Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Change of scenary

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Sunday, December 28, 2008

A Change, A Change, Would Do You Good

I finally opened the perfume Richard bought me for Christmas and realised just how nice it is to change scents once in a while. I usually wear Angel, which is very sweet and chocolaty. Richard bought me Promesse, which is all blackcurranty.
Suffice to say I love the smell and because I'm not used to it I can smell it more often. Remind me to rotate my scents more often!

Right, now I'm off to look after a rather sick Richard and watch some of Star Trek Nemesis. I forgot what a good team the Next Gen crew make!


Friday, December 26, 2008

Well well well, did we all have nice Christmases? Ours was looking a little shaky but once mum had bullied dad into letting Richard sleep on the living room floor all was well. It was a perfect family Christmas, made even better by Richards presence.
I was very lucky in terms of gifts, some very perfect and well chosen ones were given to me. Richard bought me the most elegant necklace ever, and my nanna a dressing gown that is so very warm, (essential for this freezing cold house!!!). Pride of place on my book shelf is iGentics 2nd edition, one of m course texts next term. Mum and Dad got it me, which means I can buy a course text for the other module AND a subscription to Nature* when my next loan installment comes in.
All in all a very lovely Christmas. My sister didn't moan because I was around and my dad didn't sulk because we had a Richard staying with us :) I hope yours were all as nice.

Thanks to National rail not runnng Boxing Day trains (desipte route planner saying there WERE trains last week), my parents gave us a lift home, which helped somewhat with the fact I'm was working at 1pm at River Island. Which had a MASSIVE sale on. It was so unbelievably busy.
And a little worrying given the current climate. Either way 4 hours insane work earned me £60ish. Give or take the tax mans cut. (I WILL get that back you B*******).

Right well I shall be off now to see where my brew has got to.
Hope everyone is well and happy

*because New Scientists just isn't cutting it this year.....

Monday, December 15, 2008

As always it's been too long. But I have, as always been busy. Lectures, coursework, that damned further reading, and 2 jobs.

I've made it through the first part of my second year, although I still have a fair bit of work I still haven't done. Going to work throug it this holidays in a slow steady manner. There's no pressure so it's easier to do.

Richard and I are still happily little loved up bunnies :) The girls have gone home for Christmas
so we've got the house to ourselves. AND we're happily planning our second christmas together :)

We've found a lovely house for next year, which is much nicer than this one we're in. I've still to sort out when we move in, but they said come back in the summerso I shall trot back then.

Now I shall go and find out if they have snow at home and if I can pop home for a couple of days....

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Hats off

So in a brief break from all the work I have to do I popped into town with Richard. We wandered around and had a very nice coffee, I can heartily recommend Costa's Maple Syrup Latte, and then called in at Sainsbury's so I could get a sandwich for my packed lunch tomorrow (I'm going to Knowsely Safari Park*). And on our hunt for the prepacked sandwiches I found these:

They came with little woolly hats on! I cannot tell you how excited this made me, but I'm sure you can guess. I spent ages trying to decide which hats to get. No idea what to do with them once I've drank the drink but they are still so very cute. Innocent smoothies are amazing.

*yes it does count as educational. We're looking at ungulates as part of my Evolution and Behaviour module. I hope there are cute fluffy things......

Monday, October 27, 2008

Yes I know, long time no blogg but with all fairness I haven't had any internet access since I moved a month agao. When I have been online it's to print out journels and such likes for uni, because I am a good girl :)
I am very well and happy, thanks for asking. I hope everyone else is good too. Hopefully now I will be blogging more regularly but don't hold out any hopes just yet :)
Newyays I haven't done an awful lot today so I'd best go be productive.
you know you love me xoxo

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I only smile in private

Ok so yet again I haven't blogged in aaaaages. *looks embarrassed. With all fairness I have been very very busy flitting from home to Richards to work and back again.

This last week before I go back to university is hectic. Richards spent most of the week packing and is currently repainting his bedroom to hide the fact he's had a million pictures on his wall. The biggest bug bare would be getting rid of his furniture.The second hand shop who originally told us they'd collect it have basically decided they can't be arsed with it. Annoyingly this means he's had to give most of it to the girlfriend of his current housemate. The annoying thing is she hasn't even offered him a penny. Which seems a little bit cheeky of her but there's not much we can do when we need it gone fast.

I can't remember what else has happened to me recently. I managed to pass my theory test which means I will be carrying on driving lessons in Lancaster, regardless of how futile it sometimes seems.
I'm still working at ASDA and waiting to find out if they can transfer me to the store at uni but I think I'll be looking for a job in town as well. It's closer than ASDA which means I could pick up the odd weekday shift. We shall see.

I can't think of anything else I'm supposed to say, but look I blogged :)
Now does someone want to help me pack?

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Packing it all in

I am finding this whole packing lark very difficult. I don't like picking out my clothes for a whole week ahead of schedule, but it's done. Shoes are another tricky thing, but kinda done. I'm very much a silk scarf girl, so I've packed a couple, and my pearls and Tiffany heart.

But then it gets harder, what books to take??? Given I've owned most of the Gossip Girl series for about 3 years now but have yet to read any some of those, the first three in particular, are coming. But I need something more highbrow. Bill Bryon's "A Walk In The Woods" is coming, and so is Mr Dawkins and his Selfish Genes.

