Monday, October 29, 2007

That Dimond Sparkled In The Band

Without Love, Mindy McCreedy
First person to guess what this means wins a prise. Fluffy and Hutters can't play though, you already know :)

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Love To Love You Like You Do Me

Love To Love You, The Corrs

Heya! I'm still alive and still very settled into my life and routine here. It's hard work, I've been so busy with all the work and extra note making my course requires but now I'm on top of the work and can relax a little bit. I'm in a good position with my remaing bits of coursework too, theres one to hand in tomorrow and another I've got all but one little piece of information so thats nearly sorted. We're still all hating the Maths related lecture too but we're halfway through that. I'm very pleased with the 53/70 mark for the first piece of coursework for it too, as it's the hardest module by far every little helps.

Things are exciting too, my friend Hannah is involved with making a documentary for MTV and they've been filming some of our lectures and stuff. Yesterday she text me asking if I'd help her out with one of the things for it. So today the two of us sat in The Venue cafe having fizzy apple juice and chatting whilst 2 women filmed us. It was brillaint, I managed to ignore the cameras and just chatted away to Hannah as naturally as she chatted to me. It'll be aired in a few months or something and when Hannah gets a copy of it we're going to have a grand screening at her little flat. :)
Hannah is amazing. Seriously she's like Supergirl. She's here with her 2 year old daughter, Ebony and it's like, wow, how is she doing it? Her flat flooded and they've rehoused her in some soon-to-be-demolished blocks that aren't at all suitable for a young child, so she's now commuting from Blackpool where her finace is. She burst into tears in the practicle on Monday because of the stress, and I comforted her and I know she's feeling better know. I don't think she really gets that she is really amazing to come here, do a VERY hard degree AND have a 2 year old. Round of applause for Hannah please!

Things with Richard are still amazing. We still miss each other loads, but this week has been easier than last was, I really struggled last week but I plodded on. I'm majorly excited about this weekend too. I can't decied whether to go into work or to go to Manchester shopping and come back and cook Richard a proper tea. He is after all working his ass off to earn money to move here. Sometimes I dont think I'm doing enough for us but he's reassurred me I am so all is well. Neways it'd bedtime. Night all!

Tuesday, October 09, 2007


12.00 till 1.00 Biology 111 lecture
1.00 till 2.00 Biology 121 lecture
2.00 till 6.00 Biology 121 practicle

Ok guys, when are we supposed to eat??????

Monday, October 08, 2007

Afraid Of Feeling Nothing, No Bees or Butterflies

Home, Sheryl Crow

Dudes I just had my first lecture :) Go me. I have yet another one at errrmmmmm, 11, so need to leave soon. It was a good lecture and I may be able to swing my Friday afternoon practicle so I finish at 4 o'clock. Which makes life sooooo much easier for going home at weekends.

Home? Yep, I'm going home at weekends. I went home last weekend and it was good. I didn't realise just how much I'd missed Richard until I saw him. I ended up working on Saturday, (a good excuse to come home), which meant we got the full day together and the evening too. He's still very unhappy at ASDA, so he's off to the job shop yet again today. I'm hopefull he'll find something with better pay, he'll love it here. The sooner he saves up the sooner we're together in Lancaster.

In terms of uni I think I'm ready this year. Lancaster feels totally like home, my flat mates are brilliant, as are the people I've met from other courses and through other things. Tonight or tomorrow night I'm supposed to be going to the ballroom dancing taster sessions...eeep! But I also have a ridiculous amount of tidying up to do. My room is still not organised just as it should be.

Oh this will make you laugh. I spent an hour looking for my keys last night. I let myself into my room and put them down, only not to be able to find them. Where were they? Hidden in a pocket in my jeans I didn't know I had.
*bangs head on wall