST NOT DIE! Lol. Chinwag and giggles had before we beetled off to the next destination.
Yep folks, you guessed it, another supermarket, this time ASDA. Where I bought a bra and thong, but you didn’t need to know that….again we perused the aisles and explored it. ASDA is currently the home of a 10 foot tall Mumbles Happy Feet penguin, oh the coolness! Katie dear, is your reverse still rat-arsed?

My UCAS form has gone off, I have officially applied to Manchester, Manchester Met, Chester, Lancaster, Leeds and Liverpool. Now lets hope I get some offers!

Love and Huggles, Claire

Friday, December 08, 2006

I’m Holding Out For A Hero Till The Morning Light, He’s Gotta Be Sure And He’s Gotta Be Soon

Holdin’ Out For A Hero, Bonnie Tyler

The quote I forgot;
"Ten days before Halloween and all the good costumes are gone?"Chandler, Friends
"Ten days before Dominic comes home and all the good underwears in the wash" Claire.
(perhaps that was actually a little over-sharing but meh, I thought it was funny)

There are TEN DAYS until my boff returns from India. Where the floop did the last two and half months go? I cannie wait until he’s home and I can go and be snuggled. The last few days are defiantly the hardest, when it’s so close you can almost taste it, (I think that’s from a song but what I forget).

Neways before I get myself upset and full of missingness thoughts, what have I been up too? Well my courses are sorted at sixth from. The AS in Chemsitry natuarally, and thanks to some dude who’s transferred collages I can do the AS in Fine Art. I’ve arranged to go and show the teacher my work from Bath, which should fit in nicely with the first module which is supposed to be “urban landscapes”. We’ve also agreed that I can work independently and just take my work to show him for guidance every few weeks. Brilliant!

Liz, Jess and I went to Burnley to do some Christmas shopping. Poor planning meant we didn’t manage to get an awful lot of presents, but we still had fun. Submarine! And the attentions of a scary random dude who was defo drunk and on something. I just hid and left Liz to pretend to be interested in his random ramblings.

I did a Chemistry mock today. After having been to four lessons and not done chemistry for two years I probably got about five marks. I’ve got Christmas to catch up as much of the work as possible.

Right I’m gonna go because I have a mizillion jobs to do. Starting with writing a jobs list!

Love and Huggles, Claire

PS “Your love is so close I can almost taste it” is from Meat Loaf’s Bad For Good, from his new album. Told you it was from a song.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

All I Wanna Do Is Have Some Fun, And I Got The Feeling I’m Not The Only One

All I Wanna Do, Sheryl Crow

So my first Chemistry lesson. Well I sat there for the first period wondering what I’d let myself I for, it al went completely over my head. However things picked up in the second period, with a different teacher and a different part of the syllabus. I understood it. It was nice and straightforward, my kind of Chemistry as well. I have a lot to catch up on but one teacher has all her notes and stuff on sheets so she’s easy. The other two teachers I don’t know about, it will be a lot of textbook work for me I think.
Then I met Jess and we had a brew and a lovely chat and fixed everything. Love you Jess!!!!! She got her mistletoe kiss too.

Naturally just when things were going right my life did a PMT moment. I’ve been told for legal reasons I need to be enrolled to do more than one AS course. Right, I wonder what the hell I can do that a) isn’t a ton of work b) I will enjoy and c) means I won’t have to do AS Critical Thinking again. The answer seemed obvious, I could do an AS in Art. Problem solved methinks.

Of course that would mean things were sorted and I wasn’t so stressed I’ve gone past the point of wanting to cry and now am just exhausted. So what’s the problem?

I spoke to my old Textiles teacher. The Art AS offered isn’t Art as in FINE Art, it’s Art as in APPLIED Art. Eh, you say? In an eggshell it’s basically a Foundation in Art and Design, where you cover everything from fine art to textiles to ceramics and photography and blah blah blah. Also in an eggshell, it’s not the kind of Art I want or enjoy. To make the whole omelette I don’t want to do it, mainly because I don’t like the course and also because I don’t think it would be possible to catch up the work.

Well hello again square one, you don’t half look familiar.

So tomorrow I’m gonna go tell the Art teacher sorry but your course isn’t what I want, tell the head of sixth form that stuff it, I’ll re-sit Critical Thinking, (but you can get stuffed if you think I’m coming in for the lessons having done it once), and meet my third and final Chemistry teacher.

And now I’m going to start making notes from my new textbook.

Love and Huggles, Claire

PS. Didn’t think I’d forgotten you Liz, LOVE YOU!
PPS. And I LOVE YOU Christine.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Everything Is Coming Up Roses And I’m Sure Heaven Knows It

Something Good, Catherine Porter

I think I’ve fixed my lap top. I rang the nice people and the dude told me the first thing I need to do is try a system restore to see if that solves the problem. So cross your fingers! I’d already burnt everything off it to start with, so I have all my important things on CD. What is on what CD I won’t know until I put it in the drive, it’s a bit off a lucky dip; pictures, word files, msn history or music!

It does mean re-importing my entire music collection back into itunes. Time consuming but it does mean I can have a spring clean, if I don’t listen to it I won’t import it. And I could do with putting them back into alphabetical order again. Yes people I alphabetise my CD collection, not by album title but by the way I’d want to find it, so “One Heart” by Celine Dion would be among the C’s, and the Meat Loaf CD’s are under M. It is not anal or neurotic but practical.

Neways I’m feeling a bit better, haven’t missed Dom so much today, and he emailed again. Things with everyone else seem to be sorting themselves out and I don’t think I’ve lost one of the most amazing friends ever. I did a funky collage again today, the last one for a while, because I need to put the sketchbooks away and not have them lying on the floor. I’ll blogg it when I get round to installing the software for the camera and printer.

Tomorrow I start my AS in Chemistry. I’m a little nervous, mainly because I’ll be sat in a classroom full of people 2 years younger than me and who are wondering what the hell I’m doing there. It’s like Bath only people could SEE I was deserving of my place and they were all at least a year older. Cross your fingers for me.

Love and Huggles, Claire

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Kiss Me In Sweet Slow Motion/Is There A Light Up Ahead/

This Kiss, Faith Hill/Long Way Home, Norah Jones

Cause Tonight Baby, I Wanna Get Freaky With You

Freak Me, Another Level

I apologise for the blogg title, but Liz and me heard it in a shop and it made us laugh. Having googled it to find the lyrics I am rather disgusted. If you don’t believe me then google it yourself. To quote Summer from the O.C; "Ewwwwwwwwwww".

Shopping day! I’ve spent the whole day wandering around Manchester with Liz, dodging the raindrops and millions of other people who don’t want to get out of my way. Places like Primark and the Arndale were so packed it was claustrophobic and soul draining. I’m rather sleepy now. I think I have managed to make a further dent into peoples Christmas presents, tomorrow I plan to sort them all out into these HUGE Paperchase bags that I have, one’s last years and ones this years Christmas shopping bags. They hold so much, should hold all the presents I’ve bought and I can check if I’ve missed anything off my list I’m collating in my diary.

Now I want to blogg the pictures I’ve taken of my mistletoe and the funky lights in Manchester. The mistletoe was of the suicidal genus, all the leaves have fallen off and the berries have exploded off.....eeep. I’ll defo need to buy some more before le boff returns in *squeaks* 16 days. Hutters, I hope he doesn’t bring me a Heffelump back, unless it’s the kind form the Disney Shop, but my friend Zena asked for one from him....however that depends if he’s found any, apparently there aren’t any in Bangalore.

*bloggs pics before she misses her boff excessivly.

Love and Huggles, Claire

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Time To Rejoice In The Good That We See

Mistletoe and Wine, Cliff Richard

I got the most amazing thing in the post today. A little box of REAL LIVE MISTLETOE! From the Innocent Smoothie company. I joined their email list last year, because their smoothies always make me laugh. It is soooo cool. I’m supposed to go and kiss people and take photos to send them or something, but how awesome is this, a random box of mistletoe.
Pity I don’t think it will last till Dom’s home, but I’ll have to get some more. Not that he’ll need a reason to kiss me or anything. He emailed me today, poor thing is starting to miss people quite a lot. I’m concerned about that, I only have him to miss, he’s got his whole world, and I know how that feels. I hope he manages to have fun in his last *wow* 17 days.

In other news, I have a number to call to arrange a collection of my laptop to fix or whatever they want to do with it. Someone just needs to pick up the phone after the "putting you through to hardware, hold please" bit so I can speak to a human not a auto message. They didn’t need the fluffing insurance, they printed me another copy and that’s it.