You know what, I shall just leave it for the moment. Unprepared never killed anyone. Right?

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Apparently I'm 6977 days old. About the same as stilton then.

And Richard is 12642 days old. He really is ancient!

Every moment that I love you is a moment, a moment of truth to hold on to

Eeeeek I haven't blogged in ages. It doesn't help I'm rather busy most of the time. Usually making pizzas or with Richard but mostly busy.

And you've missed alot, I've booked my theory test, made about fifty million pizzas, have rediscovered my geeky/nerd side, seen Mr Blitz even if ever so briefly.....and I'm sure there's lots more stuff.

OO I saw's brilliant, go see! First time I've used Orange Wednesdays and I can't believe how simple it is.

Richard and I have hit and passed our first year anniversary together last Friday. We went to a local It alien restaurant on Monday to celebrate, which was lovely even if they did have baby chicken and RABBIT on the menu. We don't often get the time to go on dates, aside from many lunches and brews at Tesco whilst we were in that brief period between friends and lovers we haven't been on more than about 6 dates. When you spend most of the time just seeing them once a week it's time together that's important not how you spend it.

More good news is that he rang ASDA Lancaster back and was told there is most likely a position there for him now. They've had a week so the plan is to ring again and confirm some kind of hours. It's such a relief :) Now just the other million things to sort out.

I go away with the family for a week on Saturday. I'd say yay but I'm not looking forward to not seeing Richard for a whole week. Mobile phone signal is so bad we'll have very little contact and that is Not Good when we tell each other everything. Even "just running a bath"!! I could do with a week away from rushing around at work so at least it should be restful.

See you soon folks, hope you're all well.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

And I said what about breakfast at Tiffany's?

Alot has happened since my last blogg, I have turned 20, visited the zoo and seen many VERY cute animals, continued to work and make pizzas for a living and plod along with my driving lessons. I've seen the ending of the first series of Gossip Girl, so now I'm seeking something to fill the gap of Queen B-have you seen what she's wearing-craziness that it was. It was nice to see Michelle Trachenburg in something less sweet and innocent too :)

Richard and I have hit a snag with our move to Lancaster. Apparently the ASDA in Lancaster hasn't got any vacancies. Which means he currently has no job there. Rather worrying. We've got our fingers crossed that something turns up at ASDA. In the mean time we're working on a shiny CV to send people in Lancaster before we move. Not something we needed really.

Hopefully the lovely people in Merkinland hit by the earthquake are OK too. Jane that means you so poke me to show you're OK!!!

I was going to leave you with some zoo pictures but after poking around my laptop I found I haven't yet put them on here. Ooops, maybe next time :)

you know you love me xoxo

Thursday, July 17, 2008

I can't decide if you should live or you should die

Another break in the blogging but I'm sure you will forgive me. I've been plodding my way through a 35 hour week, and all but 5 hours of that is done :) It hasn't been too bad, but I'm very very glad next week I've just got my contracted hours and that's it. I need the sleep, the bags under my eyes are huge! Being up at half six when your body isn't used to it isn't fun.

Other than work I've continued the grand sort out of my bedroom and list a fair bit on ebay. So far I've raised nearly £45, which should go someway towards a Channel silk scarf or some other treat (and if it's the Channel it's a Treat with a capital T). The only thing I've used my hard earned pennies for is an academic diary because try as I may I can't find ANY in the shops below £3. And yes, I am a cheap skate. I'm a poor student.

Last night was a staff pub quiz held at Madison's Wine Bar, (local readers will know where that is). I've not been in Madison's since it's revamp, and might not have been in prior, but it was never painted in a shiny lovely light really. I must say it is lovely inside, and rather than a loud raucous pub, it seems to be a lovely place to go for a quiet drink.
As for the quiz my team consisted of myself, Richard, Richards work friend Colin, and my work friends Katie and Jane. Unfortunately for Katie and myself the questions were very much aimed at the 35+ audience, so we knew very little, but Colin and Richard seemed to have it all pretty much covered. Overall we came third, beaten by the managers team, (who I don't doubt knew at least some questions prior) and the home shopping team, which had 2 geniuses on it. So not bad, and it was brilliant to see Katie again, I haven't seen her since Easter properly.

Now before I go I want you all to close your eyes and wish for nice weather this weekend. Preferably Saturday. It's my birthday you see and I want to go to the zoo. I can't go any other weekend because Richard won't be able to get another weekend off for about six months. (One weekend off in four my arse)
Thanks for the weather help in advance :)

Thursday, July 10, 2008

And the results are in....

Well folks, I got my results and you can all rest easy now.


With a 2.1 :)

Don't I just kick ass sometimes?

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

He smiles it's like the radio

Well tomorrow I get my results. I'm not thinking about it too much really. It's after :) Hopefully it won't take too long to get them online. It better not.

Not alot is new with me. Been to see Hancock, Will Smith is gorgeous as ever and I rather didn't expect the plot. Nice to see him doing something more grown up, I still recall the Fresh Prince days. Went with Chrish, Jess, Liz and her friend Dan. Then to Frankie and Bennys, which is the first time I've eaten a full meal there. Nice, can't fault the service but I rather feel the prices are a bit much. It was a good night though, much fun was ahd by all AND I didn't walk into the wrong toilet this time.....

