Monday, November 27, 2006

I Thought I Might Begin By Fillin’ You, In Case You Didn’t Already Know

Nah!, Shania Twain

I was going to start todays blogg by telling you how many plaits you can make from the tassles on my scarf, but I spent 10 minuets doing it during the exam only for it to all fall out whilst walking round collecting papers before I could count. *looks sad. Ah well something to do tomorrow!

I think that may have been the only exciting thing that happened to me today....*tries to think. I did brave the "Hot Milk" from the staff room drinks machine, which was rather disappointing, I had a sudden urge for hot milk. Perhaps it was the sub-zero temperatures of the Sports Hall.

Hmmm what else... well there are 22 days until Dom comes home! God this is a boring blogg! I’d better go before you all,(all three readers), fall asleep over your computer and hit the keyboard with a splat that spells out something a chimp writes when given access to alphabet toys.

Love and Huggles, Claire

PS. If a number has 02 before it, as in like a mobile, where you’d normally find say an international dialling code, what does it mean? An 02077blahblah number rang me, and I have no idea who they were and they haven’t replied to my text.....How odd. I can’t find what it could mean either.


Jeans Pants said...

Not boring at all.=0)

Anonymous said...

0207 is central London

Anonymous said...
