Thursday, November 06, 2008

Hats off

So in a brief break from all the work I have to do I popped into town with Richard. We wandered around and had a very nice coffee, I can heartily recommend Costa's Maple Syrup Latte, and then called in at Sainsbury's so I could get a sandwich for my packed lunch tomorrow (I'm going to Knowsely Safari Park*). And on our hunt for the prepacked sandwiches I found these:

They came with little woolly hats on! I cannot tell you how excited this made me, but I'm sure you can guess. I spent ages trying to decide which hats to get. No idea what to do with them once I've drank the drink but they are still so very cute. Innocent smoothies are amazing.

*yes it does count as educational. We're looking at ungulates as part of my Evolution and Behaviour module. I hope there are cute fluffy things......