I'm pretty much all unpacked from uni, aside from a bag of shoes which I really don't have anywhere to put. I'm slowly sorting everything out, ebaying as much of it as possible, but plenty is still heading to the charity shops.

And as for my favourite topic, Richard, well things are wonderful as always. We marked 11 months yesterday :) Possibly the best 11 months of my life. Certainly don't know what I'd do without him.

I should head to bed now, I don't know whether I'll be crawling out of bed very early to watch for results. I can see much pressing of the F5 key

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Shes like a dreamer in a dungeon or an angel in a cave

Well I have a new haircut, the fringe has been altered slightly but I don't quite know what it looks like till it's dried and straightened. Hopefully not a mess. My layers are back in, which helps it curl nicely but it doesn't feel like there is much hair on my head right now. Eeek.

I actually managed to get another theory test paper done, AND more importantly didn't fail it. It's all about learning to think as a driver, which may be all common sense but I do kinda lack that. I'm wondering that if I just book a test for a few weeks off I'd be able to make myself ready for that. After a year of constant deadlines and revision I'm struggling to make the effort to revise for this.

Richard was lovely and sweet, he found an extra tenner in his coat pocket and presented me with a Meat Loaf CD when he arrived at work. Most of it I've already got, but it's the thought that counts. And it is nice to be treated. Bless him :)

I have to be up earlier than normal for work tomorrow so I shall bid thee goodnight :)
Hope you're all well my friends.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Baby On Board

Greetings from the world of Claire : ) How are we all? All well?Oh good. Things are good with me too, I'm working a fair bit this week and trying to see as much of Richard as I possibly can.

And having driving lessons. Still plodding along with them. Defiantly improving but that's about it really. I need to find the time to revise for my theory test but between work, Richard, sorting out my room and everything else I don't seem to have enough time to get any done. I WILL do some tomorrow I WILL do some tomorrow.

As always things with Richard are wonderful. I'm currently resisting the temptation of a letter he has in his locker from my MUM! Given how he's been taunting me with it I suspect it's something to do with my birthday but I don't know. Richards giving nothing away and I don't want to probe mum in case I ruin any surprises. If anyones got any ideas what its all about, answers in a comment box please :)

Oh joy, BBC is running a news article on the Churches views on homosexuality. There was a very interesting article on it all in New Scientist the other week, apparently there is a remarkable amount of evidence, both within our own DNA and other species, that being "gay" is perfectly natural. Wonder if all that information is in the same category as evolution?

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

This Innocence is Brilliance

God it's good to not have exams or work of any kind :) Well I've been at ASDA for a couple of days but given I still I haven't moved out booking lots of proper shifts is difficult. I've come back to Lancaster to clean my room so that this weekend we just have to pack everything up. Hell only knows where it's all gonna go when I get back....

Work has been fun, although a 7-12am shift on a Sunday is EVIL! On the one hand we don't have customers in the store till around 10.45, and can't serve till 11, so I just got to make pizzas for FIVE HOURS :) But then that half 5 start is horrid.....And trying to explain to a customer why we can't even take a pizza order before 11am is difficult. Trading Standards folks, it's the LAW, it's the same at Tesco, Salisbury's, Waitrose....if a staff member helps you before 11am they are breaking the law. But who cares anyway.
I have yet to work a shift with our little Mormon friend, she was supposed to work one with me but her name was crossed off later. I wonder why....could it be she realised that telling someone she'd like to beat me up only to find out she'd just slagged me off to an old friend of Richards wasn't her smartest idea. Honestly.

Meat Loaf was on The F Word :) He's such a funny guy :) I wonder if the mums who told their kid not to play with him cause he was too fat have any regrets.

And gawd I'm glad that Alex has gone from BB. I saw a fair amount during exam week, it's so mind numbing it was best before bed. But it's good to see the foul mouthed "women" gone.

Right I'm going to curl up in bed and watch crappy tv :) God I love freeview.

On another note *hugs to a dear friend. Deepest sympathies.

Saturday, June 14, 2008


I'm freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :) My exams are all done, and the last one went the best by far. It's all ecology stuff so just listening to the news can be revision. If you've got a good idea about Global Warming and stuff you're sorted. So after the manic this week has been I'm looking forward to relaxing a but. I'm going home via Manchester then to Richards today. I've got a couple of days work planned but not much really. My brain needs to chill out if not the rest of me :) In fact I should go really, I'm supposed to leave at half past. Tootles folks :)

And how did Claire not win The Apprentice???? So not right!!!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR stupid exams. The sooner they're over the better. I'm so stressed at the moment it isn't true. Saturdays exam was a disaster but it wasn't just me who flet that. The one today was much better. I'm going to take tonight off to rest my brain and try again tomorrow for the last exam.

I spent most of this evening helping my friend Hannah find her car. She parked it just off campus, where everyone parks and they towed it. Not just hers, they've started towing because people are parking there. Personally if there aren't any signs or double yellow lines then they shouldn't be just towing. Thankfully we know where the car is now, and her mum is going to help her get it back tomorrow. Fingers crossed.

