Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Change of scenary

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Sunday, December 28, 2008

A Change, A Change, Would Do You Good

I finally opened the perfume Richard bought me for Christmas and realised just how nice it is to change scents once in a while. I usually wear Angel, which is very sweet and chocolaty. Richard bought me Promesse, which is all blackcurranty.
Suffice to say I love the smell and because I'm not used to it I can smell it more often. Remind me to rotate my scents more often!

Right, now I'm off to look after a rather sick Richard and watch some of Star Trek Nemesis. I forgot what a good team the Next Gen crew make!


Friday, December 26, 2008

Well well well, did we all have nice Christmases? Ours was looking a little shaky but once mum had bullied dad into letting Richard sleep on the living room floor all was well. It was a perfect family Christmas, made even better by Richards presence.
I was very lucky in terms of gifts, some very perfect and well chosen ones were given to me. Richard bought me the most elegant necklace ever, and my nanna a dressing gown that is so very warm, (essential for this freezing cold house!!!). Pride of place on my book shelf is iGentics 2nd edition, one of m course texts next term. Mum and Dad got it me, which means I can buy a course text for the other module AND a subscription to Nature* when my next loan installment comes in.
All in all a very lovely Christmas. My sister didn't moan because I was around and my dad didn't sulk because we had a Richard staying with us :) I hope yours were all as nice.

Thanks to National rail not runnng Boxing Day trains (desipte route planner saying there WERE trains last week), my parents gave us a lift home, which helped somewhat with the fact I'm was working at 1pm at River Island. Which had a MASSIVE sale on. It was so unbelievably busy.
And a little worrying given the current climate. Either way 4 hours insane work earned me £60ish. Give or take the tax mans cut. (I WILL get that back you B*******).

Right well I shall be off now to see where my brew has got to.
Hope everyone is well and happy

*because New Scientists just isn't cutting it this year.....

Monday, December 15, 2008

As always it's been too long. But I have, as always been busy. Lectures, coursework, that damned further reading, and 2 jobs.

I've made it through the first part of my second year, although I still have a fair bit of work I still haven't done. Going to work throug it this holidays in a slow steady manner. There's no pressure so it's easier to do.

Richard and I are still happily little loved up bunnies :) The girls have gone home for Christmas
so we've got the house to ourselves. AND we're happily planning our second christmas together :)

We've found a lovely house for next year, which is much nicer than this one we're in. I've still to sort out when we move in, but they said come back in the summerso I shall trot back then.

Now I shall go and find out if they have snow at home and if I can pop home for a couple of days....