Still miss my boff, we drove past his house today which I found very hard. I know he’ll be home soon but I’m finding it hard again. But I know from the last couple of months keeping busy really works. In that case what am I still doing here blogging?

Love and Huggles, Claire

PS. I’ll blogg the pics of my mistletoe tomorrow, when I have some batteries for my camera. And does anyone, ie. Liz, know why I bought some AAA batteries, (the really thin ones) from tesco. I can’t think of anything they go in, not my camera...

Friday, December 01, 2006

Christmas Is Coming The Goose Is Getting Fat, Please Put A Penny In The Old Mans Hat If You Haven't Got A Penny A Hapney Will Do

Some Christmas song written by some dude yonks ago.

Well I have managed to pin and tack both the scarfs today and I’m aiming to start cutting wool up again tonight for a third. When I will get to sew them I don’t know, maybe sometime next week. It took allll morning with both my mum and I working at it. And having a laugh at the same time, "there’s a table under here!".

Liz and I met for a super quick coffee and then went to hand in our invigermilating forms so we get paid next month. Well we’ll both get paid cleaning anyway but the extra will be lovely.

I’ve spent most of the day rather hyper, it’s officially Decemembeber which means I can say HAPPY CHRISTMAS and there’s also 18 days till I’m emboffied again. Both of which are brilliant. Sadly things took a crash when Jess told me that, yet again, she can’t meet on Sunday to go shopping with us like we’d planned. I was really really looking forward to shopping with Jess and Liz, Liz and me will have a ball sure but I was looking forward to a threesome day. Yet again Jess bailed, ok so she’s tired from work, but it just seems like she NEVER wants to spend time, like more than an hour, with us anymore. I only see her for ten mins during work, and it’s not like Liz and I, we live 5mins apart so walk to work and go for random brews. I keep inviting Jess to do stuff and she keeps rejecting me. I feel really really rubbish. I want my boff back NOW!

Love and Huggles, Claire

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Pour Me Something Tall and Strong, Make It A Hurricane Before I Go Insane, It’s Only Half-past 12 But I Don’t Care, It’s Five O’clock Somewhere

Five O’clock Somewhere, Alan Jackson and Jimmy Buffet

Tomorrow I hope to start making those scarfs I bought all the wool for the other week. The wool for 2 of them has been measured and cut, and I’ve measured and cut the fancy dissolvable Bondaweb for three scarfs, (you can make three from one packet of Bondaweb). In theory if I got my butt moving I could cut enough wool to make number three and get that pinned and tacked tomorrow with the other 2. That’s what Mum and me will be doing anyway. I hope they sew like I want them too! These will make four Christmas presents, so they need to come out well.

I wandered down to school at half eight again to work, having been asked to come in earlier by the exams lady. We had 3 kids who had to re-sit exams, and ALL of them finished early. As in about an hour before they should. Meant I got a decent break. Then Mr Kirk sent me away, apparently he didn’t need anyone to help with the speaking tests, despite telling Anne-Marie, (exams lady), he did! Glad I didn’t go down just for it, or I would have been mad! I sat with another 3 kids who all left early again.

Spiders don’t seem to like me. I watched one on the walls for about 3 hours praying it would provide me with some entertainment, but it refused to move. Then the last kid leaves and my mum walks in and it is suddenly running across the floor! How rude!

Oooo tomorrow is Decemememebeber, you know what that means folks! EIGHTEEN DAYS until Dominic flies home. My butterflies already have butterflies and may be developing a third layer. God help me!

Love and Huggles, Claire

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Plans Are Made Here, Games Are Played Here, I Could Write Me A Book

Fat Sam’s Grand Slam Speakeasy, Bugsy Malone

Yesterday my internet conked out so I ignored it like you’re supposed to ignore naughty children, and went to watch Bugsy Malone instead. When I came home today from invigermilating I unplugged the doodlethingy downstairs whilst and I made a brew, and voila it was working again once I plugged it all in. For once i managed to make technology work for me. *grins

So exciting news...well I have decided to go back to my old sixth form to do an AS Level in Chemistry. It’s all happened rather suddenly really, and randomly asked my old Biology teacher if her thought ti was too late to come back, and he did a little dance of delight before running off to find the A-level Chemistry teacher. He returned with the Head of the sixth form and dragged me into a classroom to talk. Although they wanted me to do the full A Level in a year, it isn’t possible according to the Chem teacher, but I’m ok with that. The AS will give me a productive use of my gap year, and should help me get into all the places eager for Chemistry. It also means I did something RIGHT for once, my parents and grandparents are over the moon.

One side affect was Marj and Linda came hunting for me whilst Miss Latham and Mr Mercer were talking to me. Despite my protest that I was cleaning and would be in trouble the teachers were so eager to have me back, (no joke. Mercer looked like I’d totally made his week), that they dragged me into the room regardless. Naturally Linda and Marj were very unimpressed with my disappearance, and spent the last hour being rather mean to me. My punishment was little me had to use a mop bucket that is as big as herself, and weights more! Liz told Mercer what trouble he’d got me in and the sweetie went and apologised to M&L and took all the blame. Bless him.

I did a stupid thing today, I came home after invergimilating before my mum, and got allll the way home, a whole mile, before realising I had no key. I had to walk the mile back to get it and another mile back home. Give or take the bus ride one way. Thankfully the lovely lady who gives me a lift home at night took me into work as well. So my poor feet hurt a lot.

In 2 days I get to do my count down with an advent calendar, how cool is that? 20 days!!!

Love and Huggles, Claire

Monday, November 27, 2006

I Thought I Might Begin By Fillin’ You, In Case You Didn’t Already Know

Nah!, Shania Twain

I was going to start todays blogg by telling you how many plaits you can make from the tassles on my scarf, but I spent 10 minuets doing it during the exam only for it to all fall out whilst walking round collecting papers before I could count. *looks sad. Ah well something to do tomorrow!

I think that may have been the only exciting thing that happened to me today....*tries to think. I did brave the "Hot Milk" from the staff room drinks machine, which was rather disappointing, I had a sudden urge for hot milk. Perhaps it was the sub-zero temperatures of the Sports Hall.

Hmmm what else... well there are 22 days until Dom comes home! God this is a boring blogg! I’d better go before you all,(all three readers), fall asleep over your computer and hit the keyboard with a splat that spells out something a chimp writes when given access to alphabet toys.

Love and Huggles, Claire

PS. If a number has 02 before it, as in like a mobile, where you’d normally find say an international dialling code, what does it mean? An 02077blahblah number rang me, and I have no idea who they were and they haven’t replied to my text.....How odd. I can’t find what it could mean either.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

I’ll Soon Be Kissing Your Sweet Little Pussycat Lips. Pussycat Pussycat I Love You. Yes I Do!

What’s New Pussycat, Tom Jones

I went to see "Flushed Away" with Liz this afternoon. It’s brilliant! I love Ardman anyway, the last Wallace and Gromit film was classic, and even though Flushed lacks that "terribly British" sense of humour that W&G has, it was still sooooooooooo funny. Trying to see Rodney as the same dude who plays Wolverine in X-Men made it funnier, especially when he starts singing Tom Jones songs!
As for the slugs, omigod they are the cutest things ever! I will never look at one the same way again. Whoever decided to put them in was a genius. I feel even more guilty about that one I squished in August now. *goes red

So Lizzykins and I had a good giggle. We had a good 45mins before the film and sat and sneakily ate the popcorn we HADN’T bought from the cinema and Liz pushed me off the chair onto the floor. How rude! We also made the Popcorn Knights of the Round Table, but hit a snag when we couldn’t remember how many knights there are supposed to be! Whilst waiting for the bus I thought the lamp on top of a post was a hot air balloon and was disappointed when out of the darkness loomed a big black pole. It sounds odd but I could genuinely see a hot air balloon not a lamp, (it wasn’t on if that helps.)

Last night was cool too, I went for a drive in Katie’s un-named brum brum and we had a good giggle over bits and bats. Ah the entertainment of cheesy/chavy music and ice cream and random drives around places.

Only 23 days until Dom comes home, he’s been on my mind a lot today, I even took Ella the Red Panda with me to the cinema. She also enjoyed the film. I waved at his house when we went past on the bus, I miss walking there, it was nice. I will get to soon enough.

Love and Huggles, Claire

Saturday, November 25, 2006

When I’m All Sold Out, and I’ve Crossed The Line. When I’m Filled With Doubt I Take It One Day At A Time

One Day At A Time, the Alice Bands

Today was a day of discovery and decision. Mainly because I have spent the whole day turning my room upside down in a methodical pattern looking for my laptop insurance. I have NO idea where it is, but I haven’t found it and I have looked EVERYWHERE. I’ve come to the conclusion that yes losing it was very stupid but there’s not a lot I can do now. So I’m going to try not to dwell on it.