Sunday, June 01, 2008

It's raining hard in North Virginia Just Like London Town

It's raining. How summery :(

Since my last blog I have battled on with the revision, and surprise surprise that's where I'm off next. I'm at a point where I can start past paper questions. Trouble is, which theme. I don't want to start the ones for my first exam too soon, but then again I don't know if I should be starting them. Choices choices. I'm going back on Wednesday to revise and do some more of those psycology experiements. Booked another for Wednesday teatime :)

I have a driving lesson tomorrow which I am looking forward to lots. I so want to be able to drive. Once my exams are done I can start learning all my theory stuff :)

Guess I should go bury my head in revision.....eek!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

YoooooHOooooo I'm still alive!

As Katie pointed out it's nearly a month without a blogg but with all fairness my degree tends to come first. I don't even get time to do all that further reading I'm supposed to do, so you really think I'm gonna blogg :P

So things have been pretty hectic this last few weeks. Currently I'm madly revising for my end of years, (and panicking about them), but in a couple of weeks that's all over and I can actually relax.

We've had further trouble with Mormon bitch, which wasn't rectified quite how we'd have hoped but on the upside she did get a formal disciplinary for bad language the other day. She is, frankly, less than lady like.

I've been to see Indiana Jones with Richard, and it is defiantly worth a look-see. Not a classic, someone should have reminded Spielberg and Lucas it isn't Star Wars. They did stick fairly well to the original formula though, although the violence seemed more hammed up (typical of to days slasher-horror fans). Harrison Ford is certainly still looking good for his age though, and I loved the nods to Marcus and his Dad.

Tomorrow I get to pretend I don't have exams and go and see Mastermind being filmed (again!) with Richard :) Should be fun, and the second date we've managed in a week.

And now I shall go back to the revising.....

Thursday, May 01, 2008

So as Hutters just pointed out, people don't blogg enough so I'm not being a lazy moose and actually doing so. Trouble is, my course is so lecture based that after a couple a day, and frequently a 2-4 hour practicle I'm shattered. Then add in lots of other work and........well it doesn't happen. Today I didn't finish till 5.15. My course thankfully, gives us all the notes in the lectures, but we're still supposed to read the textbook. With what time I wonder :( However I have started reading New Scientist and noting articles that I can maybe mention in the exam. And there has been some revision done....a little.

I've enrolled for next years courses : cell biology, evolution and behaviour, genetics and medical microbiology. They should be rather fun.

And we've had the contract for our house next year. The only challenge will be decieding who gets what room. I'd quite like my own room, it's somewhere to store my stuff and work, so it makes sense if Richard and me had the large room and the smallest room located on the second floor. That leaves a large bedroom on the first, and the front room bedroom on the ground floor. Which is massive. There is talk of getting the downstairs bedroom turned into a proper living room, which would be brillaint, but would mean I'd lose my room.

Neways I shall go try and do my perception tests, one of which is impossible. *grumble

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Back at uni from tomorrow. Nearly packed and ready to go back in that sense. In other senses I'm not really, the fact that I won't see Richard for a whole week is pretty horrendous but we're comforting each other with the knowlage that it's only for about 5 weeks. The year is pretty much over.

On a happier note, wasn't Doctor Who good? I think I rather love the Ood and did we all spot that thing that links in to the lst few episodes? And YAY for the Sontarns next week.

Driving lesson number two went very well, and it was actually lots of fun towards the end. Which is certainly going to help if I'm not dreading it!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Yay for new glasses! They arrived today and are all shiny and new. Were they worth £300? NO comment :( At least I can see a little better now.

I'm trying to figure out where the last four weeks have gone. I'm back at uni from Sunday which is going to be more bitter than sweet. I'm looking forward to all the excitment of three new modules, finsihing them all finnaly and picking next years but it brings separation from Richard and horrid summer exams. I haven't done any revision at all, but I've got tomorrow ear marked for that. If I can at least get some of the revision notes done things will be better. And as for not seeing Richard till weekends, well, I'm not thinking about that at all. It will suck.

My driving lesson last week went ok, the instructor is nice and I'm almost looking forward to my next lesson. Mum's car is comng up from Nannas on Thursday so it's all happening :) I have another lesson booked for Thursday so we shall see. It wasn't a complete disaster so that helps

Stay well folks and be happy xxxx

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Ouchie that hurt my bank balence

Right unless I get distracted once I've blogged I'm turning the laptop off and going to remake those notes I need to finish my coursework. As the chances of getting distracted are pretty big we'd better make this quick.

On the "big" note, my glasses bill was huge. Not £100, not £200 but just over THREE HINDERED POUNDS!
And my right eye isn't any worse and the left has only got worse by one point, (unfortunately it is a vital point because things aren't so clear these days).
So yes, £300+ for new glasses and that's with a 20% discount for having my contacts from them as well. The frames were about £140ish so what made up the rest was my lenses. If I weren't so blind and didn't need uber-thinned fancy lenses I'd have much cheaper glasses. Nuts.
However the glasses are really really nice. I very nearly ended up with some Velma from Scooby Doo style purple ones but settled for some more professional metal ones. I feel rather science nerd in them, perfect for all my PCR reactions I plan to run :)

Tonight I get to go see my sister in some drama thing her club are doing. She did have a line as a king and mum spent ages making her a cape only to find the scene has been cut and now my sister isn't speaking at all and is a fairy. Big changes. As long as she's happy.

