Saturday, December 29, 2007

Cause Without Love It Don't Mean A Thing

Mannn if I wasn’t so small I’d be at Richard right now. His stupid flatmate Ruth broke her key in the front door yesterday, and didn’t think to try and get it sorted till it was later. So the only way into his house is over a very tall fence. This is all well and good if you’ve got a rather tall and handsome boyfriend to help you over it, but on a Sunday morning I haven’t got a tall and handsome boyfriend because he’s at work. So instead I’m going round tomorrow after he’s worked to be thrown over the fence and we needn’t fret about leaving the house till New Years Day when we come to mine for tea. *sulks about being small.

It has been a rather terrible day, the kind where you wonder why you got out of bed. I’ve been called fat by my Nanna, told by my sister that she can’t wait for me to be back at uni and had parents that seriously take each other for granted. I’ve felt so strained by the fractions in their marriage today it’s untrue. A little bit of communication wouldn’t go amiss. *makes note to LISTEN to what Richard says when married and assure he does the same.

So in short the highlight of today was buying a nice new pair of black jeans and a pair of brown smarter ones from New Look because I found a hole in one of my jeans yesterday.
Oooo and I figured out where to get the bicycle from in pokemon diamond…a large DUH moment.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Unlimited Rice Pudding

Well heeeelllooooooooooooooooooooo people! How are we all? Did everyone have good Christmases? I did. I can categorically say this has been the best and most special Christmas ever. I’ve been spoilt rotten by Richard, a Tiffany floating heart Elsa Perretti necklace and some Angel perfume. I was very very lucky. And spoilt :)

Spent most of today lounging in bed or on the sofa watching various Darlek related Doctor Who’s, specifically for fans the last one that Davros is in in the old series and the last one Eccleston did where he regenerates. We’d watched the Christmas special yesterday, which was good but not overwhelming. Very Poseidon, but rather lacking in series plotlines being set up. The next series clips were brilliant, apparently the Ant People, for want of a better name, are back :)

Without meaning to be sickeningly happy, especially when I know there are plenty of people out there struggling to keep their heads above water, but I am ridiculously happy and loved up. I have found the most wonderful person I ever thought possible and I so can’t wait to start a proper life together. The aim is to be living in Lancaster by September, and I can’t wait. How did I get so lucky suddenly?

Did anyone see Ballet Shoes? Wasn’t it wonderful? Superb acting and I love the plot. Emma Watson is certainly developing into a fine actress, who wasn’t greatly type cast, apparently she can act other roles.

So happy :)

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas

Happy Christmas to all you wonderful people!

So far Best.Christmas.Ever :)

Monday, December 24, 2007

May All Your Christmases Be Merry And Bright

Just in case I don't get time to say it tomorrow I hope everyone has a wonderful day tomorrow and that you get everything you want, be it a present or something more. I know I've already got everything I could ask for for christmas even before the day arrives. I'm lucky. I hope you all are too.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

I’ll Give It To Someone Special, Who’ll Give Me Something In Return

Last Christmas, Wham

So who’s ready for Christmas? I’m just about ready I thinks, all my presents are wrapped, aside one for Richard which I’m hoping will arrive tomorrow. If not it’ll be ok. :)I’m looking forward to Christmas a lot this year, it’s the first one I’ll be splitting with someone other than my family, and I’m just well…excited and happy.
I’ve managed to see Richard pretty much everyday, even if it’s only whilst working. As for work, JEESE it’s been busy. Why is it the moment you put on the uniform you become invisible to customers? Yeah that’s right mate, stand in front of a pallet full of frozen food that can’t stop so easy, it will hurt if it hits you! Ah well I’ve been lucky and only worked for three days, my friend Katie has done every day since she got back, poor thing.

OOOO and a note to my nasty “I don’t like the way you spell stuff but I’ll read your blog anyway just so I can leave a bitchy message”, the only word that’s spelt wrong so far according to Word is blog, mainly because it isn’t in the dictionary. Honestly haven’t you got anything better to do than be nasty about my spelling abilities? Trying to make me feel bad because of something I’m not so good at is just, well pathetic, almost as pathetic as not leaving your name. So next time I’ll be naming and shaming you because I know where you live… to speak. Thank you magic little stats counter :)

Moving on, I kinda miss uni, something I know a lot of students are feeling. Mainly the lack of independence, which was a little depressing at first, but now I’m well rested I’m feeling fine. Slowly getting through the endless tasks I seem to have which are more to do with tidying my room or scraping booking. But in general I like my life and am very happy. Think I need some new glasses but that’s about it. Now I’m going to go to bed and be happy there :) Merry Christmas folks.

Haven’t I done well Mr. Nasty Spelling Commenter, a whole blog and no spelling errors? And I’ve managed to not babble on about how loved up I am. We’ll save that for the conversations I have with myself and my teddy

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Three O'Clock In The Morning, Looks Like It's Gonna Be Another Sleepless Night

Talking In Your Sleep, Crystal Gayle

Sorry I haven't blogged in aaaaaages but I've been ridiculously busy. And stressed. Which I still am. Now I'm home there seems to be an endless list of jobs I need to do and the lack of personal space is already driving me crazy. Only four weeks of it left. If I'm honest I love uni so much I didn't really want to go home. I miss being in my room with the door propped open so people can wander in at leisure. Naturally if I could transplant Richard to Lancaster it would be perfect :)

Thansk for all your wonderful comments on my last blogg, things with my parents are now back to normal. Mainly cause I told them Richard and I had decieded to withdraw our engagment. We haven't but it's frustrating I can't make my own choices. On the upside my parents like him again and seem to have accepted it's a mature relationship.

The last week or so at uni has been pretty good even if it involved exam stress. Saying goodbye was hard, we all wandered from house to house to say goodbye on Thursday. Karen came over and watched films with Craig, Hannah, Dan and me. With one day left we decieded to pull something of an all nighter but given my need to eigth hours sleep I cracked and went to bed at four (in the morning).

Thats about it for me folks I shall blogg again soon I hope. Hope everyones well and that no one feels the urge to leave me a spelling correction as a comment. Seriously primary school teacher is soooooooo last season.
Love and huggles Claire xxx