Tuesday, October 31, 2006

First Your Up, Then Your Down

Whatever, Jessica Andrews

Today started with me being back to my uber-hyper self; Mummy, Katie and me were going to see "Open Season", which is pretty good. To be honest all the kiddies films are getting a little samey when it comes to plot lines but Billy Connolly as McSquizzy was hilarious. Give the dude his own show! Oh and will someone come and see "Happy Feet" with me? Come on, a film about a tap-dancing penguin and with Robin Williams? What's not to love?

Did a bit of shopping, treated myself to The Princess Diaries box set, because frankly they are the BEST movies ever and make me feel so happy. They make it into my all time top ten so easy. I also bought a CD of the Everly Bros. for my Mummy for Christmas, and something for Dom, but only Jess B knows what it is and I'm not telling.
Speaking of Jess B, I ran into her in Music Zone, I couldn't believe it. She had her hair tied up so I wasn't too sure if it was her, even if it was her coat. A tentative "Jess?" proved fruitless but then she turned round and it was huggles all round! Another person who seeing made me want to cry, I've missed her loads. We had a quick chat and I'll be seeing her later this week I hope. I love my little Jessykins.

Things went downhill at bit in the afternoon. I just started to feel really down. I just can't seem to maintain the perma-happiness I used to at the moment. The slightest thing makes me feel miserable and like I want to cry. Then I'll be back to normal so quickly. I do not like being this emotional. Eventually I'll get through this. I hope.
Reading my old diaries turned out to be very useful today. I found some form last March, and realised that I had the same issues then that I have again now. They went away very quickly with careful attention, so will go away again.

Well I have a stack of ironing to do and the Princess Diaries to watch, so that's all from me.
Love and Huggles, Claire

Monday, October 30, 2006

If You Pay Your Dues In Darkness, You'll Appreciate The Light, 'Cause A Deep Down Low Makes Level Feel So High

Deep Down Low, Chely Wright

Another wonderfull day at home, I'm starting o feel much more like myself. I'm still waking up exhausted, which is apparently stress so hopefully that'll go soon. I don't feel half as worried about other things, and nearly a month and a half until Dom is home, and that means nearly1 and ¾ months until Christmas! Oooo that means Christmas shopping too, I love buying people presents.Went to the doctors this morning to get a sick note for my insurance. Dr.Towers is frankly the best doc ever, (I think I've said that before), and completely understood what I'd been through, and is happily writing my letter now. Those headaches were rather usefull, we're claiming it "aggrevated my migraines". Which is true.
Then I went for a hot chocolate with my mummy, something I have missed doing. We had a brief chat over it too. I've missed being able to talk to my mum about pretty much everything.

I walked down to Tesco and met Liz. I didn't realise how much I missed her until we hugged and I wanted to cry. There are so many different ways to miss people; the horrible constant way I missed my home and family, the nagging every-now-and-then-when-something-reminds-you way I miss Dom, the suddenly hits you kind my friends have given me…..Neways we wandered around and got goodies and asked about jobs, I have an application form to fill in now. Cross your fingers.
Back at Liz's we were greeted by a scary bouncy dog known as Skye, who has grown so much, she's huge! Then we went for Part 1 of our Dinnerlaides marathon. I don't care what anyone says, it's truly northen. I know people like them! And it's so funny!!!!!

"I'm agoraphobic. I fell off a diving board in Guernsey!"

"I didn't just come up the Manchester Ship Canal on a Ryvita, you know.""My Dad was a Desert Rat; he made toast for 34 fighting men with a radiator grill and a flamethrower!"

"I've had postnatal disinterest for 30 years""That reminds me I must get some more knickers. Not that you needed to know about my underwear situation."

"My cones out and my danders up!"

"Be fair not a lot of cucumbers can do it for themsleves"

Love and Huggles, Claire

Sunday, October 29, 2006

I Ain't Afraid Of No Ghosts

Ghostbusters theme tune

Another wonderful day at home. I went for a Tesco breakfast this morning with Katie, which was wonderful. I haven't seen her since before Results Day so seeing her was brilliant. Then we went to see "Hoodwinked", our tradition of seeing kid's films together has not vanished. Defo a good film, SHNITZEL!!!!!!! And whoever thought of making a rabbit the baddie, you rock. I guessed it was Boingo, me is smart.