Currently I'm resisting the urge to snack. It's a strong urge but I should do some work and fight it. I did say I was blogging then working, but we have been to Tesco and back during it. OOoooppps.
Ok I AM going to do this work. Again.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

I bet she's beautiful, that girl he talks about

Right a proper blog seems to be called for. A fair bit seems to have happened in the last few days, Richard and I went back to Lancaster for a few days and had a lovely time. It was brilliant to have the flat to ourselves, although 2 in a single bed is rather difficult.

Mastermind was brilliant, rather interesting, even if the large number of media students thought it was boring. I got the impression they'd never seen it before they went so hadn't a clue. John Humphrey's is lovely, rather funny when he wants and I had an urge to take him home and make him an honory grandparent.

I've managed to finish one piece of coursework today, although not the one I set out to do admittedly. I discovered I've left a bunch of notes back at uni, even more annoying as Richard was using that pad of paper for nerd letters and it never occurred to me that the notes were in it and I should bring it home! Which means I have to do it all over again. Bugger!

Things are still good with Richard. Yesterday I was in work for the first time in AGES without him being there too, and god it was weird. And boring, very very boring. People please buy your deli goods on a Monday, the store is DEAD! He did pick me up after work though and we spent the evening/night together. Friday and Saturday see the end of Torchwood and the beginning of Tennants last full series of Dr.Who. His excitement has rubbed off on me, I'm eager to see how they're going to explain this "daughter" they keep hinting about. Many seem to have forgotten the Dr. must already have a daughter, given his first regeneration pootled around with his granddaughter. See I am a nerd :)
And proud of it :)

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Help unemployment is rife in Bunny Utopia!

and whilst your at it can you help my transport :)

Ta chickens!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Hellooooo folks :) I'm home and rather happy about it. This week is my resting week before three weeks for making sure I have all my revision notes for the 12 modules I've done so far, finishing (and starting) my 2 practical reports, driving lessons and work. This week should be good. Richard has Tuesday to Sunday off so we're going back to Lancaster for a lovely week of a flat to ourselves :) Be nice to have some proper quality time together. He did spend the whole week with me the other week, but when I'm constantly zipping off to lectures it isn't really proper quality time.

Neways I have tickets for us to go see the MasterMind being filmed on Thursday in Manchester somewhere, which should be good. Unless we do anything else romantic that will be date number 4. Not bad for nearly 8 months together ;)

OOOOOOoo and we've got a house for next year. We officially signed for 79 Lune Street last Saturday, and it seems lovely. I'm glad it's done, a real weight off my mind, and Richards told his landlord here he's moving so thats all sorted. So as of September we will officially be living together :)
This is the house next door, so it's a bit like this but nicer

I've done 3 more modules, which is a bit scary, there's only 3 more left this year. What's even more scary is I have to provisionally enrol online once I get back. So I spent alot of this week poking around on the Internet, looking at the modules for next year, their course descriptions and timetables and stuff. I think it's gonna be Genetics and Evolution and Behaviour for me. I really wanna do Genetics, and E+B is the only "ecology" module that seems to fit. I have to do 1 Anatomy style module and 1 Ecology style module you see. Once I've enrolled I want to speak to the lecturers about possibly volunteering in the labs at holidays seen as I won't be going home. I'd happily observe for free, it all builds up my CV for when I graduate.

Right must fly, time to visit Nanna and Grandpa.
Tootles folks xxxxxxx

Friday, March 07, 2008

Come on people I'm one click a way from 100 bunny people! would be good as well :)

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Bobbing Along

This is me killing time before my doctors appointment at half nine. Don't worry I'm not ill, it's all in aid of a repeat prescription.
Lets start by clicking this folks;

Right on to whats new with me. Well not an awful lot that I can recall. Mum has bought a car, or rather is being donated a car by a family friend. The idea being I can learn to drive it, and buy it off her if she can't afford to run it and I pass before September. This is all brilliant, it means once Mum is confident enough to drive she can let me practise as much as possible this summer. It would be much cheaper to buy it from her than a new car, especially as that would take nearly all of my savings. I think I'll offer to lend her the money for some lessons this Easter, the sooner she's driving it the sooner I can.

You all remember Mormon Girl, (when I say girl read bitch), from Counters at ASDA who tried to get Richard to cheat on me? Well she was up to her usual dirty tricks last weekend, telling Richard he didn't really love me and shouldn't be with me. He was forcibly removed from our department by her when he popped past to say hello. So we came up with out own little plan, we might as well have some fun with her jealousy. Richard talked to two of the more senior and older women on the department to check he was ok to wander past to chat or just say hello when it was quiet and they were perfectly fine with it. These women after all have watched our romance blossom :) The frequent visits from my other half worked, Mormon Girl was doing a good impression of the Incredible Hulk come the end of our shift. I'm not one for revenge but to try and persuade Richard he doesn't love me or should cheat on me? She's lucky she hasn't been slapped.* (Overall things are pretty good with us two, he's down for a whole week next week YAY)

Neways I better go and do lots of work. We've got dozens of house viewings today. The one I blogged about wasn't very nice but we've seen a lovely one I really like, but it's in a bit of a rough area. Still we've got plenty of time yet.

