Wednesday, November 01, 2006

When You Really Really Need It The Most, That’s When Rock and Rolls Dreams Come Through

Rock ‘n’ Roll Dreams, Meat Loaf

Right I tried to tidy up all my folders of schoolwork today. I’ve produced 2 bags of rubbish for le recycling bin, but still haven’t gotten far with it really. Eep this is gonna take forever methinks.

I spent most of the day rather down. I’d managed to tie myself into knots about getting my old job back, and convinced myself they wouldn’t want me. I desperately wanted it back because it’s a familiar, safe environment. It means I’m earning and can help my mum out and gives me something that will physically tire me as currently it’s all emotional exhaustion putting me to sleep at night. Things started to go wrong when I woke up and my sister had already left for school and Mummy was just leaving to meet her friend. This left me home alone, something that wouldn’t normally bother me but did this time. I was scared and didn’t want to get up till she came home, or ten whichever came first. Sadly ten did but Mummy came soon after, (thankfully).

We had a chat in the afternoon and sneezing my head off for about 2 hours made me feel a lot better. If I recall correctly it releases endorphins or such like….which explains why I enjoy it so. I’m still sneezing now, on and off, and I’ve just chased my tail all puppy like, so now I’m dizzy too.

Despite my fears about my job Marj and Linda were lovely and gave it me straight back. Feels good to be back in my old routine and they even said they missed they’re “little un”. Bless, I’ve missed them too.

OOO it’s Torchwood time folks! Better run.
Love and Huggles, Claire

PS. Meat Loafs new album, The Monster Is Loose ROCKS!!!! *resists urge to buy

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