Saturday, November 25, 2006

When I’m All Sold Out, and I’ve Crossed The Line. When I’m Filled With Doubt I Take It One Day At A Time

One Day At A Time, the Alice Bands

Today was a day of discovery and decision. Mainly because I have spent the whole day turning my room upside down in a methodical pattern looking for my laptop insurance. I have NO idea where it is, but I haven’t found it and I have looked EVERYWHERE. I’ve come to the conclusion that yes losing it was very stupid but there’s not a lot I can do now. So I’m going to try not to dwell on it.

So my interesting discoveries. Well the first is I found 4 camera films that haven’t been developed. They’ve been used but not developed. It’s a total mystery as to what’s on them, I simply don’t have a clue. I got my camera about 3 years ago, which narrows it down I guess. All I have to do is send them to Boots with my Dad and get them developed. When I have a spare £20+. Ooo exciting.

The second is I have a lot of stuff floating around in boxes I really don’t need anymore. I need a damn good de-junk, which I’m planning on starting next week, after I’ve done my invigermilating. A big sort out would be very useful, might throw up some space for my old diaries. As I use A5 notebooks, and write anything form 1-10 pages, (depending on who/what’s happened), I go through on every 1-3 months. I have about 35 of them, charting the last, err, 7ish years of my life. That’s a lot of Claire! A huge number are living in the loft already!

There were probably more but I can’t think now, and I have to get ready to go out. I’m seeing Katie, whose home form Lancaster for the weekend. Adventure time folks!

Love and Huggles, Claire

PS. I have lots of wooden sticks? Would anyone like one? They come in oragnge, pink, blue, green, purple and yellow. "Spread the love and have a stick!"

PPS. My Dad is claiming he asked to hold onto
my laptop insurance several times since I bought it. I don’t recall him EVER asking, especially given I wanted him to to start with. I know Dads are supposed to always be right Hutters, but dude, they are SO not.

PPPS. It’s a whole 2 months since I last was with Dom. I miss him still, but there’s only 24 days until he’s home!

1 comment:

Jeans Pants said...

Sometimes losing stuff is a good thing. You find lots of stuff you forgot about