Saturday, May 26, 2007

Oh crap I hope not!

That was Mr Blands reaction to learning our lesson on Wednesday was our last with him before the exams. I informed him of that fact, and he explained in horror “Oh CRAP I hope not” before running off to get his planner and check.
It didn’t get any more reassuring when he came back five minuets later and walked from the door to the desk saying “Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit”
Thankfully I know he has more faith in us than that makes it seem. But it didn’t do our confidence much good! Hehe it was amusing though, I’ve never heard Mr Bland swear.

Update on the whole police thingy. The dude appeared in court on Wednesday and pleaded guilty to theft, (he’d have to be seriously lacking a brain not to!), and has to pay the court costs, compensation to me, (not holding my breath), and have a curfew. Which pretty much means it’s all over. I’ve filled the claim form out and sent it back and that’s about it.

Hopefully I’ll be seeing Jess tomorrow. She got back Thursday and was in work Friday but I didn’t really get to speak to her beyond a hello. I’m looking forward to seeing her.

1 comment:

Lord Hutton said...

Result! All's well that ends well.