Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Helloooooo my lovelies. Before we start please click on .....because I'd like more bunny people.

Before I settle down to do even more work I thought I'd show you the house I'm going to look at tomorrow with my friend Hannah and her friend Lucy. Hannah and I have mused over the idea of living together, plus Richard next year and have finally decieded to go for it. I'm supposed to take some pictures and show them to Richard on Friday. I just hope a) the landlord doesn't mind the fact he's not a student and b) that we make it back for the practical at 2! We're meeting the landlord at one so hopefully it won't take too long. Cross your fingers.
Neways this is the place;

Wish us luck folks!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Kicking dust in the canyon wind

Hellooo folks, have we all had good weekends?

The last few days of my life have been rather eventful. Not major events, just minor ones that add to life rich tapestry. The first is I'm moving departments at work, from frozen to the deli, (or as it's more correctly know "Counters"). I will also have hours there every Saturday unless I contact Matt and let him know well in advance. Counters is easier work, no heavy comps, but is occasionally frantic. It also means I'm closer to Richard, as Provisions is adjacent to Counters. Am I going to spend my shifts oogling him? Probably. :)

Tomorrow I start my next set of modules, and I'm rather tired. Rather than get a reading week us science students, (like many others I suspect), must work on. A 10 week term is exhausting, after 5 mad weeks I could go for a week off to rest myself. I seem to be feeling rather lethargic far too often. Given I'm eating well my only other thought it to try and make it to bed earlier. Not that I was going very late anyway but you never know, it might help.

Missing Richard alot tonight. Since Wednesday I've seen him every day, so to not have him here and know that it'll be Friday before I'm with him is tough. Busy I shall be keeping. We had a lovely Valentines Day together, maostly spent lounging around and relishing each others company. We chatted a little more about future plans, about our wedding and thing. I'm odd, most teenage girls who are hopeless romantics have already planned their weddings but for me it's always been about finding that one guy who is meant for us. So the actual wedding seems less important. We''d both prefer to spend more on our honeymoon and go to Australia, especially as we'd like to emigrate there.
I also finnaly asked Richard what his thoughts on being a stay at home dad were. In our current situation it's likely I'd be the primary breadwinner, which I don't mind in the least but once we start a family, in several years time, money would be an issue if I weren't working. Richards brother looks after the family rather than work, and Richard admitted he'd love it, but only if I were happy to not be the homemaker. While this is all aaaaaaaaages away it's good to know I have the option to have a carreer as well as the family.

Eeeeeek it's 10.22 and I have a nine o'clock lecture! Night folks, it's Claire sleepytime. Thanks for listening to my ranblings :)

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Helloooooooooo happy valentines day folks :) I got my special Richardbunny so I'm very happy :)
still good
My third and final exam was ok, not as good as the others but still good.
Neways that's all folks :)
Love you all xxxxxx

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Yay!!!! Richard is on his way!!!! I hav to leave in a moment to get a bus to pick him up. I was going to surprise him and meet him in preston but there aren't any trains that get me there in the right time. *breif pause to evict wasp from room and shut window. Bloody insects. Anyhoo it's the thought that counts.

The exams I've had so far, I've been well prepared for both and they've gone better than I thought they would. The hardest one is tomorrow so I'm going to find moments today to cram. There is a huge amount of info for it, far too much, but it should be ok.

Right I'd better toodle off now, see you soon folks!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

So how are we all? I'm thinking a quick blogg before I sit down to revise might help me relax. I'm more wound up about these end of module exams than any other this year, yet I'm far better prepared and actually doing more revision. I've been waking up and my brain immediatly starts revising. So the last couple of nights have been pretty lousy sleep wise. Exam number one is tomorrow, and it's the module I want to take next year so I need to pull my finger out. Luckily it's not till one so I can go to bed after Monster in Law (with more revision), reivise tomorrow and might do ok. I'll feel so much better once they're all done.

Richard is coming down on Wednesday, which is his brithday too, so I'm looking forward to that so much. He's got three whole days off, all of which are set aside for me. YAY! Remind me I need wrapping paper....

So anyway thats about it for me, nothing else new :)

Friday, February 08, 2008

Whilst I'm away folks, please clicky on my linky each day and give me more bunny people for m bunny city :)
All you do is click :)
Promise I'll stop pestering soon :)
Love you all and have a great weekend.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

If you haven't already, please clicky the linky (daily) to give me more bunny people;

Thanks folks :)

Sunday, February 03, 2008

Calender Girls is funny :) There's something about naked old W.I ladies thats pretty funny. The cast certainly helps, it's like Cranford, some of the best British actresses ever. Except Judi Dench, where's she got to in this film?

Anyway my weekend wasn't quite as busy as I'd planned, my hours at work got cancelled so I spent Saturday watching films adn trying to write lecture notes up. I made mum dig out Pillow Talk, (one of the BEST Doris Day films ever, and one of the first, and her first, screwball movie).

Once it got near six I tootled off to ASDA and picked my dear Richard up from work. Between 6pm Saturday and 5.30am Sunday there just isn't enough time. He's sent me home with a letter which I'm going to read in a mo, bless his cotton socks. I miss him already but we did have lots of fun, and next week we get THREE whole days together here :) His birthday is on the 13th, it's Valentines on the 14th and he argued the toss and got his normal days off on the 15th. YAY! I am excited already.
Richard is also going to sit down with his manger this week, and the deputy store manager an begin his transfer to the Lancaster ASDA. Apparently it can take up to three months, so it needs starting soon. At least they told us it took so long and didnt wait till one month before. I broke the news to mum as well so she can get used to the fact that regardless of what happens with his UCAS application, Richard IS moving to Lancaster come Spetember. It can't come soon enough!

It's hard to believe this is Week 4, and the last teaching week in my third module. It's flown by, but at least this week will be a little less hectic. I've got one more piece of coursework due in, which just needs me to figure out how to apply a line of best fit properly, and then I'm done. I have till after Easter holidays to do the 104 coursework but thanks to my friend Rachel I've got a copy of the coursework text which is no longer in print. It's a lovely book too, she orddered one and got sent two, but billed for one, so we're splitting the cost so we pay half each, (which is only fair if she's giving me a free copy).

Anyway I'm rather sleepy now so bedtime for me. Monday morning brings a 7.45am start. Nigth folks!

PS. apologies for any spelling mistakes, Blogger is being crap and not letting me spell check it.