Saturday, October 28, 2006

Scooby Doo if you come through you're gonna have yourself a Scooby Snack!

Scooby Doo song, because we all know how much Chrish loves food and Scooby Doo!

My first day at home has been lovely. I slept better than I have done for weeks, and woke up feeling refreshed rather than exhausted. I’m still very tired from all my late nights but I plan to get some early ones in my lovely lovely bed.

The unpacking is a little stressful, mainly because nothing seems to fit where it came from. My underwear draw appears to have shrunk to start with. I think I need to get everything put away then I can start a massive clear out. *groans. I need to get that done fast because I want my room nice and tidy and I want to carry on with my River Avon project. The next step is simplifying and making patterns form my pictures, which is the exciting bit.

Chrish came round today, for several brews. I met her of the bus and we bought fun buns before coming back home to eat them with a brew. We talked until lunch, she told me all her funny stories from St. Martins, (Lancaster), and had a good giggle. Then we watched Lion King 3; Hakunana Matata over lunch before making our way upstairs to be silly and play around. We turned these little toys my sister has which consist of a Winnie the Pooh insider a rubber animal casing. We took great delight in taking the Pooh out and turning them inside out to see what the animals looked like. It was so very funny, as were these pics of Chrish with these magnetic sticks stuck to her face!
Then we looked at the CD of photos we got at the end of the last year and had a scream making up funny captions for them. So many lovely photos of us all!!!! And a simply lovely one of us all form our Leavers Ball.
Seeing Chrish was so lovely. She’s one of my best friends and by god did I need a boost of her. Just to talk to someone who you can have so much fun with and confide in so easily is wonderful. I haven’t half missed her, and didn’t’ realise how much I had until I was waiting for her bus and started to well up. Ooo I love my Chrishykins.

I also got my silliness sorted out. Having not heard from Dom for nearly 2 weeks now has worried me somewhat, but it was a bit of a relief to hear from Tina that she hasn’t heard from him either. According to mum it’s monsoon season in India, so methinks le power is le screwed. I hope he’s ok, and I hope Tina gets in touch with him! There’s only a month and a half until he comes home, which will be so wonderful. *eagerly awaits

Tomorrow I’m seeing Katie and Katie-Jane which will be simply lovely. I call shotgun! Blah ha ha ha ha ha…..

Love and Huggles, Claire