Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Bobbing Along

This is me killing time before my doctors appointment at half nine. Don't worry I'm not ill, it's all in aid of a repeat prescription.
Lets start by clicking this folks;

Right on to whats new with me. Well not an awful lot that I can recall. Mum has bought a car, or rather is being donated a car by a family friend. The idea being I can learn to drive it, and buy it off her if she can't afford to run it and I pass before September. This is all brilliant, it means once Mum is confident enough to drive she can let me practise as much as possible this summer. It would be much cheaper to buy it from her than a new car, especially as that would take nearly all of my savings. I think I'll offer to lend her the money for some lessons this Easter, the sooner she's driving it the sooner I can.

You all remember Mormon Girl, (when I say girl read bitch), from Counters at ASDA who tried to get Richard to cheat on me? Well she was up to her usual dirty tricks last weekend, telling Richard he didn't really love me and shouldn't be with me. He was forcibly removed from our department by her when he popped past to say hello. So we came up with out own little plan, we might as well have some fun with her jealousy. Richard talked to two of the more senior and older women on the department to check he was ok to wander past to chat or just say hello when it was quiet and they were perfectly fine with it. These women after all have watched our romance blossom :) The frequent visits from my other half worked, Mormon Girl was doing a good impression of the Incredible Hulk come the end of our shift. I'm not one for revenge but to try and persuade Richard he doesn't love me or should cheat on me? She's lucky she hasn't been slapped.* (Overall things are pretty good with us two, he's down for a whole week next week YAY)

Neways I better go and do lots of work. We've got dozens of house viewings today. The one I blogged about wasn't very nice but we've seen a lovely one I really like, but it's in a bit of a rough area. Still we've got plenty of time yet.

*don't worry we've planned ahead in the event she puts in a formal complaint. We'd easily have support from the other women Richard was doing nothing wrong AND we wouldn't think twice about repeating what she's said to Richard. Horrid creature, I don't quite understand where her good Mormon teachings are. WWJD?


Lord Hutton said...

Weird religious beliefs should not impinge on the workplace

Anonymous said...

Hutton - yes they should. If you have a faith you have to live it, you can't just turn it on and off.

More relevant - Mormon's don't believe Jesus is the son of God. True fcat. So don't confuse them with Christians.


Anonymous said...

To clarify what I just said - I don't think she's living any kind of faith - she's just being a bitch.

Gottle again