Saturday, October 21, 2006

Let Me Let You In On A Secret, On How To Treat A Women Right

If You Wanna Touch Her, Ask! , Shania Twain.

The last few days have been full of drama and such like. So I have rather a lot to blogg.

Wednesday evening I went out with everyone. We started in Vodka Revolution, and I tried on the advice of the o so wise Katie, a Russian Bride. Which is seriously the best drink ever invented by man, next to hot chocolate of course. Then we went to the cheese night at one of Bath’s few clubs, Delta Krug. I haven’t had so much fun dancing for a long time, and with such a huge group of girls made it so brilliant. Considering the amount of junk food I’ve been eating I SO needed the exercise. You should have seen our kitchen’s face\when “Sweet Child of Mine” came on, it’s pretty much become our anthem. And JT’s “Sexy Back”, I’ll never forget Sam dancing with the fridge because she was so desperate to dance that fist week we were here. So many of the songs made me think of people, “Ain’t No Other Man” by Christina Aguilera makes me think of Luke because he knows all the words and REALLY shouldn’t. Bless.
I was also impressed that Bath’s male population behaved themselves, considering how rude the shoppers are I was wary. i got some random guy put his arm around me on the way to the bar, blocking my path. Rather than freak I wordlessly removed his arm and carried on walking. Go me I thought, until Sam and I ended up next to him and his friends at the bar. One of them got a mouthful for pinching Sam’s bum, and to apologise bought us the 4 drinks we’d come to buy, which set him back over a tenner. And my randomer apologised to me, but seriously if you wanna dance with me, ASK!!! Manners people! I was also informed by Rosie whilst dancing in Delta Krug that some dude dancing behind/to the side of me was staring at me and ordered to go dance with him. I didn’t, and aside from brief conversation and saying goodbye I didn’t speak to him. He seemed ok, but I was there to dance with my girlies. I already have a wonderful boff, so wasn’t interested in dancing with another dude. Neways I had lots of fun, it was a really good night out.

Thursday’s main event was the big blow up in the evening. There have been issues building for a while, Paddy didn’t clean his stuff up after him, and Lauren was feeling under appreciated, and a bazillion more issues I don’t know about and no-one is sharing. For nearly an hour they argued and talked it out in the corridor. I sat in the kitchen with Sam, Matt and Ellie. It was horrible, I hate conflict and I hate not being able to solve people’s problems or make them feel better. In the end it was just left for everyone to get some breathing space. Sam and I went down to the bar to chill for a bit, I didn’t get to unwind for a couple of reasons but Sam thanked me the next day for letting her confide and talk to me. So at least I helped someone.

Yesterday I didn’t do much; the highlight was probably watching 40 Days and 40 Nights with Sam and Sophia. It’s not a bad film, but I have issues with part of the ending. To me his ex having sex with him without his consent whilst he’s asleep would normally be considered rape. If the roles were reversed and he’d done it to her it certainly would have been and people would have been angry. I do dislike double-standards in any form. Or perhaps I’m uptight. What do we think guys?

I will blogg again later, so it’s not so big. I may have more to say then too.

Love and Huggles, Claire