*don't worry we've planned ahead in the event she puts in a formal complaint. We'd easily have support from the other women Richard was doing nothing wrong AND we wouldn't think twice about repeating what she's said to Richard. Horrid creature, I don't quite understand where her good Mormon teachings are. WWJD?

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Helloooooo my lovelies. Before we start please click on .....because I'd like more bunny people.

Before I settle down to do even more work I thought I'd show you the house I'm going to look at tomorrow with my friend Hannah and her friend Lucy. Hannah and I have mused over the idea of living together, plus Richard next year and have finally decieded to go for it. I'm supposed to take some pictures and show them to Richard on Friday. I just hope a) the landlord doesn't mind the fact he's not a student and b) that we make it back for the practical at 2! We're meeting the landlord at one so hopefully it won't take too long. Cross your fingers.
Neways this is the place;

Wish us luck folks!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Kicking dust in the canyon wind

Hellooo folks, have we all had good weekends?

The last few days of my life have been rather eventful. Not major events, just minor ones that add to life rich tapestry. The first is I'm moving departments at work, from frozen to the deli, (or as it's more correctly know "Counters"). I will also have hours there every Saturday unless I contact Matt and let him know well in advance. Counters is easier work, no heavy comps, but is occasionally frantic. It also means I'm closer to Richard, as Provisions is adjacent to Counters. Am I going to spend my shifts oogling him? Probably. :)

Tomorrow I start my next set of modules, and I'm rather tired. Rather than get a reading week us science students, (like many others I suspect), must work on. A 10 week term is exhausting, after 5 mad weeks I could go for a week off to rest myself. I seem to be feeling rather lethargic far too often. Given I'm eating well my only other thought it to try and make it to bed earlier. Not that I was going very late anyway but you never know, it might help.

Missing Richard alot tonight. Since Wednesday I've seen him every day, so to not have him here and know that it'll be Friday before I'm with him is tough. Busy I shall be keeping. We had a lovely Valentines Day together, maostly spent lounging around and relishing each others company. We chatted a little more about future plans, about our wedding and thing. I'm odd, most teenage girls who are hopeless romantics have already planned their weddings but for me it's always been about finding that one guy who is meant for us. So the actual wedding seems less important. We''d both prefer to spend more on our honeymoon and go to Australia, especially as we'd like to emigrate there.
I also finnaly asked Richard what his thoughts on being a stay at home dad were. In our current situation it's likely I'd be the primary breadwinner, which I don't mind in the least but once we start a family, in several years time, money would be an issue if I weren't working. Richards brother looks after the family rather than work, and Richard admitted he'd love it, but only if I were happy to not be the homemaker. While this is all aaaaaaaaages away it's good to know I have the option to have a carreer as well as the family.

Eeeeeek it's 10.22 and I have a nine o'clock lecture! Night folks, it's Claire sleepytime. Thanks for listening to my ranblings :)

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Helloooooooooo happy valentines day folks :) I got my special Richardbunny so I'm very happy :)
still good
My third and final exam was ok, not as good as the others but still good.
Neways that's all folks :)
Love you all xxxxxx

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Yay!!!! Richard is on his way!!!! I hav to leave in a moment to get a bus to pick him up. I was going to surprise him and meet him in preston but there aren't any trains that get me there in the right time. *breif pause to evict wasp from room and shut window. Bloody insects. Anyhoo it's the thought that counts.

The exams I've had so far, I've been well prepared for both and they've gone better than I thought they would. The hardest one is tomorrow so I'm going to find moments today to cram. There is a huge amount of info for it, far too much, but it should be ok.

Right I'd better toodle off now, see you soon folks!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

So how are we all? I'm thinking a quick blogg before I sit down to revise might help me relax. I'm more wound up about these end of module exams than any other this year, yet I'm far better prepared and actually doing more revision. I've been waking up and my brain immediatly starts revising. So the last couple of nights have been pretty lousy sleep wise. Exam number one is tomorrow, and it's the module I want to take next year so I need to pull my finger out. Luckily it's not till one so I can go to bed after Monster in Law (with more revision), reivise tomorrow and might do ok. I'll feel so much better once they're all done.

Richard is coming down on Wednesday, which is his brithday too, so I'm looking forward to that so much. He's got three whole days off, all of which are set aside for me. YAY! Remind me I need wrapping paper....

So anyway thats about it for me, nothing else new :)

Friday, February 08, 2008

Whilst I'm away folks, please clicky on my linky each day and give me more bunny people for m bunny city :)
All you do is click :)
Promise I'll stop pestering soon :)
Love you all and have a great weekend.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

If you haven't already, please clicky the linky (daily) to give me more bunny people;

Thanks folks :)

Sunday, February 03, 2008

Calender Girls is funny :) There's something about naked old W.I ladies thats pretty funny. The cast certainly helps, it's like Cranford, some of the best British actresses ever. Except Judi Dench, where's she got to in this film?

Anyway my weekend wasn't quite as busy as I'd planned, my hours at work got cancelled so I spent Saturday watching films adn trying to write lecture notes up. I made mum dig out Pillow Talk, (one of the BEST Doris Day films ever, and one of the first, and her first, screwball movie).