Then we waited for Katie-Jane and went to MacDonald's for dinner, yummy yummy. I did enjoy just randomly talking about stuff and listening to crazy music like the Vengaboys, who frankly kick ass.

Oh, on another note, thanks Scott for talking some sense into me tonight. Lori is a very lucky lady! Sometimes a guy's perspective is just what you need.

Love and Huggles, Claire

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Scooby Doo if you come through you're gonna have yourself a Scooby Snack!

Scooby Doo song, because we all know how much Chrish loves food and Scooby Doo!

My first day at home has been lovely. I slept better than I have done for weeks, and woke up feeling refreshed rather than exhausted. I’m still very tired from all my late nights but I plan to get some early ones in my lovely lovely bed.

The unpacking is a little stressful, mainly because nothing seems to fit where it came from. My underwear draw appears to have shrunk to start with. I think I need to get everything put away then I can start a massive clear out. *groans. I need to get that done fast because I want my room nice and tidy and I want to carry on with my River Avon project. The next step is simplifying and making patterns form my pictures, which is the exciting bit.

Chrish came round today, for several brews. I met her of the bus and we bought fun buns before coming back home to eat them with a brew. We talked until lunch, she told me all her funny stories from St. Martins, (Lancaster), and had a good giggle. Then we watched Lion King 3; Hakunana Matata over lunch before making our way upstairs to be silly and play around. We turned these little toys my sister has which consist of a Winnie the Pooh insider a rubber animal casing. We took great delight in taking the Pooh out and turning them inside out to see what the animals looked like. It was so very funny, as were these pics of Chrish with these magnetic sticks stuck to her face!
Then we looked at the CD of photos we got at the end of the last year and had a scream making up funny captions for them. So many lovely photos of us all!!!! And a simply lovely one of us all form our Leavers Ball.
Seeing Chrish was so lovely. She’s one of my best friends and by god did I need a boost of her. Just to talk to someone who you can have so much fun with and confide in so easily is wonderful. I haven’t half missed her, and didn’t’ realise how much I had until I was waiting for her bus and started to well up. Ooo I love my Chrishykins.

I also got my silliness sorted out. Having not heard from Dom for nearly 2 weeks now has worried me somewhat, but it was a bit of a relief to hear from Tina that she hasn’t heard from him either. According to mum it’s monsoon season in India, so methinks le power is le screwed. I hope he’s ok, and I hope Tina gets in touch with him! There’s only a month and a half until he comes home, which will be so wonderful. *eagerly awaits

Tomorrow I’m seeing Katie and Katie-Jane which will be simply lovely. I call shotgun! Blah ha ha ha ha ha…..

Love and Huggles, Claire

Friday, October 27, 2006

Wherever I Wander - The One Thing I've Learned, It's To Here I Will Always Return

This Is Where I Belong, Bryan Adams, Spirit; Stallion of the Cimarron

I’m home. It feels so wonderful. I love my parents for coming and getting me and I love this place. Wooooooooo!

Love and Huggles, Claire

Monday, October 23, 2006

I'm Chasing My Dreams Down River Road

River Road, Crystal Gayle

More of my artwork for you all;

Love and Huggles, Claire

Could Taste Your Sweet Kisses, Your Arms Open Wide, This Fever For You Was Just Burning Me Up Inside

I Drove All Night, Celine Dion

Last time I blogged I said I’d blogg again, but didn’t. So what have I done?
Well I posted my letter to the Registrar on Saturday, so it’s all official. I’ve been ordering prospectuses like crazy on UCAS, this time wisely using the option to pick institutions in the North West, North East and Yorkshire and Humberside regions. Daddy said he’s prepared to drive 2 ½ hours to visit me, (five hour round trip), but even that doesn’t seem so good as Daddy said he won’t be doing that more than once a month. *whimper. Manchester Met would be ideal. Or anywhere close……If anyone points out I’ve done a complete flip-reverse here, Bath Spa to Man Met, then you’d be right. I’m unwilling to make the same mistake again. “I need to make mistakes just to learn who I am.” Britney Spears, Overprotected.

