Friday, August 17, 2007

You Held My Hand And Walked Me Home I Know, You Gave Me A Kiss It Went Something Like This It Made Me Go Oh Oh

Don’t Tell Me, Avril Lavigne

Well after a rather busy week I’ve managed to get a day off. It was spent sorting out the odd form and posting the odd ebay parcel. I managed to sneak a trip to ASDA in, during which my mum briefly met Richard, and hasn’t expressed any extreme dislike, and didn’t seem to mind lots when I stayed behind to wait until he could have a break. We then spent a lovely 15 minuets being gawped at in the staff canteen, we’re not obvious that we’re now together, but the body language says it all. The number of staff that openly sit and stare at us is unbelievable, like we’re a freak show! The managers are worse, Richards had an huge amount of “funny” comments when he’s been on a break alone. It’s like, err hello Mr Managers do you think YOU could get a 19 year old girlfriend? I don’t THINK so.
I was even more upset and angry when he text me saying our manager, Danny, had laid into him before going home for me coming down this afternoon. I stood there chatting to him whilst he worked away, it was very professional, we always are when on the shop floor, (well unless it’s 9 o’clock on the biscuit isle……), but it makes me so angry. We were doing nothing wrong. The sooner he goes the better.

Been shopping briefly this week, but mainly it’s been all about work. Pretty much solidly, long shifts too. Although I had the delight of Richard walking to and from work to see me three times on Tuesday, made the lonesome frozen shift well worth it :) He got soaked three times. But he did come back and walk me to the bus, I don’t like catching it at 10.20 at night.

Yeah, you may have gathered I’m seeing Richard now. To hell with the age difference, he treats me better than anyone ever has. We’re talking completely smitten, absolutely adoring me. And I’m becoming increasingly smitten back.

OOOO and thanks to the wonder of Facebook I’ve made TWO new friends at Lancaster, brilliant eh? As for results day yesterday, I haven’t gotten my results yet, didn’t want to go and get them, they’re not in the paper so I’m just hoping they will be posted to me.

Monday, August 13, 2007

It Was Long Ago And It Was Far Away, Oh God It Seems So Very Far

Objects In The Review Mirror May Appear Closer Than They Are, Meat Loaf

Well my very early start turned out to be quite good really, working from 7 until 2 does give me a little more day to work with afterwards. Today I was on the Deli, which started out quite badly. The people there didn’t exactly give me clear instructions to begin with. For example if you tell me to put fresh bowls out I will, but I won’t transfer the contents of them from old bowl to new bowl unless you say so. Things picked up later, I got the hang of things like wrapping the pies and stuff, and using the scales. It’s good to learn something new.
I had dinner again with Richard and then we ran my errands, (which was mainly posting stuff), before wandering up to the park to look at the bunnies that live there. Except there aren’t any rabbits there anymore, they’ve been moved for some reason. He said they’d gone on holiday but I’m still miffed. We did have fun feeding some pigeons flapjack and squashed MilkyWay. It was hilarious, the speed they moved when you threw stuff was impressive. We spent along time watching them closely and deciding there was a security guard one who seemed intent on checking out my bag, one with UGG boots on (feathery feet), and a rather bossy one. Plus the slow one that always gets left behind and some pretty brown ones. As well as the odd inter-breed bird.

I’m feeling particularly lonely again. The only people I see are those I work with, and as much as Richard is lovely, he doesn’t quite fill the void. Yeah I know, I’ll make friends at uni, but that doesn’t help me in the mean time does it? I managed to plan something with Luke for Sunday only for him to blow me off, so that sucked ass. And whenever I try and suggest something to someone all I get is “I’m tired”. Well so am I. *grumbles.

I do apologise, I haven’t been sleeping too well. Herbal sleep pills it is for me tonight. It makes me terribly whiny when I don’t get enough sleep.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Put Your Heart In My Hands

I'd Lie For You, Meat Loaf

I thought I’d blogg before I start another hugely busy week. All I seem to do is work, but at least I’m being paid and it’s fun. We may have got our manager under control currently; he was being exceptionally nice to us all on Saturday, frightening but most likely the result of a bollocking, (to be blunt). We encouraged it, all of us were very helpful and worked much harder, it made sense to encourage it even further.
I’ve dealt with the massive amount of mail I seem to have received today. A replacement drivers license has been ordered, and my NUS card is renewed too. Various bank type forms have also been done. Then a million things have been filed. Now all I need to do is get the shredder out.
I should go really, I’m up at HALF FIVE tomorrow to do some overtime on the Counters department. Then I have lunch with Richard again, (*grins), then I’m coming home to sleep!
Ooooo and I finished Harry Potter. It was good. Now I’m reading Prisoner of Askaban again.