Once it got near six I tootled off to ASDA and picked my dear Richard up from work. Between 6pm Saturday and 5.30am Sunday there just isn't enough time. He's sent me home with a letter which I'm going to read in a mo, bless his cotton socks. I miss him already but we did have lots of fun, and next week we get THREE whole days together here :) His birthday is on the 13th, it's Valentines on the 14th and he argued the toss and got his normal days off on the 15th. YAY! I am excited already.
Richard is also going to sit down with his manger this week, and the deputy store manager an begin his transfer to the Lancaster ASDA. Apparently it can take up to three months, so it needs starting soon. At least they told us it took so long and didnt wait till one month before. I broke the news to mum as well so she can get used to the fact that regardless of what happens with his UCAS application, Richard IS moving to Lancaster come Spetember. It can't come soon enough!

It's hard to believe this is Week 4, and the last teaching week in my third module. It's flown by, but at least this week will be a little less hectic. I've got one more piece of coursework due in, which just needs me to figure out how to apply a line of best fit properly, and then I'm done. I have till after Easter holidays to do the 104 coursework but thanks to my friend Rachel I've got a copy of the coursework text which is no longer in print. It's a lovely book too, she orddered one and got sent two, but billed for one, so we're splitting the cost so we pay half each, (which is only fair if she's giving me a free copy).

Anyway I'm rather sleepy now so bedtime for me. Monday morning brings a 7.45am start. Nigth folks!

PS. apologies for any spelling mistakes, Blogger is being crap and not letting me spell check it.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

So when I last blogged it was the day before Richard came up, or something like that. Well he did come up and we had an absolute ball. As always :) My friend Hannah picked him up from the station and then came round in the evening, bringing her daughter Ebony with her. Ebony is gorgeous, and delighted Richard by giving him a huge hug on first sight. It's great to see Richard chatting to my friends and playing with a small child. He'll make a great dad one day. Just after my degree, it's not easy whilst as Hannah would tell you.
Although the lucky moose is appearing in Women's Own and a national newspaper AND she's been on an MTV show. It's pretty rare for girls to have a baby at 16 and make it to uni. She's pretty incredible. So glad she's my friend :)
This week has been pretty hard, I've missed Richard so much, but it's nearly weekend and I've got hours booked at work.

OOOOOOOO that reminds me. Last time I worked on the Counters I got chatting to one of Richards old friends, a girl called Lauren. He's know her for years but is a bit wary, he thinks she might fancy him or something. ANYWAY the BITCH asked him for his number yesterday and said she'd fix him up with one of her mates so he could have an affair. Richard gave her one of his manger friends phone numbers, and told me. I'm working on counters on Saturday so we shall see shan't we. Do you think I can slap her?

We FINALLY got out girlie meal on Monday. As many of us girls from Biology who could come came, and we had a lovely time. Well we did until people started being stingy with their share of the bill. Money brings out the worst in people, next time I think it gets split down the middle no questions. Some people just didn't get that we had to pay the service charge.
I've been having a few issues with one of Karen and Lisa's friends, Laurie, who for some reason came to the meal despite not being on our course. That of course wasn't a problem, but since she threw me out of my own kitchen and told me I needed contacts and highlights I have felt a little wary of her. She's put a couple of others peoples noses out of joint as well. The sad thing is I really like her, but she has a tendency to single out and be a bitch to the weak link. One must learn to cope, seen as Lisa and Karen are good friends of mine.

Neways that's about it for my week. Speak soon xxx

Friday, January 25, 2008

YAY! It's Friday! It's 10.00am so in two and a half hours I get to see Richard :) He's coming down here this weekend and I am SO excited! My friend Hannah needs some nappies for her little girl so is going to take me to and from the station following our lecture. And once I've done getting ready I'm going to race up to the post office and to try and find a book that's in in the libary. If I can find my tutor as well I don't have to go to the tutorial this afternoon :) I love my tutor, Earthworm Guy :) He said it's OK to just pick my essay up not attend the tutorial because I'd be so late getting back from the station. Bless him :)

And I've just realised it's 10 and my lecture is at 11......right time to go methinks.

Monday, January 21, 2008

National Sad Day was not so sad

Today has been National Sad Day but I wouldn't say it's been very sad. Exhausting yes but sad no. Mondays are always, for want of a better word, a bitch. Starting at 9 I have three hours of lectures followed by three hours of practical. Then another three hours to write up my lecture notes and make a start into the coursework for one module. In short I'm knackered. The silver lining is that I only have 2 lectures tomorrow and two afternoons free and I don't have to be up till 10 :) Woot!

My weekend was brilliant, I had no idea how much I'd missed Richard till I was trapped behind the deli at ASDA desperate to go and cuddle up to him and just talk all about my week. I'm missing him alot right now, probably cause I'm so tired, but I only have to wait till Friday as he has Friday and Saturday off he's coming here this weekend. YAY YAY YAY YAY!!!!! Can't wait! Is it nearly Friday yet??????

This week is probably going to be as busy as last week. I'm not planning on going into town really, I don't think I can afford the time off study, but I've got a girlie biology meal planned with everyone and my flatmate is having people round tomorrow night so I won't starve socially.