The last couple of days have been pretty tough. After a month I’ve hit the point where I miss Dom like hell, even during the exam month we spoke daily. It’s not just missing my boyfriend it’s missing one of my closest friends and one of the people who would be able to make this all go away. I know from the exam month this is a phase that passes, then I get to look forward to him coming home. Once I’m home I’ll have so much to keep me busy; UCAS, job hunting, cleaning, my art work, my scrapbooks…..and being busy will make things so much easier.
What made it harder was Sam’s parents, grandparents and sister came up on Sunday. They brought a huge food parcel for her, and watching them put it away made me miss my own family. It was like someone twisting a knife. It’s odd but now there’s only three days until I see them and go home I’m feeling worse than ever. Being hugged is possibly what I miss the most, you all know how tactile I am, I can’t deal with being starved of affection like this. *grabs White Teddy.

On a more positive note I have managed to get a zip-up jumper with “Bath Spa University” on it. I did want pink but the only one left at the other campus has a broken zip, so I’ve ended up with navy. I’m a big believer in fate so I’m not bothered, navy shows the dirt less and goes with more of my wardrobe really.
I got hold of the latest Meat Loaf single as well, “It’s All Coming Back To Me Now”. Again the big guy gets it right, it’s cracking.
As is Celine Dion’s last album, One Heart. I bought it because I love her version of “I Drove All Night”, but have only been able to download a disco version. The whole album rocks!

Love and Huggles, Claire

PS, Check it out;


Saturday, October 21, 2006

Let Me Let You In On A Secret, On How To Treat A Women Right

If You Wanna Touch Her, Ask! , Shania Twain.

The last few days have been full of drama and such like. So I have rather a lot to blogg.

Wednesday evening I went out with everyone. We started in Vodka Revolution, and I tried on the advice of the o so wise Katie, a Russian Bride. Which is seriously the best drink ever invented by man, next to hot chocolate of course. Then we went to the cheese night at one of Bath’s few clubs, Delta Krug. I haven’t had so much fun dancing for a long time, and with such a huge group of girls made it so brilliant. Considering the amount of junk food I’ve been eating I SO needed the exercise. You should have seen our kitchen’s face\when “Sweet Child of Mine” came on, it’s pretty much become our anthem. And JT’s “Sexy Back”, I’ll never forget Sam dancing with the fridge because she was so desperate to dance that fist week we were here. So many of the songs made me think of people, “Ain’t No Other Man” by Christina Aguilera makes me think of Luke because he knows all the words and REALLY shouldn’t. Bless.
I was also impressed that Bath’s male population behaved themselves, considering how rude the shoppers are I was wary. i got some random guy put his arm around me on the way to the bar, blocking my path. Rather than freak I wordlessly removed his arm and carried on walking. Go me I thought, until Sam and I ended up next to him and his friends at the bar. One of them got a mouthful for pinching Sam’s bum, and to apologise bought us the 4 drinks we’d come to buy, which set him back over a tenner. And my randomer apologised to me, but seriously if you wanna dance with me, ASK!!! Manners people! I was also informed by Rosie whilst dancing in Delta Krug that some dude dancing behind/to the side of me was staring at me and ordered to go dance with him. I didn’t, and aside from brief conversation and saying goodbye I didn’t speak to him. He seemed ok, but I was there to dance with my girlies. I already have a wonderful boff, so wasn’t interested in dancing with another dude. Neways I had lots of fun, it was a really good night out.

Thursday’s main event was the big blow up in the evening. There have been issues building for a while, Paddy didn’t clean his stuff up after him, and Lauren was feeling under appreciated, and a bazillion more issues I don’t know about and no-one is sharing. For nearly an hour they argued and talked it out in the corridor. I sat in the kitchen with Sam, Matt and Ellie. It was horrible, I hate conflict and I hate not being able to solve people’s problems or make them feel better. In the end it was just left for everyone to get some breathing space. Sam and I went down to the bar to chill for a bit, I didn’t get to unwind for a couple of reasons but Sam thanked me the next day for letting her confide and talk to me. So at least I helped someone.

