Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Yay!!!! Richard is on his way!!!! I hav to leave in a moment to get a bus to pick him up. I was going to surprise him and meet him in preston but there aren't any trains that get me there in the right time. *breif pause to evict wasp from room and shut window. Bloody insects. Anyhoo it's the thought that counts.

The exams I've had so far, I've been well prepared for both and they've gone better than I thought they would. The hardest one is tomorrow so I'm going to find moments today to cram. There is a huge amount of info for it, far too much, but it should be ok.

Right I'd better toodle off now, see you soon folks!

1 comment:

Lord Hutton said...

Are you sure that wasn't an ARMADA OF HORNETS like what attacked Omally?