Monday, October 30, 2006

If You Pay Your Dues In Darkness, You'll Appreciate The Light, 'Cause A Deep Down Low Makes Level Feel So High

Deep Down Low, Chely Wright

Another wonderfull day at home, I'm starting o feel much more like myself. I'm still waking up exhausted, which is apparently stress so hopefully that'll go soon. I don't feel half as worried about other things, and nearly a month and a half until Dom is home, and that means nearly1 and ¾ months until Christmas! Oooo that means Christmas shopping too, I love buying people presents.Went to the doctors this morning to get a sick note for my insurance. Dr.Towers is frankly the best doc ever, (I think I've said that before), and completely understood what I'd been through, and is happily writing my letter now. Those headaches were rather usefull, we're claiming it "aggrevated my migraines". Which is true.
Then I went for a hot chocolate with my mummy, something I have missed doing. We had a brief chat over it too. I've missed being able to talk to my mum about pretty much everything.

I walked down to Tesco and met Liz. I didn't realise how much I missed her until we hugged and I wanted to cry. There are so many different ways to miss people; the horrible constant way I missed my home and family, the nagging every-now-and-then-when-something-reminds-you way I miss Dom, the suddenly hits you kind my friends have given me…..Neways we wandered around and got goodies and asked about jobs, I have an application form to fill in now. Cross your fingers.
Back at Liz's we were greeted by a scary bouncy dog known as Skye, who has grown so much, she's huge! Then we went for Part 1 of our Dinnerlaides marathon. I don't care what anyone says, it's truly northen. I know people like them! And it's so funny!!!!!

"I'm agoraphobic. I fell off a diving board in Guernsey!"

"I didn't just come up the Manchester Ship Canal on a Ryvita, you know.""My Dad was a Desert Rat; he made toast for 34 fighting men with a radiator grill and a flamethrower!"

"I've had postnatal disinterest for 30 years""That reminds me I must get some more knickers. Not that you needed to know about my underwear situation."

"My cones out and my danders up!"

"Be fair not a lot of cucumbers can do it for themsleves"

Love and Huggles, Claire

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice to see you so happy. Well done;-)