Friday, January 12, 2007

But They Sent You Away

Mandy, Barry Manilow

Before I begin I have news that will shock and alarm you, so please sit down.

Are you sat down? *checks. Good right, here goes;

My laptop has died. She refuses to boot up at all.

No don’t get up in shock, there is more. *allows time for reader to settle down again and compose themselves.

Not only has my laptop died but she has been taken away to the Laptop Hospital to be fixed. In short, I am laptopless. How did I ever cope without her????? Come back to me my lovely Hetty.

Ok you can weep all you want now. It will be hard but she shall return soon. Hopefully in working order.

Sadly this places the curfew on me again; no internet after my sister has gone to bed. Sharing rooms SUCKS!

On the upside(not) as my weekend will be boffless due to his need to revise for his Maths re-sit Tuesday; I shall be busy actually doing art, because I haven’t done art and need to do art. Boffless weekend sucks ass, more than not having a laptop, this is the first we’ve spent apart since his return but needs must. If it means he gets an A then I’m happy to be back seated for a while. I saw him yesterday for snuggles, pillow fights and being pushed off the bed. Yes he finds it amusing to push me off the bed, something to do with the way I squeal….

Oh, one last thing, a bit of shameless advertising for my lovely boff. This is mainly aimed at one person, Justin. I bet that made you smile, being shouted out. My boff and his friend made a very funny video, which is on his myspace. You can reach his myspace from mine, his name being Dominic not boff. Check out the editing, and unless you LIKE Ian Curtis and don’t want to see him being made fun of I’d watch it.

Actually for you’re convenience here’s the link directly to his myspace, I’m sure he’d love your opinion. He’s the weird demon-clown thing. Normally he’s far less scary.

Love and Huggles, Claire


Jeans Pants said...

You said "Justin" and I was like "what, me?".Then you were like "I bet that made you smile, being shouted out". Than I thought to myself "yeah, I guess" then I realized you must know another Justin because it can't be me. LOL =0) Oh well

Anonymous said...

What? THE Ian Curtis? The dead one?