Saturday, December 30, 2006

“I quit show business and committed myself to advancing the rights of the vertically challenged”

Miss Piggy, as the Good Witch from the Muppets in Oz.

Ok so I haven’t blogged properly for how long? Did you miss me? This will be last blog(g) of the year, because tomorrow I’m at my boff’s house to welcome the new year with him. Woot!

I’ve had a wonderful couple of weeks, spent mostly with the boff and over Christmas. Which is probably all I’m going to share…

Thinking about it I’ve had a wonderful year in general really. If you exclude The Incident that was Bath, it’s probably been the best year of my life so far. I hope everyone else can say the same thing.

Right I’m going to pay full attention to “The Muppets in Oz”, possibly one of the funniest films of the year.

Happy New Year everybody!

Love and New Year Huggles, Claire

“They can put a trailer in munchkin land but can’t make a magical shoes comfortable, go figure”

Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas Everyone

Happy Christmas to everyone that reads my blog(g). I hope you have had a wonderful day and that you got everything you wanted, and all your Christmas wishes come true.

Love and festive Huggles, Claire

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Baby It’s Almost Too Much, I’m Helplessly, Hoplessly, Recklessly Falling In Love

Helplessly, Hopelessly, Recklessly, Jessica Andrews

Finally got a spare moment to blog(g)! I have been rather busy the last couple of days. Mainly I have been emboffificated. In fact I think that might be all I’ve done really.

It’s so wonderful to have my darling back, we’ve had an amazing couple of days, there’s a lot to catch up on. I’m deliriously happy to have him back. Yippee!!

You know I’m going to leave it, because although I have loads to say it’s not anything I’m going to blog(g). See you next time I blog(g) folks!

Love and Huggles, Claire

PS. I love my Dominic.

Monday, December 18, 2006

HE'S GOING TO BE HOME IN ONE HOUR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HE'S GOING TO BE HOME IN ONE HOUR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

love and huggles, Claire

PS, What is wrong with Britney Spears Justin? Hmmm??? Don't make me come over there!

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Tell Me My True Love Is Here. He’s All I Want Just For Me, Underneath My Christmas Tree

My Only Wish (This Year), Britney Spears

I do not appear to have blogged for a couple of days, oops. In a nutshell I’ve been to see De ja vu, which was brilliant, and during which Jess slept on my shoulder for most of it. Most people were back from uni, so it was the first time I got to see people like Phil, Eddy and Jess Milly for a while. We had an interesting encounter with some chavy-sluty girls far too young to be drinking at the cinema bar but obviously had been allowed to. Ever heard of ID Mr.Bartender?

Yesterday I hunted for a pair of silver shoes to go with my dress, only to be left with no choice but a pair of cream ballerinas. The problem with having feet that are not only impossibly tiny but also between shoe sizes means buying shoes is difficult. Cream ones went nicely with my dress, especially as I managed to get jewellery to match. I do love being colour co-ordinated.

Today I have spent putting up decorations and finishing the last 2 scarf’s I was making. They need trimming and the stuff dissolving off tomorrow, but they are pretty much done. I also might wrap some presents tomorrow too, I could do with keeping busy. the house is all Christmasfied and looks brilliant. Lot's of sparkly bits and shiny lights.

Those of you who are smart enough to be counting will know my darling boyfriend is due back from India tomorrow. “So why aren’t you excited?” you ask.
Well it dawned on me that a flight from Bangalore to Leeds is about 14-16 hours, plus checking time either end, plus getting back from Leeds, (2 hours depending on traffic), means that as my boff’s flight home is tomorrow, he might not actually be back till early Tuesday morning.
I am deliriously excited about him coming home already, but I would like to sleep tonight, so I’m trying not to be overly excited until tomorrow. If he does get back late Monday night/early Tuesday morning I suspect I won’t see him till Wednesday. *taps fingers impatiently. Frankly I don’t care, I want him back in the same country so I can talk to him.