So my interesting discoveries. Well the first is I found 4 camera films that haven’t been developed. They’ve been used but not developed. It’s a total mystery as to what’s on them, I simply don’t have a clue. I got my camera about 3 years ago, which narrows it down I guess. All I have to do is send them to Boots with my Dad and get them developed. When I have a spare £20+. Ooo exciting.

The second is I have a lot of stuff floating around in boxes I really don’t need anymore. I need a damn good de-junk, which I’m planning on starting next week, after I’ve done my invigermilating. A big sort out would be very useful, might throw up some space for my old diaries. As I use A5 notebooks, and write anything form 1-10 pages, (depending on who/what’s happened), I go through on every 1-3 months. I have about 35 of them, charting the last, err, 7ish years of my life. That’s a lot of Claire! A huge number are living in the loft already!

There were probably more but I can’t think now, and I have to get ready to go out. I’m seeing Katie, whose home form Lancaster for the weekend. Adventure time folks!

Love and Huggles, Claire

PS. I have lots of wooden sticks? Would anyone like one? They come in oragnge, pink, blue, green, purple and yellow. "Spread the love and have a stick!"

PPS. My Dad is claiming he asked to hold onto
my laptop insurance several times since I bought it. I don’t recall him EVER asking, especially given I wanted him to to start with. I know Dads are supposed to always be right Hutters, but dude, they are SO not.

PPPS. It’s a whole 2 months since I last was with Dom. I miss him still, but there’s only 24 days until he’s home!

Friday, November 24, 2006

With Everything I Gain I End Up Losing It All

Alive, Meat Loaf

I didn’t blogg yesterday because my laptop proceeded to die on my in the middle of writing my blogg and refused to stay working long enough for me to finish it. Hetty my lovely laptop is pretty much dead. I’m having trouble getting her working long enough for me to copy all the music I’ve downloaded from itunes and any photos I haven’t already got CD’s of. Frankly after less than six months and very careful treatment I am very annoyed. *mental note don’t but Packard Bell again.

So currently I’m abusing the family computer, (weird huge keyboard compared with Hetty’s), and desperately hunting for my insurance papers. Hopefully that means I can get her fixed/replaced without paying. However the papers are currently AWOL. To be very British, oh Buggar!

Scratch that last bit. My Dad has had a huge go at me for losing the papers. I’m annoyed at him for not having taken them in the first place like I asked. He’s told my grandparents who were kind enough to buy it for me so now they’re mad. Can I do anything right? Or am I only capable of letting everyone down all of a sudden.

Neways I’ve spent the last 2 days invigilating the Y11 mocks. It’s still boring but at least now Liz is doing it too there’s more entertainment around. "There’s a worm at the bottom of the garden and his name is wiggly woo." I have a whole week of it next week. Thank God the pay makes it worth it!

Love and Huggles, Claire

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Two Shades Of Blue

Two Shades Of Blue, Suzy Bogguss

Today sucked. I woke up this morning feeling like I was going to throw up. I was that wound up it was like being in Bath all over again, that level of fear and unhappiness. I seriously didn’t want to go for my interview. Neways I trolled over to Blackburn again and killed some time beforehand, before heading off for it. It was, well, I don’t know. I’m not exactly brilliant at selling myself to start with so it was impossibly hard. I ended up taking chocolate bear with me for comfort, I really really wished Dom had been here to give me a supportive hug. I needed it.

Turned out to be a hug waste of my time really. They ran me this afternoon to say they wouldn’t be offering me a job. Perfect. I don’t particularly know how I feel really. I’m sad I know that, and I feel rather crap and useless. My grandpa had such high hopes for the bank thing, looks like I’ve managed to disappoint people again. Maybe I should aim for a hatrick.

So the only thing that came from my trip to Blackburn was that I bought that shirt from M&S for Dom for Christmas. I do like it a lot now, it’s lovely. Should look great on him.

This evening was fun. I meet Jess, Liz and Zena at Tesco and we wandered around chatting. It was so much fun! Had a good giggle, apparently I’m smaller than Zena remembers. Oh God, I’m small enough! Is it possible I’ve started shrinking? Then we went to MacDonalds which was fun. I was hysterical when I emptied my tray into the bin and somehow let go of the tray so the bin ate it…oops.

Love and Huggles, Claire

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

When I Feel Alone, I Reach For You And You Bring Me Home

Heaven Is A Place On Earth, Belinda Carlisle

Today was 2 days; the first was Find Where Barclays Is In Blackburn. Which we did easily and I now know where it is and how to get to it from the bus station. The second was Find The Perfect Purple Shirt. Which wasn’t so successful, the shirt I’d intended my parents to get Dom for Christmas isn’t sold in a Small, which my boff is of course. After a fruitless search we have the choice of one at M&S, which I like, not as much as the original mind. Tomorrow I’m gonna go buy it then we can return it if I find a nicer one. I’ve gotten all particular about this present, I know what I want, and what I want will look gorgeous on Dominic.

So we had a nice potter around Blackburn, Mum and I, before we caught the bus home and went to work. I wasn’t on panels/walls today *breathes sigh of relief, Some picking up, hovering and tables for added variety.

So feelings on tomorrow. I’m scared I think and there’s a worrying level of “meh I don’t really care”. I’m pretty much ready for it I think…I dunno. I probably haven’t got a hope in hell, and I don’t feel confident at all. Frankly I’d rather just go to sleep.

Love and Huggles, Claire

Ps. 28 days until Dom comes home, thought I’d forgotten didn’t you?

Ps. Thanks for the
counsel Helena, it helped but I don’t think I know how to be bitchy. I’d rather be upset myself than upset someone else. Keeps life simple I guess.

Monday, November 20, 2006

I Can Taste A Bit Of What I Will Find, So Much More To Life

Sweet Sixteen, Hilary Duff

I shall title today’s blogg with whatever is playing when I come to blogg, because I can’t think of anything really. I haven’t done a lot today that is worth blogging about really. I started to look properly at university prospectuses, rather than just putting them straight in the recycle bag based on their location, (sorry Durham).

It’s rather complicated, especially as I don’t quite know what kind of Biology degree I’m interested in. the original plan was to apply for broad spectrum ones, titles straight “Biology”, never mind any of this “Biomedical Genetics with Microbial and Cell Biology”. (Ok I made that one up!). Seriously it’s hard, especially when courses like “Biomedicine with Forensic Science”. There is also the slight problem I didn’t do Chemistry, and although I got an A in Biology I’m not sure how this will go down. I guess I should make some phone calls. I’m working on the basis that if at least narrow it down at each institution I can pick the courses later. A lot of them are pretty flexible so you can move between them if you change your mind.

I think I’ getting somewhere though. I re-ordered a prospectus from Liverpool because I don’t recall ever getting one. Ben says it’s a great uni, and nice and close so we’ll see what crops up.

Love, and Huggles, Claire

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Or At The High School Dance, Where You Can Find Romance, Maybe It Might Be Lo-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uve

We Go Together, John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John

Sorry I have Grease on the brain at the moment. I remember when my school put it on, and Mark Patterson wandered around the common room with the ring Danny gives Sandy, (Mark played Danny). He proceeded to propose to several girls in the common room at the time, but you know what, I WAS THE FIRST. Ha ha! I can proudly say that I’m the first girl Mark ever asked to marry him! I wonder what he’d’ve done if I said yes…

That was before the Days of Dominic. Oh, 30 days till he’s home. Woooo.

Some of you might get a kick out of this. Last week I told you that my 11 year old sister is taller than me. Well she had her feet measured yesterday and is a size 2½. When I started High School I was a size 13…..i recall doing a tally chart in Y7 Maths with Mrs Flecture on shoe size and having to admit that I was a size 13. She had to add another box to the chart just for me! My current size is, you guessed it, 2½. That’s a size 5 in the US, I checked for the benefit of my ‘merkin readers. Go and check it out in a shop, go see the size of my feet. All 20cms of them. My hands are 15cms long. Yes I am “impossibly tiny” to quote Dom.

This will also make you laugh. Whilst helping Mum order some Christmas presents I asked her to scroll up. She scrolled down.
“Mum, scroll up please.”
“I am”
“No you’re scrolling down.”
“No I’m not, look the screens going up.”
“Not it isn’t, SCROLL UP!”
“I AM!! Oh…maybe I am scrolling down..”
Bless her.

