Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Oo Eee Oo Ah Aha Ting Tang Walla Walla Bing Bang

Witchdoctor, The Cartoons

I suppose I should blogg.

Well the JaneMeet was brilliant, lots of sugar was consumed by me which produced an incredibly hyper mood. It was so lovely to see everyone again, and of course meet Jane, Simon, Helena and her offspring, (Jess is so cute, she kissed me goodbye!!!!, and omigod Emma’s hair is like a force of nature!). Jane was lovely enough to bring us presents from Merkinland, I now have some yummy Double Stuff Oreos to munch on, thank you so much! Ned and Jan surprised me as well by giving me a box of Disney Princess cereal. Ned and I had discussed this weeks ago, and I’d forgotten all about it, so oh wow it was such a surprise! Thank you as well guys!
I also did my first ever geocache with Katie-Jane, Nick and Ali. Although it would help if Nick wasn’t such an idiot and put the coordinates in right but it was funny running around in the wrong places especially as those places lead Nick into the middle of a thorny bush! Heheheheh
I had even more fun on the way down with Katie-Jane, we managed to get very very giggly over lord knows what but I do remember and incident with Chamomile tea or should I say CHAM-omile tea.

In other news my ipod and a few of my cards have been recovered and the thief has appeared in court. I’m very pleased my ipod’s back and in what appears to be fully working order. See, that’s why I try and believe the best in people. Thanks to the hard work of the police justice has pretty much been done.


Lord Hutton said...

No-one ever gets stuff back. What great news;-)

silver horde said...

It was great to meet you and the others too. will have to do it again sometime.
ttfn jane