It’s nearly over! I can’t believe how fast nearly three months has gone. He’s gonna be home sooooo soon. YIPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

Love and Huggles, Claire

Tomorrow Is Only A Day Away

Tomorrow, Bugsy Malone


Love and Huggles, Claire

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Time Goes By So Slowly

Hung Up, Madonna

The first proper blog(g) for days methinks, although I haven’t got a lot to report really. I went to see Happy Feet with Liz the other day, it was BRILLIANT! Seriously cool, I love the mix of CGI and actual real lifeness used. Seriously it’s brilliant. It isn’t terribly funny but there’s more of a plot to it, it nearly had me in tears at one point. But then again I can cry at anything….

Don’t know if I said but I did actually get 5 marks on that Chemistry mock, but the teacher that marked was surprised I’d sat it to start with. Well I wasn’t given any alternative. What was I supposed to do? Sit there twiddling my thumbs for an hour?

Neways here is a picture of me in the dress without my head looking like a lighthouse. Although I do appear to have my eyes closed. I’m gonna go before I have a meltdown. Seriously, FOUR MORE DAYS and it’s going at a snails pace. I am going crazy.

Love and Huggles, Claire

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

No Matter How Many Miles Stand Between Us This Is Love

Last Night On Earth, Delta Goodrem

Ok I was gonna blog(g) all about the last 2 days but ohhh nooo, Justin goes and tags me! So now I have to tell you five things about me that you may or may not know about me. Nuts.

1. My Dad smokes a pipe. I am terrified to the point of tears just thinking about it that one day he will die of some smoking related disease.
2. I used to get D’s and B’s mixed up as a child, to the point where my Mum made me a little card with a teddy sat on the word “Bed” so I would be able to tell them apart. I grew out of it, but still have the card somewhere. Now I just can’t spell anything at all.
3. My underwear has little gold and red sparkly reindeers on it.
4. I used to want to drive a purple train when I was younger.
5. I’ve gone up a bra size in the last six months.

Sorry, at short notice that’s the best I can do. I will also be blogging another pic of my dress without me looking like I have a lighthouse for a head. Charming Justin, a real confidence booster.

Right I tag Hutters and Liz to do the same thing. SO five things the general public may not know about you.

Love and Huggles, Claire

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Does my butt look big in this?

This is a very bad photo of my potential dress for the reuion on Monday. Please let me know what you all think. Ta!

Monday, December 11, 2006

We Want The Same Things, We Dream The Same Dream

(We Want) The Same Things, Belinda Carlisle

ONE WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Yes of course you can, because all those who read my blogg are supremely intelligent people. There is also the fact I’ve been banging on about Dominic’s return for what, about 2 and half months…I am SO excited I think I might EXPLODE. Next Monday, as Katie put it, I will be “radioactive”.

(I like that word used like that, to describe something unbelievably exciting. We’ll add that to the dictionary, along with rat-arsed to means something broken, and the word boff to mean boyfriend.)

I digress. I cleaned faster than I’ve cleaned for a long time and spent a lot of it singing random snippets of songs I know, much to the amusement of my bosses. I think they might abuse the fact I have so much energy this week.

Ok, I shall go do more Chemicals homework before I actually explode.

OH OH, I remember what I was gonna say. Did I blogg when there was ten days to go? *checks. Yes I did, and I forgot to put in what I’ve been planning on putting in for aaaages. So for anyone who can be fluffed, December 8th blogg has an addition to it, in the form of a quote. Please read, it might make you laugh, (no promises though).

Love and Huggles, Claire

PS. Thanks for poking me to watch your blogg Justin. It was soo cool and had me laughing my tush off, (as all your Vlogs do), when I was supposed to be doing my Chemicals homework.
PPS. Yep Hutters, all my uni choices are within about 50miles of home. VERY close.