Now I think it’s a little unfair that my Mum gets to make us all laugh, so here’s one of my Dad’s little poems, (warning it’s a bit rude);

The cuckoo is a strange bird,
Who sits upon the grass,
His wings neatly folded,
And his beak stuck up his ass,
In this strange position,
The cuckoo sings twit-twit,
For it’s hard to sing cuckoo,
With a beak full of s**t.

Love and Huggles, Claire

Saturday, November 18, 2006

See Your Surprise, Hold You So Tight, I’m Counting Down The Days Tonight, I Just Wanna Be A Million Miles From Here

Counting Down The Days, Natalie Imbruglia

It is officially one month until my darling Dominic flies back from India. The countdown has begun, regardless of it annoying anyone. I miss him so much, (I know I’m not the only one either), but he will be back so soon. I’m so excited I cannie wait! It’s gonna fly by it really is. *squeaks happily.

In other news we did the Grandparent Rounds today. My Nana is frustrating me, I was asked several times why I’d come home from Bath. She knows why I’ve come home from Bath and frankly talking about it upsets me. My Mum is aware of it so hopefully she’ll have talked to my Nanna. I do love her I just find her frustrating sometimes.
My other Nanna and Grandpa are fine. I’m pretty close to them really so I enjoyed having tea with them. I’m a little worried about m Grandpa, it was discovered he has a haemorrhage behind one eye, (an eye that’s already had a cataracts removed and laser treatment), and he can’t see out of it properly. They haven’t stopped him driving yet, (you only need one good eye to drive), but we’re waiting on what his doctor says.

Blergh, I subjected myself to the flu jab on Wednesday. I currently feel rather fluey. I wish I could stop sneezing though. I’ve been sneezing on and off for the last fortnight and as much as I enjoy sneezing the novelty has rather worn off. Urgh, I’m going to make a brew and eat this chocolate and go to bed.

Love and Huggles, Claire

Friday, November 17, 2006

So I Must Leave, I’ll Have To Go, To Las Vegas Or Monaco. I’ll Win A Fortune In A Game, My Life Will Never Be The Same

Money, Money, Money, ABBA

Well I’ve had a really funny day. I met Liz and Jess this morning and we ended up shopping in Bury. I managed to get a few more Christmas presents. We spent ages looking for a place to eat, “Submarine” was crammed, and Burger King has vanished. We ended up at our safety net of MacDonalds. Does any one know what the toys in the Happy Meals are supposed to be/do? They’re pretty funky whatever.

We had a real giggle all day but the most challenging thing was figuring out how we got out of Bury! We went round two roundabouts completely in our search. He he. Pity we didn’t make it a hatrick. Then we got stuck on Broadway for ages because of roadworks and all the parents who simply have to pick their children up from right outside the school. As in five feet from the gates. Some even wait inside the turning circle, which means the busses can’t get out! Add in the driver who convince themselves they can get their car through the gap before the lights change even though they know they can’t and end up blocking everything. We had to sit there through a full traffic light cyle before we could get through. Yeeshk.

Anyways Jess has her cleaning job back, which is brilliant. She needs the money to pay for her lovely new shiny Ford KAAAAAA *giggles.

Cleaning was interesting, I got a call at half three from my mum saying Barclay’s had called me. I waited until I found Marj and Linda to see if I could call them back. The answer was “yes, why are you still stood here? Go call now now!!!” Aren’t my bosses lovely? Apparently I have an interview next Wednesday at 12 o’clock at the Blackburn branch. So please cross your fingers, because it would be lovely if I got this job. Although with no customer service experience I may be a bit stuck.

Love and Huggles, Claire

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

You’re The One That I Want, Ho Honey, The One That I Need, Oh Yes Indeed!

The One That I Want, Oliva Newton-John and John Travolta, Grease. I danced my tush off to this this morning.

Well I rang the bank. I somehow made it through the telephone interview, and now am awaiting an application pack and a call from my local branch manager when there’s an opening. The sooner the better really, I’ll be glad when there’s money coming in, I don’t get a wage this month due to being paid a month in hand. Although when I got a statement the other day it was much healthier than I though. Thank god for bonds! (and not the James ones.)

The only other thing I did today was burn some pictures onto a CD for Chrish, which won’t, I discovered, fit into the padded envelope Luke’s Christmas present arrived in. I was planning on recycling it. A trip to the post office is in order.

My latest problem is that Bath Spa has been unable to withdraw the money for my accommodation and studio fees from my account because the details they have are from my old card. It became a Switch one when I got a Student account, and I registered my old card on The Student Portal, (where we registered for the uni). There isn’t any way of changing the details stored in the Portal, and I am awaiting and email back on what to do.

Ooo speaking of emails, I got another one today. He’s off travelling the nest 2 weeks so I suspect I won’t hear anything for a bit. At least I know why this time! Bless. Not that long till he’s home. This means very little time till Christmas, and I still have a lot of peoples stuff to get!!! My Dad bought the CD I was planning on getting Mum himself, which means her present is no longer sorted. Nicht so gute.

Well that’s about it I think. Glad everyone liked the art, sorry there are 2 pictures the same, but I couldn’t choose.

Love and Huggles, Claire

Somethin's Cooking, I'm At The Griddle, I Brought Nero His Very First Fiddle

What You Feel, Buffy The Vampire Slayer;Once More With Feeling. An all singing and danicng episode that fankly, rocked and was playing when I blogged these pics.

Just for you Henners. Sorry they've come out a bit rubbish, but the lights not too good in my room.

Love and Huggles, Claire

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Which Pets Are Prone To Hardly Any Flaws? Naturalment The Aristocats!

The Aristocats, Richard M. Sherman and Robert B. Sherman

I had intended to do a lot today. Sadly I didn’t get a huge amount done. I’ve finished writing Chrish’s letter, just need to burn some pics onto CD before I post it. I did some more work on my collages, and I might do some more if I blogg fast enough. Trouble is I want to get slap-happy with nail varnish, but I need to do that in the kitchen with the extractor fan on really, last time I inhaled far too much….

I was going to call the bank today but we had a problem with our gas bill my Dad’s spent all day sporting out and as I didn’t know how long my call would take I decided not to make it. I figured it was best to let Dad get on with and sort out his finances. Stupid British Gas. If we fix our prices for five years that means our bill shouldn’t suddenly double.

Oh I made the mistake of downloading Internet Explorer 7 today. I then spent an hour uninstalling it. It is seriously rubbish. Don’t do it!!!! For the love of all things pink and holy don't do it!!!!!

I spent 2 hours cleaning white walls again. I’ll admit they do look cleaner when you’re done, and I was pleased when Marj and Linda said I’d made a good job on Friday, but it still is soooo boring. I seriously need another job, but for the moment I am grateful I have the one I have. It brings in money at least. Oh well, better get my tush in gear then.

Love and Huggles, Claire

Monday, November 13, 2006

Sky Of Blue And Sea Of Green In Our Yellow Submarine

Yellow Submarine, The Beetles
Today my Mum asked me if I fancied going to Submarine for lunch. She meant Subway. Bless.

Right I have several hundred feet of different varieties of wool, and many meters of Bondaweb dissolvable stuff. I hope that’s enough to make all the scarves I need to make. “I thought you couldn’t knit ?” I hear you cry. “I can’t” I reply. “Then how will you make scarves?” you ask. With a very clever technique I picked up at the Knit and Stitch Show. That means both my Nanna’s are getting lovely scarves for Christmas, and my boff’s mum. Now all I need is the time to spend doing them all.

That’s all I’ve done today really. The world hasn’t been good for couples today it would appear or some of them at least. Oh dear. Thankfully I feel more like my self than I have done for ages. I’m still on a high from Dominic calling me. It’s amazing how something so simple can solve so much. *grins

I think I’ve rubbed a blister on my finger trying to remove the masking fluid from a ink drawing type thingy I did last night. The stuff wouldn’t come off. How rude! It looks ok, but I haven’t decided yet. I’ll blogg it on Blogger tomorrow I think.

Love and Huggles, Claire

Sunday, November 12, 2006

It was real it was magic, it was calm it was savage, it did all the things love does. That’s how I knew It Was

It Was, Chely Wright

Brillaint day. I actually managed to get my personal statement done and intoUCAS, although I might change it a little between now and sending it to Mrs Peagam. At least somethings done!

The highlight of this weekend can probably be summed up by my last blogg, or rather the vain attempt to write one. As you may have figured out Dominic called me. He sadi he’d try but I was doing ym best not to get my hopes up. We had a wonderfull 20 minuet conversation before his credit ran out, discussing everything from Bangalore’s lack of cheese and elephants to the fact my sister is now taller than me and she’s 11. it felt so amazing to hear from him, I’ve missed talking to him so much. It’s put me on a total high, and I’m so gratefull for him calling me. Wooo I love my boyfriend!

