Thursday, July 17, 2008

I can't decide if you should live or you should die

Another break in the blogging but I'm sure you will forgive me. I've been plodding my way through a 35 hour week, and all but 5 hours of that is done :) It hasn't been too bad, but I'm very very glad next week I've just got my contracted hours and that's it. I need the sleep, the bags under my eyes are huge! Being up at half six when your body isn't used to it isn't fun.

Other than work I've continued the grand sort out of my bedroom and list a fair bit on ebay. So far I've raised nearly £45, which should go someway towards a Channel silk scarf or some other treat (and if it's the Channel it's a Treat with a capital T). The only thing I've used my hard earned pennies for is an academic diary because try as I may I can't find ANY in the shops below £3. And yes, I am a cheap skate. I'm a poor student.

Last night was a staff pub quiz held at Madison's Wine Bar, (local readers will know where that is). I've not been in Madison's since it's revamp, and might not have been in prior, but it was never painted in a shiny lovely light really. I must say it is lovely inside, and rather than a loud raucous pub, it seems to be a lovely place to go for a quiet drink.
As for the quiz my team consisted of myself, Richard, Richards work friend Colin, and my work friends Katie and Jane. Unfortunately for Katie and myself the questions were very much aimed at the 35+ audience, so we knew very little, but Colin and Richard seemed to have it all pretty much covered. Overall we came third, beaten by the managers team, (who I don't doubt knew at least some questions prior) and the home shopping team, which had 2 geniuses on it. So not bad, and it was brilliant to see Katie again, I haven't seen her since Easter properly.

Now before I go I want you all to close your eyes and wish for nice weather this weekend. Preferably Saturday. It's my birthday you see and I want to go to the zoo. I can't go any other weekend because Richard won't be able to get another weekend off for about six months. (One weekend off in four my arse)
Thanks for the weather help in advance :)


Max said...

Hope you have a fab birthday!

Lord Hutton said...

Did you? I hope so.
Like the new look

Katie said...

i like the new look, i've been off touch for a while hence teh comment lackage!

hope you're ok! we need a brew soon! x