Friday, December 01, 2006

Christmas Is Coming The Goose Is Getting Fat, Please Put A Penny In The Old Mans Hat If You Haven't Got A Penny A Hapney Will Do

Some Christmas song written by some dude yonks ago.

Well I have managed to pin and tack both the scarfs today and I’m aiming to start cutting wool up again tonight for a third. When I will get to sew them I don’t know, maybe sometime next week. It took allll morning with both my mum and I working at it. And having a laugh at the same time, "there’s a table under here!".

Liz and I met for a super quick coffee and then went to hand in our invigermilating forms so we get paid next month. Well we’ll both get paid cleaning anyway but the extra will be lovely.

I’ve spent most of the day rather hyper, it’s officially Decemembeber which means I can say HAPPY CHRISTMAS and there’s also 18 days till I’m emboffied again. Both of which are brilliant. Sadly things took a crash when Jess told me that, yet again, she can’t meet on Sunday to go shopping with us like we’d planned. I was really really looking forward to shopping with Jess and Liz, Liz and me will have a ball sure but I was looking forward to a threesome day. Yet again Jess bailed, ok so she’s tired from work, but it just seems like she NEVER wants to spend time, like more than an hour, with us anymore. I only see her for ten mins during work, and it’s not like Liz and I, we live 5mins apart so walk to work and go for random brews. I keep inviting Jess to do stuff and she keeps rejecting me. I feel really really rubbish. I want my boff back NOW!

Love and Huggles, Claire


Jeans Pants said...

Happy Christmas to you too =0)

Anonymous said...

Will Boff bring you a Heffalump as a present?