It’s made me so happy I’m actually going to go and do some art. My River Avon project isn’t getting anywhere fast at the moment.

So. Very. Happy.

Love and Huggles, Claire

*Is too excited to find a song for a blogg title

*goes to hug anything remotly huggable whilst bouncing off the walls.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Hey Boys Are You Ready For The Shock? I’m Living Proof The Girl Can Rock

Girl Can Rock, Hilary Duff

Hectic day. This morning a trip to Bury was in order, I needed somewhere that did bra fitting, which meant La Senza or Marks and Sparks and Bury as both. We dutifully tottled off, I got myself measured and enjoyed trying on pretty lingerie. I bought the prettiest white bra with iridescent turquoise embroidery on it, it’s soooo pretty. But enough about my bras.

Then we went over to the craft shop in Ramsbottom. I want to make some scarf’s for my Nanna’s and Tina for Christmas, using the technique I discovered at the Knit and Stitch Show. Unfortunately whilst wool is relativy easy to get hold off Vilene Interfacing Sloufleece is a bit harder. Well nonexistent to be honest. Thankfully SuperMum has something very similar that she bought from Oswaldtwistle Mills, so a trip to there is needed. Ooo what fun.

This afternoon I met Liz at Tesco and we enjoyed a good wander and cake. As we sat waiting for a bus to go shopping we discovered that our topics of conversation had been; what to eat, Rob/Matt/Ste, Dom, unicyling, crazy men shouting stuff at us, Marj and Linda’s moods and where the hell is the bus? Lol. I tried to use my unagi and my “poof! There’s a bus!” technique but sadly the wind meant my unagi was off.
Once in Accrington we wandered around a few shops. I found the cutest short brown tweed effect skirt. I wanted a short skirt to wear with my boots, and it looks, I am assured, very nice. Thanks for the opinion Lizzykins. I can’t wait to wear it! I already know one time I want to wear it.

We caught the bus to meet Jess B, who very kindly drove us home in her new car, Sebastian, whom she is getting acquainted with. She’s an excellent driver! I Couldn’t fault her. I was so grateful as it was hurling it down with the ferocity that only us Haslingdanians ever experience and we had the first hail of the season. Whoopee. Liz and I screamed like babies when we got off the bus and it hit us.

Love and Huggles, Claire

Friday, November 10, 2006

Two Steps Away From The County Line, Just Trying To Keep My Customers Satisfied

Keep The Customer Satisfied, Simon and Garfunkle

Today folks I actually achieved something, or several things rather. I called UCAS and was told I had to reapply from scratch as a new applicant, so that’s what I’ve done. Having a copy of last years completed form means it’s much faster and easier. All I have to do is fill in what courses I want to do and add my personal statement in. the latter I intend to do this weekend. Ideally I’d like it sent this week sometime, but we’ll see. UCAS are simply lovely on the phone, couldn’t fault my lady.

I filled in my forms for Cleaning so they know where to send my money, which is very very important. Work itself was dull, cleaning walls for 2 hours solid will drive you insane and if those are white and it’s a corridor you won’t be able to see straight for along time afterwards.

I also did my letter to my Local Education Authority to cancel my loans and ask them to tell me how I repay them. I can easily afford to pay it all back this year, so I will if possible, that way I don’t have an extra year’s loan and interest. Cunning eh?

This morning I got supper doper letter from dear old Katie, (Sparkles), which was a brilliant read. I’d better get my tush in gear and reply! I owe Chrish a letter as well. So all is well and normal in my world right now. Tis good to be feeling me again.

On a more worrying note my Dad is apparently as unhappy with his job as he was three years ago, when he was so unhappy he was off “clinically depressed” for about 12 weeks. The change in him whilst off was amazing, he was so happy and I loved having a constantly happy Daddy around. He’s always hated his job, but whether he’ll bit the bullet and leave I don’t know. I’ve made it clear to my Mum I’d support my Dad 110% if he decided to leave. It’s scary but I’d rather he did, I want to see him happy.

Love and Huggles, Claire

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Someone To Face The Day With, Make It Through All The Rest With, Someone I’ll Always Laugh With, Even At My Worst I’m At my Best With You

I’ll Be There For You, The Rembrandts

Another day of invigilating and cleaning, ooo the joy of work. I have also continued the tidying of my bedroom, the posting of the letters and attempting to shorten my jobs list. Not getting very far but some of them will vanish rapidly when I can get into UCAS. As my account is last years I can’t get in to do anything. Methinks they need a poking via the phone.

Whilst invigilating I thought of/noticed several interesting, (or not so interesting) things and thought I’d share them with you;

1. There are 18 lights in the hall
2. The hall seats 119 people on 9 rows or 13 desks. We had 118 pupils as one didn’t show up, (she and 2 others didn’t show up last time, and the 2 that did today needn’t have bothered, they still have to resit both papers.)
3. The girls wear the silliest shoes, ballerina pumps may be cute but in winter, with the weather round here??? Madness.
4. There are things you shouldn’t think about while working; one is you boff, and another is something funny someone said, both result in a silly grin on your face that makes you look crazy.
5. You can try and plan you Avon order but it’s kinda hard without a photographic memory of the whole brochure.
6. The first hour is the slowest, the second 55mins the fastest and the last 5 crawl by.
7. You can’t write a letter either if you haven’t anything to write it on.

There may have been other things but that’s all I recall at the moment.

I had Lancaster Uni sold shamelessly to me by Mr Mercer. He was pushing for me to do a really good degree, and told be how easily I’d be snapped up post-degree because “you’re sharp and so easy to work with because your so pleasant”. I’ve never had a teacher be so lovely and complimentary to me before. Bless him. Mrs Platt was very upset to hear I’d had such a rough time in Bath, she watched us stand outside our cupboard giggling and excited over uni so that’s understandable. I’m amazed by how many of the teachers there care so much about me and my wellbeing, it’s so touching. Says it all for the school, if you give the place your all it gives so much back.

Also heard from my lovely Dom, Hotmail ate the contents of yesterdays email but I got an apologetic one today. He’s hoping to call me this weekend. That would be so lovely, I can’t wait to hear his voice, and I miss it so much.

Love and Huggles, Claire

Ps. Get well soon Skye, you poor scary mutt.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

I Wasn’t Built For Comfort I Was Built For Speed

Bad For Good, Meat Loaf. I think I was built more for comfort myself…*snuggles up

Busy day today, I sorted out my letter to my insurance company and another one to Bath Spa. I tidied my bedroom and went to work, which was ok. They were a bit cranky, picking on everything everybody did. How rude! Neways that’s about it, got a diary to write in and Torchwood’s on.

Love and Huggles, Claire

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

The Walls Will Tumble But I’m Not Gonna Cry

Jericho, Hilary Duff

I didn’t blogg yesterday because I wasn’t feeling very happy. I felt very useless and like I’d let so many people down. I’m currently avoiding my old Textiles teacher because she knows I’m back and is not impressed, oh dear. The whole getting a job thing was stressing me out, there’s so much I have to do in such a short space of time. Don’t even get me started on sorting my loan and insurance.

Today I’m feeling much better; I tackled my big stack of prospectuses and have picked out the big six. There are several courses at each that interest me, so that’s the next task. But they are, (no particular order), Manchester, Man Met, Lancaster, Huddersfield, Chester and Leeds. Liverpool John Moores looks good too but I need some research on that. It could change; I think there are some prospectuses still to come.
Oh, invigilating went ok yesterday. It was very boring but I’m sure I can find interesting ways to amuse myself.

My little sister is growing up, she went to a party and had her hair, nails and makeup done. She started using my nail varnish whilst I was away, so she’s getting some of her own for Christmas! She looked so much older, bless.

Love and Huggles, Claire

The Walls Will Tumble But I’m Not Gonna Cry

Jericho, Hilary Duff

I didn’t blogg yesterday because I wasn’t feeling very happy. I felt very useless and like I’d let so many people down. I’m currently avoiding my old Textiles teacher because she knows I’m back and is not impressed, oh dear. The whole getting a job thing was stressing me out, there’s so much I have to do in such a short space of time. Don’t even get me started on sorting my loan and insurance.

Today I’m feeling much better; I tackled my big stack of prospectuses and have picked out the big six. There are several courses at each that interest me, so that’s the next task. But they are, (no particular order), Manchester, Man Met, Lancaster, Huddersfield, Chester and Leeds. Liverpool John Moores looks good too but I need some research on that. It could change; I think there are some prospectuses still to come.
Oh, invigilating went ok yesterday. It was very boring but I’m sure I can find interesting ways to amuse myself.