PPS. Someone sedate me please.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

The Signs All Said “Caution Kid’s At Play”

Objects In The Rear-view Mirror May Appear Closer Than They Are, Meat Loaf

Wow, what a BRILLIANT weekend. I’ve got so much done, and really important jobs like writing my Christmas cards and sending my UCAS form off, and I’ve been out with two of my best friends! There’s only eight days till Dominic comes home! My friend Christine told me something that made me SO happy it’s untrue, darling Chris, I am SO happy for you!

Last night I went to a party with Luke, who was home for the weekend from Chester. It was so good to see him, and spend the evening hanging out with him and his sisters, and some of the funniest people I’ve ever met! Such a cool night. I owe Luke loads of drinks, he paid for me allllll night, but he did say he was trying to get me drunk. He failed miserably, but we still had a huge amount of fun.

Today I went for a drive about with Katie, home from Lancaster. We went and explored the new Tesco that was the old ASDA. Before the old one shut, the very ight before, Katie and I went for a last wander around it, to also wander down memory lane. We did that again today, but more like “Omigod where have the toilets gone/What’s up with the cafĂ©?/Why are the ATM’s inside?/Didn’t the veggies used to be here?/What used to be here?” kind.
Then we beetled off to MacDonalds, partly because we were hungry, partly to sample the Christmas menu, and partly because hell, we always go and traditions MUST NOT DIE! Lol. Chinwag and giggles had before we beetled off to the next destination.
Yep folks, you guessed it, another supermarket, this time ASDA. Where I bought a bra and thong, but you didn’t need to know that….again we perused the aisles and explored it. ASDA is currently the home of a 10 foot tall Mumbles Happy Feet penguin, oh the coolness! Katie dear, is your reverse still rat-arsed?

My UCAS form has gone off, I have officially applied to Manchester, Manchester Met, Chester, Lancaster, Leeds and Liverpool. Now lets hope I get some offers!

Love and Huggles, Claire

Friday, December 08, 2006

I’m Holding Out For A Hero Till The Morning Light, He’s Gotta Be Sure And He’s Gotta Be Soon

Holdin’ Out For A Hero, Bonnie Tyler

The quote I forgot;
"Ten days before Halloween and all the good costumes are gone?"Chandler, Friends
"Ten days before Dominic comes home and all the good underwears in the wash" Claire.
(perhaps that was actually a little over-sharing but meh, I thought it was funny)

There are TEN DAYS until my boff returns from India. Where the floop did the last two and half months go? I cannie wait until he’s home and I can go and be snuggled. The last few days are defiantly the hardest, when it’s so close you can almost taste it, (I think that’s from a song but what I forget).

Neways before I get myself upset and full of missingness thoughts, what have I been up too? Well my courses are sorted at sixth from. The AS in Chemsitry natuarally, and thanks to some dude who’s transferred collages I can do the AS in Fine Art. I’ve arranged to go and show the teacher my work from Bath, which should fit in nicely with the first module which is supposed to be “urban landscapes”. We’ve also agreed that I can work independently and just take my work to show him for guidance every few weeks. Brilliant!

Liz, Jess and I went to Burnley to do some Christmas shopping. Poor planning meant we didn’t manage to get an awful lot of presents, but we still had fun. Submarine! And the attentions of a scary random dude who was defo drunk and on something. I just hid and left Liz to pretend to be interested in his random ramblings.

I did a Chemistry mock today. After having been to four lessons and not done chemistry for two years I probably got about five marks. I’ve got Christmas to catch up as much of the work as possible.

Right I’m gonna go because I have a mizillion jobs to do. Starting with writing a jobs list!

Love and Huggles, Claire

PS “Your love is so close I can almost taste it” is from Meat Loaf’s Bad For Good, from his new album. Told you it was from a song.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

All I Wanna Do Is Have Some Fun, And I Got The Feeling I’m Not The Only One

All I Wanna Do, Sheryl Crow

So my first Chemistry lesson. Well I sat there for the first period wondering what I’d let myself I for, it al went completely over my head. However things picked up in the second period, with a different teacher and a different part of the syllabus. I understood it. It was nice and straightforward, my kind of Chemistry as well. I have a lot to catch up on but one teacher has all her notes and stuff on sheets so she’s easy. The other two teachers I don’t know about, it will be a lot of textbook work for me I think.
Then I met Jess and we had a brew and a lovely chat and fixed everything. Love you Jess!!!!! She got her mistletoe kiss too.

