Tuesday, January 02, 2007

A Little Bit Stronger, A Little Bit Wiser Than A Year Ago Today

A Year Ago Today, Delta Goodrem

Ooo look everybody the first blog(g) of 2007. Where on Earth did it go? Last year I mean.

I am an obsessive diary keeper. Aside from my two bloggs I also keep a written diary, which takes the form of an A5 notebook which I write in daily. Daily meaning if I happen to be out late I catch it up later, (hopefully), but unless I am dying I never ms it. I’ve been doing this for years now, since Juneish Year 8ish, which is about….*does Maths….errr….well 7 going on 8 years, and I have approximately 35 diaries. I love reading them, it’s amazing how much I have changed. So here is the question, what was I doing a year ago today?

Answer; “It’s done, I finished my final piece…it looks perfect”

I was referring to my final piece for my A Level Contextual Studies which was a buggar in the end. NEVER EVER sew round bubble wrap, it will send you bonkers. Having said that it did help me find my style somewhat, I learnt how I like to work from it.

Hmmm seems to have been an interesting week;

2nd; Finished final piece
3rd; went shopping and bough my rose tshirt which I love
4th; Dom appears to have been trying to match me up with some dude called Josh….Oh the Irony!
5th; I saw King Kong with everybody, I had this to say about it;
“Incredibly long but not a moment of spareness. Not sure I liked it, it may have been enthralling but it had too much violence and scary bits” (I am a wuss, and I seem to have forgotten the sick humour that made me giggle.)
6th; I apparently tackled that hill in Ramsbottom, (laugh away merkins at the name), on a driving lesson and didn’t stall, God how I hated those lessons.
7th; Finally did something about my first ipod, who’s battery refused to last more than 30mins. Poor Esmeralda was replaced for free by Perdita shortly after this date.
8th; I titled this entry “The best laid plans of mice and men” after Katie and I spent FOUR hours getting to the Trafford Centre.

Actually this is fascinating….my life is really rather interesting. If you don’t mind I shall peruse this some more

Love and Huggles, Claire


Jeans Pants said...

Your life is cool!!! You didn't like Kong? You have another blog? I must go find this blog. Wish me Luck

Jeans Pants said...

Oh I thought it would be easy to find. It's not. =0)

Anonymous said...

Blimmin' ipod batteries!

Max said...

I find reading old diaries cringeworthy. Could not do it, but still have them from late teens.