Monday, December 11, 2006

We Want The Same Things, We Dream The Same Dream

(We Want) The Same Things, Belinda Carlisle

ONE WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Yes of course you can, because all those who read my blogg are supremely intelligent people. There is also the fact I’ve been banging on about Dominic’s return for what, about 2 and half months…I am SO excited I think I might EXPLODE. Next Monday, as Katie put it, I will be “radioactive”.

(I like that word used like that, to describe something unbelievably exciting. We’ll add that to the dictionary, along with rat-arsed to means something broken, and the word boff to mean boyfriend.)

I digress. I cleaned faster than I’ve cleaned for a long time and spent a lot of it singing random snippets of songs I know, much to the amusement of my bosses. I think they might abuse the fact I have so much energy this week.

Ok, I shall go do more Chemicals homework before I actually explode.

OH OH, I remember what I was gonna say. Did I blogg when there was ten days to go? *checks. Yes I did, and I forgot to put in what I’ve been planning on putting in for aaaages. So for anyone who can be fluffed, December 8th blogg has an addition to it, in the form of a quote. Please read, it might make you laugh, (no promises though).

Love and Huggles, Claire

PS. Thanks for poking me to watch your blogg Justin. It was soo cool and had me laughing my tush off, (as all your Vlogs do), when I was supposed to be doing my Chemicals homework.
PPS. Yep Hutters, all my uni choices are within about 50miles of home. VERY close.

PPS. Someone sedate me please.


Anonymous said...

I really hope it goes well, Marsh. I really do

Jeans Pants said...

Your more then welcome. I'm glad its only a week away. Your almost there. Thank you so much for the shout out. It means a lot to me and I'm so happy you did like my video =0)