Sunday, December 03, 2006

Cause Tonight Baby, I Wanna Get Freaky With You

Freak Me, Another Level

I apologise for the blogg title, but Liz and me heard it in a shop and it made us laugh. Having googled it to find the lyrics I am rather disgusted. If you don’t believe me then google it yourself. To quote Summer from the O.C; "Ewwwwwwwwwww".

Shopping day! I’ve spent the whole day wandering around Manchester with Liz, dodging the raindrops and millions of other people who don’t want to get out of my way. Places like Primark and the Arndale were so packed it was claustrophobic and soul draining. I’m rather sleepy now. I think I have managed to make a further dent into peoples Christmas presents, tomorrow I plan to sort them all out into these HUGE Paperchase bags that I have, one’s last years and ones this years Christmas shopping bags. They hold so much, should hold all the presents I’ve bought and I can check if I’ve missed anything off my list I’m collating in my diary.

Now I want to blogg the pictures I’ve taken of my mistletoe and the funky lights in Manchester. The mistletoe was of the suicidal genus, all the leaves have fallen off and the berries have exploded off.....eeep. I’ll defo need to buy some more before le boff returns in *squeaks* 16 days. Hutters, I hope he doesn’t bring me a Heffelump back, unless it’s the kind form the Disney Shop, but my friend Zena asked for one from him....however that depends if he’s found any, apparently there aren’t any in Bangalore.

*bloggs pics before she misses her boff excessivly.

Love and Huggles, Claire


Jeans Pants said...

I heard that song back when I was in Junior high. I hated it then and I hate it now. =0)

Jeans Pants said...

Hey are you quoting The OC show? If you are I will assume you like that show and you might like to know that my friend works on that show everyday. He's a stand in for the actors. He says its one of the nicest environments he's ever worked. IF you don't like The OC then you can scratch this comment =0)