I wore my retainer last night for the first time in months, mainly because I've been holding my jaw so tense recently and wearing it encourages me not to. Fell asleep all OK but when I woke up I realised it wasn't in my mouth. Now it's way too big to swallow but I couldn't find the bugger in my bed anywhere. It showed up eventually but how it fell out of my mouth I don't know!

Well that's it for me, it's bed time :) Oh and guess what! It's the start of National Bunny Week today :)
love and hoppy rabbits, Claire

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Excuse me have you seen a blowfish driving a sports car?

As you may be able to tell I've been watching Torchwood using the BBC's new iplayer thing. Aside from stopping to load every few seconds at some points it's pretty good, certainly a bloody good idea.Thanks Mr. BBC :) It means I didn't miss the start of the new series, and how hot is James Masters looking? Very methinks*

The last week has been mental and exhausting. With exams on stupid inconvenient days I'm working much harder to try and learn and remember the material. I've done far more of my further reading than I normally do and being so busy means at least I'm not missing Richard. The modules themselves are pretty interesting still, all my extra work has been for one of them so far but I'm off to the library tomorrow to try and find a book for my coursework and another for a second piece. Due to my lecturer jetting off to the Antarctic we have a whopping 14 weeks to produce our practical write up. Nice but I'd rather it wasn't hanging around really. The book we need for it is no longer in print and amazon has one used copy priced at nearly £200! The book isn't even WORTH that much!
Our lecturer told us today the ecology center within the uni, (that is actually a national center but works in conjunction with us), takes on one student per year for work experience. It sounds really interesting so I'm planning on emailing the lecturer to show my interest. It would be perfect really, paid and within Lancaster Uni, so although I'd be on a gap year I wouldn't miss seeing friends of need to move again. I don't know if it's the right thing yet but it sounds good to me.

I'm off home tomorrow, can't wait to see Richard and with any luck a phone call tomorrow may turn up some hours on the deli department. My manager doesn't want me, which I think may be punishment for not working much over Christmas and asking last minuet again. Cross your fingers I can get some hours. The money isn't essential but would be great.
Neways if I'm to get up tomorrow I need to go to bed. That's if Adaware has finished running it's scan......well it has but it doesn't seem to want to delete the stuff it's found. Grrrr why are updated programs always so much more complicated????? HELP!

Love, Claire

*but not as hot as Richard....sorry it has to be said.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Well I'm back in Lancaster, all unpacked and fully launched into the term :) It's looking like it will be a good one; we have one scary lecturer and we've got the module on Aquatic Biology this half, they had to swap it because it only have one lecturer and she's in Antarctica when its supposed to run. How cool is that? She is one of my favourite lecturers so far anyway, her description of what happens to certain protozoa out of water was hilarious.
Mondays are always my busiest day, three lectures and a three hour practical. I've managed to write up one set of notes this evening but I've had a massive headache so haven't done any since. It's going now so I'll do a little more whilst I watch the end of Signs before bed. And eat popcorn :) The microwavable kind.
It all helps not missing Richard, it's certainly weird without him. But it's the weekend soon :) And he's coming down for the 13th and 14th of February. But ohmigod two of my modules have decided to put their end of module exams on Valentines Day. *swears at evil tutors. Could be worse though, at least they're in the morning so I get them over and done with.
Oh dear I'm now absorbed in the film.......this doesn't bode well for my note making.
See you soon folks xxx

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Well tomorrow sees my return to Lancaster for another 10 weeks of study. I’m all packed up and keeping distracted so I don’t think about the fact I miss Richard already and have to wait another week before seeing my best friend and boyfriend again. I’ll be pretty busy the next couple of weeks, its straight back into the next set of three modules and seeing everyone again. I have missed everyone lots, especially my communal little flat people, it will be nice having them wander into my room randomly or meeting in the kitchen to cook dinner. I won’t mind having the work again either, it’s fun, and practices are always a laugh.
So Lancaster here I come :)

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

The Year Of A Million Dreams

Well HAPPY NEW YEAR folks :)
I saw my new year in at Richards, which was brillaint. We have big plans this year, least of all moving to Lancaster. He spent this afternoon at mine for tea, and it was good to see him getting to know my parents a bit more. He fits perfectly into our family, he's seen the same tv shows as my parents and shares their sense of humour. And you can't fail to see how much he loves me :)

This year has been rather turbulent, (I suppose I should do the evaluation of the year like everyone), I've loved and lost, actually hated education in the form of AS Chemistry, changed my job, fallen madly in love again but this time with my soulmate, and usccessfully gone to uni on a course I enjoy. I've been bitterly depressed but found my way through the wilderness and returned to a more balanced form of myself. I've lost a few friends, one of whom I dearly would like back in my life, but I've made dozens more. I grew up enough to catch trains and make numerous changes all by myself, like the time I went down to Fluffys, all the way to London and back by myself. My spelling hasn't improved but who cares? I have a new fringe and have developed a sense of real style. I'm happy and loved.

So what would I like from this year? To pass my first year of uni, for Richard to be living with me in Lancaster and for us to be happily intergrated into my family. To get back the friends I've lost and to continue making new ones.

So have a happy new year folks, I hope it's your best yet.
Love Claire xxxx