My little sister is growing up, she went to a party and had her hair, nails and makeup done. She started using my nail varnish whilst I was away, so she’s getting some of her own for Christmas! She looked so much older, bless.

Love and Huggles, Claire

Sunday, November 05, 2006

You Can Try To Resist, Try To Hide From My Kiss But You Know That You Can’t Fight The Moonlight

Can’t Fight The Moonlight, LeAnn Rhimes

Ok I know this isn't moonlight, but check out this sunset from oop North. This place ROCKS!

Brilliant day spent mostly with Liz and Luke. I met them and Jess and her boff Terry for breakfast this morning, Chrish was supposed to come but she locked herself out and couldn’t. Awww I miss her so much and now I have to wait ages to see her. Luckily her lemon cake went to Lukey so wasn’t wasted and I have lovely Liz and Jess to have adventures with.

Liz, Luke and me all watched Coyote Ugly together at Liz’s whilst eating lot’s of junk food. Yummy chocolate and a good film. I got to snuggle up a little with my lovely luke’s leg, missed him a lot. That’s half my boys seen now. Just Eddy to see. And of course Dom, but he’s not easy to get to currently. We’ll make up for lost time when he comes home I’m sure.

He he, Liz your dog is sooo scary. *hides from Skye. Can we send her away to Brat Camp?

I had a go in my new boots today, all skirtified with my brown floaty skirt and my TopShop forest green jumper with baby pink and white vests underneath. I looked very pretty I think, I enjoy wearing skirts, but don’t bother that often, (Normally only when someone is around to appreciate it.) Although my boots weren’t particularly uncomfortable, I have gained a blister on my little toe, and one on the side and underneath my big toe, but I think that’s more to do with the seams on my tights being in the wrong places. Ouch, and I’m wearing the same thing tomorrow for invigilating.
Wish me luck on that folks!

Love and Huggles, Claire

You Can Try To Resist, Try To Hide From My Kiss But You Know That You Can’t Fight The Moonlight

Can’t Fight The Moonlight, LeAnn Rhimes

Brilliant day spent mostly with Liz and Luke. I met them and Jess and her boff Terry for breakfast this morning, Chrish was supposed to come but she locked herself out and couldn’t. Awww I miss her so much and now I have to wait ages to see her. Luckily her lemon cake went to Lukey so wasn’t wasted and I have lovely Liz and Jess to have adventures with.

Liz, Luke and me all watched Coyote Ugly together at Liz’s whilst eating lot’s of junk food. Yummy chocolate and a good film. I got to snuggle up a little with my lovely luke’s leg, missed him a lot. That’s half my boys seen now. Just Eddy to see. And of course Dom, but he’s not easy to get to currently. We’ll make up for lost time when he comes home I’m sure.

He he, Liz your dog is sooo scary. *hides from Skye. Can we send her away to Brat Camp?

I had a go in my new boots today, all skirtified with my brown floaty skirt and my TopShop forest green jumper with baby pink and white vests underneath. I looked very pretty I think, I enjoy wearing skirts, but don’t bother that often, (Normally only when someone is around to appreciate it.) Although my boots weren’t particularly uncomfortable, I have gained a blister on my little toe, and one on the side and underneath my big toe, but I think that’s more to do with the seams on my tights being in the wrong places. Ouch, and I’m wearing the same thing tomorrow for invigilating.
Wish me luck on that folks!

Love and Huggles, Claire

Saturday, November 04, 2006

The Time Has Come To Show The World You Want It All

The Monster Is Loose, title track on Bat Out Of Hell 3; The Monster Is Loose, Meat Loaf

Yesterday rocked on so many levels. Firstly I got an email from my significant other, Dominic, who is still alive and well in India. He’s very happy with a rather lovely bong he’s bought….so long as he’s happy and hasn’t been eaten by a rogue elephant I don’t care because I really haven’t got any insurance on him.
Then I went to my Jessykins and we watched Monsters Inc. Omigod how cute is Boo? It’s so funny!!! Thank god for kid’s films.
After some mad planning Jess, Liz and I went to see “The Devil Wears Prada”. Oh wow, that is one good film folks, totally puts you off fashion journalism. Meryl Streep is frankly terrifying, even if half her head is missing! Lol

Today was rather stressful, a visit to my Nanna Pen always is really, for too many reasons to list. Today she spent hours telling me I should be going to Chester Uni because “that boys there” and why hadn’t I gone there…..I swear she’s trying to match-make me and Luke. She asked hadn’t I tried to find a nice boy in Bath, because that would have solved things! I politely pointed out to her I already have a nice boy, in the middle of deepest dark India. *bangs head on wall

Hmmm bedtime, Love and Huggles, Claire

Ps. I bought the cutest boots today, NUS cards kickass, and as you can guess, Meat’s new album. Yes I caved, so shoot me I’m weak. You would have done the same…with something you really wanted.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

It's So Beautiful Out Here, I Just Had To Stop And Stare. (Since You Walked Into My Life I Want More From The Night)

Make Me Love You, Jessica Andrews

There are some beautiful places in Lancashire. Today I went on a big walk up near Pendle Hill, (yes where the witches come from), with my Mummy and the group of people she’s been going for weekly walks with. They’re all lovely, and it was a lot of fun. Bloody freezing but you soon warm up once you get going. The cold proved useful as the ground we were walking on for parts was rather boggy and the frost helped to keep it firm to stand on. I still got incredibly muddy and have a lovely pair of blisters.
He he, we had dinner in the little foody place at the end, and the women taking orders and serving was dead cert for a genuine Pendle Witch, she was so scary. Until two of the men who’d come with us ganged up on my mum’s friend, Margaret, to try and steal some of her corned beef hash. That’s a sure fire way of getting you into prison in Lancs, that is.

The only other thrilling thing I did today was hand in my application form for a job at Tesco. *shudders at the thought of becoming a Tesco slave. A jobs a job.
Oh, I got the funniest text ever from Liz, “Just realised if we put you on a biscuit and cover you in chocolate then you’d be a teacake.” It took me ages to get it but it’s hilarious. So long as no one bashes me on their forehead, peels my chocolate off, eats the biscuit, licks out my innards then finishes off the marshmallowey remains I’m ok with being a teacake. The dipping in chocolate sounds rather fun too….

Better stop before this goes the wrong way….
Love and Huggles, Claire

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

When You Really Really Need It The Most, That’s When Rock and Rolls Dreams Come Through

Rock ‘n’ Roll Dreams, Meat Loaf

Right I tried to tidy up all my folders of schoolwork today. I’ve produced 2 bags of rubbish for le recycling bin, but still haven’t gotten far with it really. Eep this is gonna take forever methinks.

I spent most of the day rather down. I’d managed to tie myself into knots about getting my old job back, and convinced myself they wouldn’t want me. I desperately wanted it back because it’s a familiar, safe environment. It means I’m earning and can help my mum out and gives me something that will physically tire me as currently it’s all emotional exhaustion putting me to sleep at night. Things started to go wrong when I woke up and my sister had already left for school and Mummy was just leaving to meet her friend. This left me home alone, something that wouldn’t normally bother me but did this time. I was scared and didn’t want to get up till she came home, or ten whichever came first. Sadly ten did but Mummy came soon after, (thankfully).

We had a chat in the afternoon and sneezing my head off for about 2 hours made me feel a lot better. If I recall correctly it releases endorphins or such like….which explains why I enjoy it so. I’m still sneezing now, on and off, and I’ve just chased my tail all puppy like, so now I’m dizzy too.

Despite my fears about my job Marj and Linda were lovely and gave it me straight back. Feels good to be back in my old routine and they even said they missed they’re “little un”. Bless, I’ve missed them too.

OOO it’s Torchwood time folks! Better run.
Love and Huggles, Claire

PS. Meat Loafs new album, The Monster Is Loose ROCKS!!!! *resists urge to buy

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

First Your Up, Then Your Down

Whatever, Jessica Andrews

Today started with me being back to my uber-hyper self; Mummy, Katie and me were going to see "Open Season", which is pretty good. To be honest all the kiddies films are getting a little samey when it comes to plot lines but Billy Connolly as McSquizzy was hilarious. Give the dude his own show! Oh and will someone come and see "Happy Feet" with me? Come on, a film about a tap-dancing penguin and with Robin Williams? What's not to love?

Did a bit of shopping, treated myself to The Princess Diaries box set, because frankly they are the BEST movies ever and make me feel so happy. They make it into my all time top ten so easy. I also bought a CD of the Everly Bros. for my Mummy for Christmas, and something for Dom, but only Jess B knows what it is and I'm not telling.
Speaking of Jess B, I ran into her in Music Zone, I couldn't believe it. She had her hair tied up so I wasn't too sure if it was her, even if it was her coat. A tentative "Jess?" proved fruitless but then she turned round and it was huggles all round! Another person who seeing made me want to cry, I've missed her loads. We had a quick chat and I'll be seeing her later this week I hope. I love my little Jessykins.