Yesterday I didn’t do much; the highlight was probably watching 40 Days and 40 Nights with Sam and Sophia. It’s not a bad film, but I have issues with part of the ending. To me his ex having sex with him without his consent whilst he’s asleep would normally be considered rape. If the roles were reversed and he’d done it to her it certainly would have been and people would have been angry. I do dislike double-standards in any form. Or perhaps I’m uptight. What do we think guys?

I will blogg again later, so it’s not so big. I may have more to say then too.

Love and Huggles, Claire

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Why Do You Have To Make Things So Complicated

Complicated, Avril Lavigne

So today I began the very complicated process of leaving Bath Spa. I went to see Housing, and the lady was lovely. She basically said the same as she had in her letter, I only have to pay rent for the weeks I’ve been here plus £50 early release from my contract. She will do the paper work after I’ve gone so if I stay, (very very unlikely!) all I have to do is go and see her and tell her. She sent me to the Finance Lady who was a little snotty, and said I have to write a letter and send ti to three different people. When I mentioned I would be seeing my course leader tomorrow she was all “don’t see him until you’ve written the letter”. John told me to go back when I’d made a decision and I have so hopefully I’ll be seeing him tomorrow. And Welfare. God this is complicated. The system is designed so you can’t drop out if you want unless you’re determined! Thank god I inherited my Dad’s stubborn streak.

I spent the day messing around on Photoshop, which was actually rather boring. Then I froze the Mac and it crashed and I lost all my work this afternoon. Poopy. Oh well I don’t need it thankfully.

Bit the bullet and told Sam I was defiantly going home. It was hard because I’m closer to her than anyone else here, even if it isn’t much. Then I told Tasha. That’s two down and four more to go. Not that we ever see Chris…..he he

Love and Huggles, Claire

PS. They did all go to IKEA but meh, why hold a grudge? What's done is done. And we're gonna go watch "Ten Things I Hate About You" in a minuet.

If I Were A Painter....

Painter Song, Norha Jones

As promised, last nights pictures;

Love and Huggles, Claire

Monday, October 16, 2006

I'm Sick and Tired of Always Being Sick and Tired

Sick and Tired, Anastasia

Today started really well, I dragged myself outta bed and went to the studio and actually did some work that I like, so much so I shall include the pics in the blogger blogg, (sorry myspace folks). I did some further work this afternoon too.
Unfortunately things went downhill rather fast. All day I have been very miserable and very very low. I don’t know what really set me off, I do recall getting a lovely email from Dom and after brief elation feeling worse than ever. This is odd because his emails normally set me up for the rest of the day. Perhaps the disappointment of not getting Katie’s letter didn’t help….It also doesn’t help that I’m pretty damn sure everyone went off too IKEA this afternoon whilst I was in my room working. I’ve been so excited about going and now they’ve been without me. I really am easily forgotten.

I don’t think Paddy is speaking to me after Friday morning but I haven’t really been in the same room long enough to know if that’s just my insecurity.Speaking of, the lovely (and I use the term lovely sarcastically), security guard who came round with Mr Smoke Alarm Dude to fit my smoke alarm decided that my relationship was going to last two weeks. I laughed politely but was seriously not in the mood to hear that. What the hell does he know about my relationship? Bum off. His reasoning that guys are always worrying about who their girlfriends are with is crap. I know I’m a total Lassie wannabe. (I’ll always come home he he). I SO didn’t need it.

Tomorrow I have digital media, wooooo! *pretends to be excited. My initial enthusiasm has worn off rapidly. I’m back to not giving a toss about what I do and I would dearly love to stay all snuggled in my bed with White Teddy, Chocolate Bear and Ella the red panda. In a few hours I get to do so. Woooooo!

Enjoy the pics, love and huggles, Claire

PS. Blogger wouldn't put the pics in tonight, so I'll try again tomorrow. Sorry!

Sunday, October 15, 2006

He'll Get By Without His Rabbit Pie So Run Rabbit Run Rabbit Run Run Run

Run Rabbit Run, We learnt it for our VE Day celebrations in Primary School and I can't get it out of my head.