Naturally just when things were going right my life did a PMT moment. I’ve been told for legal reasons I need to be enrolled to do more than one AS course. Right, I wonder what the hell I can do that a) isn’t a ton of work b) I will enjoy and c) means I won’t have to do AS Critical Thinking again. The answer seemed obvious, I could do an AS in Art. Problem solved methinks.

Of course that would mean things were sorted and I wasn’t so stressed I’ve gone past the point of wanting to cry and now am just exhausted. So what’s the problem?

I spoke to my old Textiles teacher. The Art AS offered isn’t Art as in FINE Art, it’s Art as in APPLIED Art. Eh, you say? In an eggshell it’s basically a Foundation in Art and Design, where you cover everything from fine art to textiles to ceramics and photography and blah blah blah. Also in an eggshell, it’s not the kind of Art I want or enjoy. To make the whole omelette I don’t want to do it, mainly because I don’t like the course and also because I don’t think it would be possible to catch up the work.

Well hello again square one, you don’t half look familiar.

So tomorrow I’m gonna go tell the Art teacher sorry but your course isn’t what I want, tell the head of sixth form that stuff it, I’ll re-sit Critical Thinking, (but you can get stuffed if you think I’m coming in for the lessons having done it once), and meet my third and final Chemistry teacher.

And now I’m going to start making notes from my new textbook.

Love and Huggles, Claire

PS. Didn’t think I’d forgotten you Liz, LOVE YOU!
PPS. And I LOVE YOU Christine.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Everything Is Coming Up Roses And I’m Sure Heaven Knows It

Something Good, Catherine Porter

I think I’ve fixed my lap top. I rang the nice people and the dude told me the first thing I need to do is try a system restore to see if that solves the problem. So cross your fingers! I’d already burnt everything off it to start with, so I have all my important things on CD. What is on what CD I won’t know until I put it in the drive, it’s a bit off a lucky dip; pictures, word files, msn history or music!

It does mean re-importing my entire music collection back into itunes. Time consuming but it does mean I can have a spring clean, if I don’t listen to it I won’t import it. And I could do with putting them back into alphabetical order again. Yes people I alphabetise my CD collection, not by album title but by the way I’d want to find it, so “One Heart” by Celine Dion would be among the C’s, and the Meat Loaf CD’s are under M. It is not anal or neurotic but practical.

Neways I’m feeling a bit better, haven’t missed Dom so much today, and he emailed again. Things with everyone else seem to be sorting themselves out and I don’t think I’ve lost one of the most amazing friends ever. I did a funky collage again today, the last one for a while, because I need to put the sketchbooks away and not have them lying on the floor. I’ll blogg it when I get round to installing the software for the camera and printer.

Tomorrow I start my AS in Chemistry. I’m a little nervous, mainly because I’ll be sat in a classroom full of people 2 years younger than me and who are wondering what the hell I’m doing there. It’s like Bath only people could SEE I was deserving of my place and they were all at least a year older. Cross your fingers for me.

Love and Huggles, Claire

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Kiss Me In Sweet Slow Motion/Is There A Light Up Ahead/

This Kiss, Faith Hill/Long Way Home, Norah Jones

Cause Tonight Baby, I Wanna Get Freaky With You

Freak Me, Another Level

I apologise for the blogg title, but Liz and me heard it in a shop and it made us laugh. Having googled it to find the lyrics I am rather disgusted. If you don’t believe me then google it yourself. To quote Summer from the O.C; "Ewwwwwwwwwww".