Things went downhill at bit in the afternoon. I just started to feel really down. I just can't seem to maintain the perma-happiness I used to at the moment. The slightest thing makes me feel miserable and like I want to cry. Then I'll be back to normal so quickly. I do not like being this emotional. Eventually I'll get through this. I hope.
Reading my old diaries turned out to be very useful today. I found some form last March, and realised that I had the same issues then that I have again now. They went away very quickly with careful attention, so will go away again.

Well I have a stack of ironing to do and the Princess Diaries to watch, so that's all from me.
Love and Huggles, Claire

Monday, October 30, 2006

If You Pay Your Dues In Darkness, You'll Appreciate The Light, 'Cause A Deep Down Low Makes Level Feel So High

Deep Down Low, Chely Wright

Another wonderfull day at home, I'm starting o feel much more like myself. I'm still waking up exhausted, which is apparently stress so hopefully that'll go soon. I don't feel half as worried about other things, and nearly a month and a half until Dom is home, and that means nearly1 and ¾ months until Christmas! Oooo that means Christmas shopping too, I love buying people presents.Went to the doctors this morning to get a sick note for my insurance. Dr.Towers is frankly the best doc ever, (I think I've said that before), and completely understood what I'd been through, and is happily writing my letter now. Those headaches were rather usefull, we're claiming it "aggrevated my migraines". Which is true.
Then I went for a hot chocolate with my mummy, something I have missed doing. We had a brief chat over it too. I've missed being able to talk to my mum about pretty much everything.

I walked down to Tesco and met Liz. I didn't realise how much I missed her until we hugged and I wanted to cry. There are so many different ways to miss people; the horrible constant way I missed my home and family, the nagging every-now-and-then-when-something-reminds-you way I miss Dom, the suddenly hits you kind my friends have given me…..Neways we wandered around and got goodies and asked about jobs, I have an application form to fill in now. Cross your fingers.
Back at Liz's we were greeted by a scary bouncy dog known as Skye, who has grown so much, she's huge! Then we went for Part 1 of our Dinnerlaides marathon. I don't care what anyone says, it's truly northen. I know people like them! And it's so funny!!!!!

"I'm agoraphobic. I fell off a diving board in Guernsey!"

"I didn't just come up the Manchester Ship Canal on a Ryvita, you know.""My Dad was a Desert Rat; he made toast for 34 fighting men with a radiator grill and a flamethrower!"

"I've had postnatal disinterest for 30 years""That reminds me I must get some more knickers. Not that you needed to know about my underwear situation."

"My cones out and my danders up!"

"Be fair not a lot of cucumbers can do it for themsleves"

Love and Huggles, Claire

Sunday, October 29, 2006

I Ain't Afraid Of No Ghosts

Ghostbusters theme tune

Another wonderful day at home. I went for a Tesco breakfast this morning with Katie, which was wonderful. I haven't seen her since before Results Day so seeing her was brilliant. Then we went to see "Hoodwinked", our tradition of seeing kid's films together has not vanished. Defo a good film, SHNITZEL!!!!!!! And whoever thought of making a rabbit the baddie, you rock. I guessed it was Boingo, me is smart.

Then we waited for Katie-Jane and went to MacDonald's for dinner, yummy yummy. I did enjoy just randomly talking about stuff and listening to crazy music like the Vengaboys, who frankly kick ass.

Oh, on another note, thanks Scott for talking some sense into me tonight. Lori is a very lucky lady! Sometimes a guy's perspective is just what you need.

Love and Huggles, Claire

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Scooby Doo if you come through you're gonna have yourself a Scooby Snack!

Scooby Doo song, because we all know how much Chrish loves food and Scooby Doo!

My first day at home has been lovely. I slept better than I have done for weeks, and woke up feeling refreshed rather than exhausted. I’m still very tired from all my late nights but I plan to get some early ones in my lovely lovely bed.

The unpacking is a little stressful, mainly because nothing seems to fit where it came from. My underwear draw appears to have shrunk to start with. I think I need to get everything put away then I can start a massive clear out. *groans. I need to get that done fast because I want my room nice and tidy and I want to carry on with my River Avon project. The next step is simplifying and making patterns form my pictures, which is the exciting bit.

Chrish came round today, for several brews. I met her of the bus and we bought fun buns before coming back home to eat them with a brew. We talked until lunch, she told me all her funny stories from St. Martins, (Lancaster), and had a good giggle. Then we watched Lion King 3; Hakunana Matata over lunch before making our way upstairs to be silly and play around. We turned these little toys my sister has which consist of a Winnie the Pooh insider a rubber animal casing. We took great delight in taking the Pooh out and turning them inside out to see what the animals looked like. It was so very funny, as were these pics of Chrish with these magnetic sticks stuck to her face!
Then we looked at the CD of photos we got at the end of the last year and had a scream making up funny captions for them. So many lovely photos of us all!!!! And a simply lovely one of us all form our Leavers Ball.
Seeing Chrish was so lovely. She’s one of my best friends and by god did I need a boost of her. Just to talk to someone who you can have so much fun with and confide in so easily is wonderful. I haven’t half missed her, and didn’t’ realise how much I had until I was waiting for her bus and started to well up. Ooo I love my Chrishykins.

I also got my silliness sorted out. Having not heard from Dom for nearly 2 weeks now has worried me somewhat, but it was a bit of a relief to hear from Tina that she hasn’t heard from him either. According to mum it’s monsoon season in India, so methinks le power is le screwed. I hope he’s ok, and I hope Tina gets in touch with him! There’s only a month and a half until he comes home, which will be so wonderful. *eagerly awaits

Tomorrow I’m seeing Katie and Katie-Jane which will be simply lovely. I call shotgun! Blah ha ha ha ha ha…..

Love and Huggles, Claire

Friday, October 27, 2006

Wherever I Wander - The One Thing I've Learned, It's To Here I Will Always Return

This Is Where I Belong, Bryan Adams, Spirit; Stallion of the Cimarron

I’m home. It feels so wonderful. I love my parents for coming and getting me and I love this place. Wooooooooo!

Love and Huggles, Claire

Monday, October 23, 2006

I'm Chasing My Dreams Down River Road

River Road, Crystal Gayle

More of my artwork for you all;

Love and Huggles, Claire

Could Taste Your Sweet Kisses, Your Arms Open Wide, This Fever For You Was Just Burning Me Up Inside

I Drove All Night, Celine Dion

Last time I blogged I said I’d blogg again, but didn’t. So what have I done?
Well I posted my letter to the Registrar on Saturday, so it’s all official. I’ve been ordering prospectuses like crazy on UCAS, this time wisely using the option to pick institutions in the North West, North East and Yorkshire and Humberside regions. Daddy said he’s prepared to drive 2 ½ hours to visit me, (five hour round trip), but even that doesn’t seem so good as Daddy said he won’t be doing that more than once a month. *whimper. Manchester Met would be ideal. Or anywhere close……If anyone points out I’ve done a complete flip-reverse here, Bath Spa to Man Met, then you’d be right. I’m unwilling to make the same mistake again. “I need to make mistakes just to learn who I am.” Britney Spears, Overprotected.

The last couple of days have been pretty tough. After a month I’ve hit the point where I miss Dom like hell, even during the exam month we spoke daily. It’s not just missing my boyfriend it’s missing one of my closest friends and one of the people who would be able to make this all go away. I know from the exam month this is a phase that passes, then I get to look forward to him coming home. Once I’m home I’ll have so much to keep me busy; UCAS, job hunting, cleaning, my art work, my scrapbooks…..and being busy will make things so much easier.
What made it harder was Sam’s parents, grandparents and sister came up on Sunday. They brought a huge food parcel for her, and watching them put it away made me miss my own family. It was like someone twisting a knife. It’s odd but now there’s only three days until I see them and go home I’m feeling worse than ever. Being hugged is possibly what I miss the most, you all know how tactile I am, I can’t deal with being starved of affection like this. *grabs White Teddy.

On a more positive note I have managed to get a zip-up jumper with “Bath Spa University” on it. I did want pink but the only one left at the other campus has a broken zip, so I’ve ended up with navy. I’m a big believer in fate so I’m not bothered, navy shows the dirt less and goes with more of my wardrobe really.
I got hold of the latest Meat Loaf single as well, “It’s All Coming Back To Me Now”. Again the big guy gets it right, it’s cracking.
As is Celine Dion’s last album, One Heart. I bought it because I love her version of “I Drove All Night”, but have only been able to download a disco version. The whole album rocks!