The Knit and Stitch Show was, frankly, bloody brilliant. Possibly the most exciting thing I've been to since Wolf; the Return, (Star Trek convention, Kate Mulgrew's first ever appearance in the UK circuit, wow!!!). Neways I loved the fact that most of the artists I've looked at where there; Jean Littlejohn, Jan Beaney, Carol Naylor and Richard Box. I looked at Naylor for my contextual studies last year, but found her work so boring. That's all changed now I've seen it in real life, it's gorgeous. As for Box, man he rocks! His work is similar to my own, perhaps why I love it so, but he's amazing. I got so excited I was told to "calm down before I had an orgasm." Well excuse me for being a totally textiles geek.

Friday I had my second workshop, this time starting the embroidery ones. At first it was realy interesting to learn the hand stitches even though I'm a machine girl all the way. However I was so bored after lunch….couldn't wait to get away!!!

Yesterday I did squat really, aside from all the shopping I need for the remaining 11 days. Aside form stuff like bread and milk. So I'm sorted and have more than enough chocolate etc too. I discovered that waffles covered in Nuttella are the best food ever.
Today all I've done is my washing again and print out my pictures for tomorrow so I have something to do with my "independent study" time.

It would be lovely to have a day without a headache. I'm getting sick of having them. Blooming stress. I hope they vanish once I'm home, which will be so soon. My life will get so much better then.

In other news, does the term "boy juice", and use your common sense here people to realised what it is, disturb/annoy/upset anyone? My flatmates find it horrifying that that's the term I use if I have to refer to that kind of thing. It's kinda cute I think. What's wrong with that? Answers in a comment box folks.
Perhaps I really am too much of an oddball here. No one gets my sense of humour, and it's no fun when there's no one to laugh with. And after Paddy yelled at me the other day I'm even tenser. Home really is going to be so much nicer.

Love and Huggles, Claire

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

And All The Things I Deserve, For Being Such A Good Girl Honey

Underneath Your Clothes, Shakira

I went back to Top Shop today. Yes I know, I should avoid it but meh. Spent more money on a pretty forest green V-neck jumper and a baby blue cropped cardy. I got a large amount of underwear, because it’s soooo pretty there. Not all of it’s for moi, but I need to decide what is. I did buy something very special but shhh that’s nunna, (Nunna Your Beeswax). Oh and a broach for my Nanna at Christmas. See I am a sensible shopper. *cough splutter cough cough

So course wise stuff, well yesterday I played on PhotoShop, the coolest program ever invented for designers. Seriously! It’s expensive to buy, (£500), and because of copyright can’t really be sold second hand, if anyone can burn me a copy I’d be so grateful. Apparently something called gimp works just as well and can be downloaded, so perhaps I should look into that.
This morning we had our first History and Theory lecturers, which was very interesting. Annoying cause I won’t be here for much longer. But is does help me with the idea that I’m not interested in Fashion, Textiles is defiantly my thang.

I had THE worst headache yesterday, my head felt like it was going to explode and I was dizzy, floppy and lights were killing my eyes. I ahven’t had a headache that bad for yonks, it was a migraine. And I can still feel it lurking…bum off. *waves threateningly.

The last couple of days I’ve been feeling a bit down again. Missing home a lot. My course leader suggested I tried to pretend I wasn’t going home, to see if I can actually adapt. Yeah so I tried it and it’s bummed me out again. If it weren’t for an email from Dom and Katie helping to distract me when I couldn’t get hold of Mummy I don’t know what I would have done. Oh yeah I do, sat and cried.

Thankfully I have the distraction of a Knit and Stitch show tomorrow in London. Getting up at six is not gonna be fun, but the day should be. I’ve been promised lots of pretty beads to buy and you know what that means guys, lot’s of pretty jewellery. Wooooo! It’s the only reason I’m going. Fun fun fun.

Neways better got make tea, will blogg soon.
Love and Huggles, Claire

Monday, October 09, 2006

There's Gonna Be Danger, God I Wish I Were Back, We Should Have Been Home By Now

Home By Now/No Matter What, Meat Loaf

So last time I blogged I was very unhappy. Now I am feeling much better. I finally snapped after spending all of last Tuesday drawing and feeling thoroughly miserable. I rang my Mum during my lunch break and told her I wanted to come home. She was already upset to the point where my Dad had come home to look after her. Finally making a decision made me feel so much better and I was able to go back to my studio and draw something I felt was halfway decent.