Shopping day! I’ve spent the whole day wandering around Manchester with Liz, dodging the raindrops and millions of other people who don’t want to get out of my way. Places like Primark and the Arndale were so packed it was claustrophobic and soul draining. I’m rather sleepy now. I think I have managed to make a further dent into peoples Christmas presents, tomorrow I plan to sort them all out into these HUGE Paperchase bags that I have, one’s last years and ones this years Christmas shopping bags. They hold so much, should hold all the presents I’ve bought and I can check if I’ve missed anything off my list I’m collating in my diary.

Now I want to blogg the pictures I’ve taken of my mistletoe and the funky lights in Manchester. The mistletoe was of the suicidal genus, all the leaves have fallen off and the berries have exploded off.....eeep. I’ll defo need to buy some more before le boff returns in *squeaks* 16 days. Hutters, I hope he doesn’t bring me a Heffelump back, unless it’s the kind form the Disney Shop, but my friend Zena asked for one from him....however that depends if he’s found any, apparently there aren’t any in Bangalore.

*bloggs pics before she misses her boff excessivly.

Love and Huggles, Claire

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Time To Rejoice In The Good That We See

Mistletoe and Wine, Cliff Richard

I got the most amazing thing in the post today. A little box of REAL LIVE MISTLETOE! From the Innocent Smoothie company. I joined their email list last year, because their smoothies always make me laugh. It is soooo cool. I’m supposed to go and kiss people and take photos to send them or something, but how awesome is this, a random box of mistletoe.
Pity I don’t think it will last till Dom’s home, but I’ll have to get some more. Not that he’ll need a reason to kiss me or anything. He emailed me today, poor thing is starting to miss people quite a lot. I’m concerned about that, I only have him to miss, he’s got his whole world, and I know how that feels. I hope he manages to have fun in his last *wow* 17 days.

In other news, I have a number to call to arrange a collection of my laptop to fix or whatever they want to do with it. Someone just needs to pick up the phone after the "putting you through to hardware, hold please" bit so I can speak to a human not a auto message. They didn’t need the fluffing insurance, they printed me another copy and that’s it.

Still miss my boff, we drove past his house today which I found very hard. I know he’ll be home soon but I’m finding it hard again. But I know from the last couple of months keeping busy really works. In that case what am I still doing here blogging?

Love and Huggles, Claire

PS. I’ll blogg the pics of my mistletoe tomorrow, when I have some batteries for my camera. And does anyone, ie. Liz, know why I bought some AAA batteries, (the really thin ones) from tesco. I can’t think of anything they go in, not my camera...

Friday, December 01, 2006

Christmas Is Coming The Goose Is Getting Fat, Please Put A Penny In The Old Mans Hat If You Haven't Got A Penny A Hapney Will Do

Some Christmas song written by some dude yonks ago.

Well I have managed to pin and tack both the scarfs today and I’m aiming to start cutting wool up again tonight for a third. When I will get to sew them I don’t know, maybe sometime next week. It took allll morning with both my mum and I working at it. And having a laugh at the same time, "there’s a table under here!".

Liz and I met for a super quick coffee and then went to hand in our invigermilating forms so we get paid next month. Well we’ll both get paid cleaning anyway but the extra will be lovely.

I’ve spent most of the day rather hyper, it’s officially Decemembeber which means I can say HAPPY CHRISTMAS and there’s also 18 days till I’m emboffied again. Both of which are brilliant. Sadly things took a crash when Jess told me that, yet again, she can’t meet on Sunday to go shopping with us like we’d planned. I was really really looking forward to shopping with Jess and Liz, Liz and me will have a ball sure but I was looking forward to a threesome day. Yet again Jess bailed, ok so she’s tired from work, but it just seems like she NEVER wants to spend time, like more than an hour, with us anymore. I only see her for ten mins during work, and it’s not like Liz and I, we live 5mins apart so walk to work and go for random brews. I keep inviting Jess to do stuff and she keeps rejecting me. I feel really really rubbish. I want my boff back NOW!

Love and Huggles, Claire