Love and Huggles, Claire

PS, Check it out;

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Let Me Let You In On A Secret, On How To Treat A Women Right

If You Wanna Touch Her, Ask! , Shania Twain.

The last few days have been full of drama and such like. So I have rather a lot to blogg.

Wednesday evening I went out with everyone. We started in Vodka Revolution, and I tried on the advice of the o so wise Katie, a Russian Bride. Which is seriously the best drink ever invented by man, next to hot chocolate of course. Then we went to the cheese night at one of Bath’s few clubs, Delta Krug. I haven’t had so much fun dancing for a long time, and with such a huge group of girls made it so brilliant. Considering the amount of junk food I’ve been eating I SO needed the exercise. You should have seen our kitchen’s face\when “Sweet Child of Mine” came on, it’s pretty much become our anthem. And JT’s “Sexy Back”, I’ll never forget Sam dancing with the fridge because she was so desperate to dance that fist week we were here. So many of the songs made me think of people, “Ain’t No Other Man” by Christina Aguilera makes me think of Luke because he knows all the words and REALLY shouldn’t. Bless.
I was also impressed that Bath’s male population behaved themselves, considering how rude the shoppers are I was wary. i got some random guy put his arm around me on the way to the bar, blocking my path. Rather than freak I wordlessly removed his arm and carried on walking. Go me I thought, until Sam and I ended up next to him and his friends at the bar. One of them got a mouthful for pinching Sam’s bum, and to apologise bought us the 4 drinks we’d come to buy, which set him back over a tenner. And my randomer apologised to me, but seriously if you wanna dance with me, ASK!!! Manners people! I was also informed by Rosie whilst dancing in Delta Krug that some dude dancing behind/to the side of me was staring at me and ordered to go dance with him. I didn’t, and aside from brief conversation and saying goodbye I didn’t speak to him. He seemed ok, but I was there to dance with my girlies. I already have a wonderful boff, so wasn’t interested in dancing with another dude. Neways I had lots of fun, it was a really good night out.

Thursday’s main event was the big blow up in the evening. There have been issues building for a while, Paddy didn’t clean his stuff up after him, and Lauren was feeling under appreciated, and a bazillion more issues I don’t know about and no-one is sharing. For nearly an hour they argued and talked it out in the corridor. I sat in the kitchen with Sam, Matt and Ellie. It was horrible, I hate conflict and I hate not being able to solve people’s problems or make them feel better. In the end it was just left for everyone to get some breathing space. Sam and I went down to the bar to chill for a bit, I didn’t get to unwind for a couple of reasons but Sam thanked me the next day for letting her confide and talk to me. So at least I helped someone.

Yesterday I didn’t do much; the highlight was probably watching 40 Days and 40 Nights with Sam and Sophia. It’s not a bad film, but I have issues with part of the ending. To me his ex having sex with him without his consent whilst he’s asleep would normally be considered rape. If the roles were reversed and he’d done it to her it certainly would have been and people would have been angry. I do dislike double-standards in any form. Or perhaps I’m uptight. What do we think guys?

I will blogg again later, so it’s not so big. I may have more to say then too.

Love and Huggles, Claire

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Why Do You Have To Make Things So Complicated

Complicated, Avril Lavigne

So today I began the very complicated process of leaving Bath Spa. I went to see Housing, and the lady was lovely. She basically said the same as she had in her letter, I only have to pay rent for the weeks I’ve been here plus £50 early release from my contract. She will do the paper work after I’ve gone so if I stay, (very very unlikely!) all I have to do is go and see her and tell her. She sent me to the Finance Lady who was a little snotty, and said I have to write a letter and send ti to three different people. When I mentioned I would be seeing my course leader tomorrow she was all “don’t see him until you’ve written the letter”. John told me to go back when I’d made a decision and I have so hopefully I’ll be seeing him tomorrow. And Welfare. God this is complicated. The system is designed so you can’t drop out if you want unless you’re determined! Thank god I inherited my Dad’s stubborn streak.

I spent the day messing around on Photoshop, which was actually rather boring. Then I froze the Mac and it crashed and I lost all my work this afternoon. Poopy. Oh well I don’t need it thankfully.

Bit the bullet and told Sam I was defiantly going home. It was hard because I’m closer to her than anyone else here, even if it isn’t much. Then I told Tasha. That’s two down and four more to go. Not that we ever see Chris…..he he

Love and Huggles, Claire

PS. They did all go to IKEA but meh, why hold a grudge? What's done is done. And we're gonna go watch "Ten Things I Hate About You" in a minuet.

If I Were A Painter....

Painter Song, Norha Jones

As promised, last nights pictures;

Love and Huggles, Claire

Monday, October 16, 2006

I'm Sick and Tired of Always Being Sick and Tired

Sick and Tired, Anastasia

Today started really well, I dragged myself outta bed and went to the studio and actually did some work that I like, so much so I shall include the pics in the blogger blogg, (sorry myspace folks). I did some further work this afternoon too.
Unfortunately things went downhill rather fast. All day I have been very miserable and very very low. I don’t know what really set me off, I do recall getting a lovely email from Dom and after brief elation feeling worse than ever. This is odd because his emails normally set me up for the rest of the day. Perhaps the disappointment of not getting Katie’s letter didn’t help….It also doesn’t help that I’m pretty damn sure everyone went off too IKEA this afternoon whilst I was in my room working. I’ve been so excited about going and now they’ve been without me. I really am easily forgotten.

I don’t think Paddy is speaking to me after Friday morning but I haven’t really been in the same room long enough to know if that’s just my insecurity.Speaking of, the lovely (and I use the term lovely sarcastically), security guard who came round with Mr Smoke Alarm Dude to fit my smoke alarm decided that my relationship was going to last two weeks. I laughed politely but was seriously not in the mood to hear that. What the hell does he know about my relationship? Bum off. His reasoning that guys are always worrying about who their girlfriends are with is crap. I know I’m a total Lassie wannabe. (I’ll always come home he he). I SO didn’t need it.

Tomorrow I have digital media, wooooo! *pretends to be excited. My initial enthusiasm has worn off rapidly. I’m back to not giving a toss about what I do and I would dearly love to stay all snuggled in my bed with White Teddy, Chocolate Bear and Ella the red panda. In a few hours I get to do so. Woooooo!

Enjoy the pics, love and huggles, Claire

PS. Blogger wouldn't put the pics in tonight, so I'll try again tomorrow. Sorry!

Sunday, October 15, 2006

He'll Get By Without His Rabbit Pie So Run Rabbit Run Rabbit Run Run Run

Run Rabbit Run, We learnt it for our VE Day celebrations in Primary School and I can't get it out of my head.

The Knit and Stitch Show was, frankly, bloody brilliant. Possibly the most exciting thing I've been to since Wolf; the Return, (Star Trek convention, Kate Mulgrew's first ever appearance in the UK circuit, wow!!!). Neways I loved the fact that most of the artists I've looked at where there; Jean Littlejohn, Jan Beaney, Carol Naylor and Richard Box. I looked at Naylor for my contextual studies last year, but found her work so boring. That's all changed now I've seen it in real life, it's gorgeous. As for Box, man he rocks! His work is similar to my own, perhaps why I love it so, but he's amazing. I got so excited I was told to "calm down before I had an orgasm." Well excuse me for being a totally textiles geek.

Friday I had my second workshop, this time starting the embroidery ones. At first it was realy interesting to learn the hand stitches even though I'm a machine girl all the way. However I was so bored after lunch….couldn't wait to get away!!!

Yesterday I did squat really, aside from all the shopping I need for the remaining 11 days. Aside form stuff like bread and milk. So I'm sorted and have more than enough chocolate etc too. I discovered that waffles covered in Nuttella are the best food ever.
Today all I've done is my washing again and print out my pictures for tomorrow so I have something to do with my "independent study" time.

It would be lovely to have a day without a headache. I'm getting sick of having them. Blooming stress. I hope they vanish once I'm home, which will be so soon. My life will get so much better then.

In other news, does the term "boy juice", and use your common sense here people to realised what it is, disturb/annoy/upset anyone? My flatmates find it horrifying that that's the term I use if I have to refer to that kind of thing. It's kinda cute I think. What's wrong with that? Answers in a comment box folks.
Perhaps I really am too much of an oddball here. No one gets my sense of humour, and it's no fun when there's no one to laugh with. And after Paddy yelled at me the other day I'm even tenser. Home really is going to be so much nicer.

Love and Huggles, Claire