I’ve spoken to Mrs P, who has been an absolute saint the last week, calling me and texting to see if I’m ok. I’ve spoken to both my lecturers and my course leader. The basic plan is to see how I feel in a couple of weeks, as my parents can’t come for me before the 26th anyway. That means I will have been here a month, so if I change my mind I can, and if I don’t I’ve given it a fair whack and also learnt a lot. I’m just not ready to be 250 miles/6 hours from home. Maybe one day but not now.

Knowing that I’m going home means I can actually enjoy my time here. I’ve seen ITV filming Persuasion, (wow and I have photos), been involved in a mad Top Shop 40% sale and tackled scary washing machines and tumble driers. And I’ve learnt to drink and discovered alcoholic drinks I find palatable.

Speaking of Top Shop’s sale. It was one of the funniest and scariest experiences ever. There was a fire at Bath’s store the other day and today it re-opened with all stock reduced 40%. My friend Ellie and I dashed out of the studio door as soon as our lecturer said we could go into town to research our project on Bath’s fashion shops. We got there to find massive cues and getting into the store was a mad scrum. I was careful with my shopping, only things I knew I would wear, but just negotiating round was a challenge. Then a 45 minuet wait just to pay. All in all it was an exhausting and hot experience. Not something I will forget for a while.

I can’t wait to be back home. Seriously it’s the only thing keeping me going. If I think about staying my insides twist into knots and I feel sick. No way in hell. I’m looking forward to my gap year a lot, there’s plenty I can do. Once I have my UCAS thing sorted. *cringes at the impending and daunting task. Currently I’m thinking of doing Biology, but the difficulty may be I haven’t done Chemistry, which could pose a slight problem. I feel a chat with Mrs P coming on……

I’ve heard form my darling Dom, who headed off to India last Monday. He called me several times before he went, and I was glad he did. I miss him a lot but right now I’m focusing on getting home and my life straight.

Thank you to all the people who were there for me these last few weeks, even those not in the country. Your support has meant the world and has helped, even I it seemed like it wasn’t. Thank you I will never forget it.

Love and Huggles, Claire

Monday, October 02, 2006

This is not me, I used to be so strong but now I feel weak

Not Me, Not I Delta Goodrem

So I’m in Bath. I worked so hard to get here and now all I want is to go home. It’s like Seth in the OC realising Brown isn’t where he wants to go. Except this isn’t a TV show and I haven’t got a happy ending in sight. To put it bluntly I am miserable. The last time I cried this often and was this sad and depressed was in Year 9 when various people fell out with me. I have been here 8 horrible days. I want to go home. I don’t care what I do afterwards, but I want to go home. I am not ready for being 250miles from my family. I’m still too young, too dependant. I may be able to cook/wash/clean etc for myself. Go from A to B by myself. Stay home alone for 2 weeks. But I am not ready for this. I am one of the youngest here, don’t think I’ve met anyone else who’s 18. Fresh from A Levels. My work may be of the correct standard but I am NOT. I miss everything. My home, my family, my boyfriend, (yes I know he’s gone to India so I miss him wherever I am now), my friends, my bed, my room….blah blah blah. This just feels so wrong. I haven’t had a day where I haven’t cried…. My flatmates are nice enough. They seem to have paired off really; Sam and Tasha because they smoke, Lauren and Matt because I don’t know why, Chris and Paddy don’t seem to care who they’re with. Leaving me on the outside. I haven’t the bounce and happiness I used to have, which makes making really close friends with them so hard. I just find myself feeling like I don’t fit with them. My parent’s seem to be running out of patience with me too. They know I’m unhappy, but I’m scared to tell them I just want to drop out and come home. Getting a job doesn’t thrill me, but I can’t cope with being this far away at the moment. I could reapply next year to somewhere closer maybe. How long can I leave this before I can drop out without looking like a looser? How long before I can prove to people I am genuinely not happy. All my bounce, all my happiness, everything that made me me has gone. It’s nowhere in sight. All I am is unhappy and withdrawn. Everyone must be so sick of hearing me moan and whine and cry by now. So I’ll leave it there.