Monday, December 04, 2006

Everything Is Coming Up Roses And I’m Sure Heaven Knows It

Something Good, Catherine Porter

I think I’ve fixed my lap top. I rang the nice people and the dude told me the first thing I need to do is try a system restore to see if that solves the problem. So cross your fingers! I’d already burnt everything off it to start with, so I have all my important things on CD. What is on what CD I won’t know until I put it in the drive, it’s a bit off a lucky dip; pictures, word files, msn history or music!

It does mean re-importing my entire music collection back into itunes. Time consuming but it does mean I can have a spring clean, if I don’t listen to it I won’t import it. And I could do with putting them back into alphabetical order again. Yes people I alphabetise my CD collection, not by album title but by the way I’d want to find it, so “One Heart” by Celine Dion would be among the C’s, and the Meat Loaf CD’s are under M. It is not anal or neurotic but practical.

Neways I’m feeling a bit better, haven’t missed Dom so much today, and he emailed again. Things with everyone else seem to be sorting themselves out and I don’t think I’ve lost one of the most amazing friends ever. I did a funky collage again today, the last one for a while, because I need to put the sketchbooks away and not have them lying on the floor. I’ll blogg it when I get round to installing the software for the camera and printer.

Tomorrow I start my AS in Chemistry. I’m a little nervous, mainly because I’ll be sat in a classroom full of people 2 years younger than me and who are wondering what the hell I’m doing there. It’s like Bath only people could SEE I was deserving of my place and they were all at least a year older. Cross your fingers for me.

Love and Huggles, Claire


Jeans Pants said...

yay! for fixing your laptop. Sure it sucks to reload everything but it will all be new and improved. My fingers are crossed your you. Good luck!!!

Anonymous said...

Good luck with your chemicals!