Sunday, October 15, 2006

He'll Get By Without His Rabbit Pie So Run Rabbit Run Rabbit Run Run Run

Run Rabbit Run, We learnt it for our VE Day celebrations in Primary School and I can't get it out of my head.

The Knit and Stitch Show was, frankly, bloody brilliant. Possibly the most exciting thing I've been to since Wolf; the Return, (Star Trek convention, Kate Mulgrew's first ever appearance in the UK circuit, wow!!!). Neways I loved the fact that most of the artists I've looked at where there; Jean Littlejohn, Jan Beaney, Carol Naylor and Richard Box. I looked at Naylor for my contextual studies last year, but found her work so boring. That's all changed now I've seen it in real life, it's gorgeous. As for Box, man he rocks! His work is similar to my own, perhaps why I love it so, but he's amazing. I got so excited I was told to "calm down before I had an orgasm." Well excuse me for being a totally textiles geek.

Friday I had my second workshop, this time starting the embroidery ones. At first it was realy interesting to learn the hand stitches even though I'm a machine girl all the way. However I was so bored after lunch….couldn't wait to get away!!!

Yesterday I did squat really, aside from all the shopping I need for the remaining 11 days. Aside form stuff like bread and milk. So I'm sorted and have more than enough chocolate etc too. I discovered that waffles covered in Nuttella are the best food ever.
Today all I've done is my washing again and print out my pictures for tomorrow so I have something to do with my "independent study" time.

It would be lovely to have a day without a headache. I'm getting sick of having them. Blooming stress. I hope they vanish once I'm home, which will be so soon. My life will get so much better then.

In other news, does the term "boy juice", and use your common sense here people to realised what it is, disturb/annoy/upset anyone? My flatmates find it horrifying that that's the term I use if I have to refer to that kind of thing. It's kinda cute I think. What's wrong with that? Answers in a comment box folks.
Perhaps I really am too much of an oddball here. No one gets my sense of humour, and it's no fun when there's no one to laugh with. And after Paddy yelled at me the other day I'm even tenser. Home really is going to be so much nicer.

Love and Huggles, Claire


Anonymous said...

M is doing tapestry downstairs (*defends her from talk of machines)
Boy juice is fine. It depends what you do with it! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Boy juice is, well, I'd rather just not think about it.