Sunday, October 29, 2006

I Ain't Afraid Of No Ghosts

Ghostbusters theme tune

Another wonderful day at home. I went for a Tesco breakfast this morning with Katie, which was wonderful. I haven't seen her since before Results Day so seeing her was brilliant. Then we went to see "Hoodwinked", our tradition of seeing kid's films together has not vanished. Defo a good film, SHNITZEL!!!!!!! And whoever thought of making a rabbit the baddie, you rock. I guessed it was Boingo, me is smart.

Then we waited for Katie-Jane and went to MacDonald's for dinner, yummy yummy. I did enjoy just randomly talking about stuff and listening to crazy music like the Vengaboys, who frankly kick ass.

Oh, on another note, thanks Scott for talking some sense into me tonight. Lori is a very lucky lady! Sometimes a guy's perspective is just what you need.

Love and Huggles, Claire