Tuesday, July 29, 2008

And I said what about breakfast at Tiffany's?

Alot has happened since my last blogg, I have turned 20, visited the zoo and seen many VERY cute animals, continued to work and make pizzas for a living and plod along with my driving lessons. I've seen the ending of the first series of Gossip Girl, so now I'm seeking something to fill the gap of Queen B-have you seen what she's wearing-craziness that it was. It was nice to see Michelle Trachenburg in something less sweet and innocent too :)

Richard and I have hit a snag with our move to Lancaster. Apparently the ASDA in Lancaster hasn't got any vacancies. Which means he currently has no job there. Rather worrying. We've got our fingers crossed that something turns up at ASDA. In the mean time we're working on a shiny CV to send people in Lancaster before we move. Not something we needed really.

Hopefully the lovely people in Merkinland hit by the earthquake are OK too. Jane that means you so poke me to show you're OK!!!

I was going to leave you with some zoo pictures but after poking around my laptop I found I haven't yet put them on here. Ooops, maybe next time :)

you know you love me xoxo

Thursday, July 17, 2008

I can't decide if you should live or you should die

Another break in the blogging but I'm sure you will forgive me. I've been plodding my way through a 35 hour week, and all but 5 hours of that is done :) It hasn't been too bad, but I'm very very glad next week I've just got my contracted hours and that's it. I need the sleep, the bags under my eyes are huge! Being up at half six when your body isn't used to it isn't fun.

Other than work I've continued the grand sort out of my bedroom and list a fair bit on ebay. So far I've raised nearly £45, which should go someway towards a Channel silk scarf or some other treat (and if it's the Channel it's a Treat with a capital T). The only thing I've used my hard earned pennies for is an academic diary because try as I may I can't find ANY in the shops below £3. And yes, I am a cheap skate. I'm a poor student.

Last night was a staff pub quiz held at Madison's Wine Bar, (local readers will know where that is). I've not been in Madison's since it's revamp, and might not have been in prior, but it was never painted in a shiny lovely light really. I must say it is lovely inside, and rather than a loud raucous pub, it seems to be a lovely place to go for a quiet drink.
As for the quiz my team consisted of myself, Richard, Richards work friend Colin, and my work friends Katie and Jane. Unfortunately for Katie and myself the questions were very much aimed at the 35+ audience, so we knew very little, but Colin and Richard seemed to have it all pretty much covered. Overall we came third, beaten by the managers team, (who I don't doubt knew at least some questions prior) and the home shopping team, which had 2 geniuses on it. So not bad, and it was brilliant to see Katie again, I haven't seen her since Easter properly.

Now before I go I want you all to close your eyes and wish for nice weather this weekend. Preferably Saturday. It's my birthday you see and I want to go to the zoo. I can't go any other weekend because Richard won't be able to get another weekend off for about six months. (One weekend off in four my arse)
Thanks for the weather help in advance :)

Thursday, July 10, 2008

And the results are in....

Well folks, I got my results and you can all rest easy now.


With a 2.1 :)

Don't I just kick ass sometimes?

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

He smiles it's like the radio

Well tomorrow I get my results. I'm not thinking about it too much really. It's after :) Hopefully it won't take too long to get them online. It better not.

Not alot is new with me. Been to see Hancock, Will Smith is gorgeous as ever and I rather didn't expect the plot. Nice to see him doing something more grown up, I still recall the Fresh Prince days. Went with Chrish, Jess, Liz and her friend Dan. Then to Frankie and Bennys, which is the first time I've eaten a full meal there. Nice, can't fault the service but I rather feel the prices are a bit much. It was a good night though, much fun was ahd by all AND I didn't walk into the wrong toilet this time.....

I'm pretty much all unpacked from uni, aside from a bag of shoes which I really don't have anywhere to put. I'm slowly sorting everything out, ebaying as much of it as possible, but plenty is still heading to the charity shops.

And as for my favourite topic, Richard, well things are wonderful as always. We marked 11 months yesterday :) Possibly the best 11 months of my life. Certainly don't know what I'd do without him.

I should head to bed now, I don't know whether I'll be crawling out of bed very early to watch for results. I can see much pressing of the F5 key

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Shes like a dreamer in a dungeon or an angel in a cave

Well I have a new haircut, the fringe has been altered slightly but I don't quite know what it looks like till it's dried and straightened. Hopefully not a mess. My layers are back in, which helps it curl nicely but it doesn't feel like there is much hair on my head right now. Eeek.

I actually managed to get another theory test paper done, AND more importantly didn't fail it. It's all about learning to think as a driver, which may be all common sense but I do kinda lack that. I'm wondering that if I just book a test for a few weeks off I'd be able to make myself ready for that. After a year of constant deadlines and revision I'm struggling to make the effort to revise for this.

Richard was lovely and sweet, he found an extra tenner in his coat pocket and presented me with a Meat Loaf CD when he arrived at work. Most of it I've already got, but it's the thought that counts. And it is nice to be treated. Bless him :)

I have to be up earlier than normal for work tomorrow so I shall bid thee goodnight :)
Hope you're all well my friends.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Baby On Board

Greetings from the world of Claire : ) How are we all? All well?Oh good. Things are good with me too, I'm working a fair bit this week and trying to see as much of Richard as I possibly can.

And having driving lessons. Still plodding along with them. Defiantly improving but that's about it really. I need to find the time to revise for my theory test but between work, Richard, sorting out my room and everything else I don't seem to have enough time to get any done. I WILL do some tomorrow I WILL do some tomorrow.

As always things with Richard are wonderful. I'm currently resisting the temptation of a letter he has in his locker from my MUM! Given how he's been taunting me with it I suspect it's something to do with my birthday but I don't know. Richards giving nothing away and I don't want to probe mum in case I ruin any surprises. If anyones got any ideas what its all about, answers in a comment box please :)

Oh joy, BBC is running a news article on the Churches views on homosexuality. There was a very interesting article on it all in New Scientist the other week, apparently there is a remarkable amount of evidence, both within our own DNA and other species, that being "gay" is perfectly natural. Wonder if all that information is in the same category as evolution?