Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Katie-Jane is the Bestest!

Today has been rather busy. Mum, Katie and I all tootled off to Tesco this morning and had a brunch type thing followed by shopping during which more happy hippos were purchased. Yummy!

After finally managing to have all portions of fruit and veg necessary before dinner I was feeling quite proud of myself. That’s right I had FIVE Froots and Veegg. I’ve been trying to eat healthier in preparation for uni etcetera etcetera so I decided to help mum wash the kitchen walls down. They need doing given that’s the only room of the house my dad is allowed to smoke in. Mum wants to paint it, which is perfectly possible between the 2 of us once exams have finished.

Once I’d recovered from the exhausting wall washing I tackled some more revision notes, and I’m pleased to say I’ve done all the ones I need for Module 2 and made a small start into Module 3 this evening.

Oh yes, one last thing. To the person who left the following anonymous comment on my blogg last night, (honestly have the decency to put your name if you’re commenting or please keep your opinion to yourself, anyway that wasn’t what I was going to say), well here’s the comment in case it mysteriously vanishes;

There's a big difference between 'dumping' a friendship and ending one for the right reasons.

Hmmm, personally the only reason for ending a friendship in my view would be when they say, oh I don’t know, kill you’re mum or gossip maliciously behind your back or deliberately do something to hurt you repeatedly. Maybe I find this so hard to understand because I would never dump a friend. And yes to Miss/Mr Anonymous, I have been dumped, because I have done NOTHING to deserve this, especially when everyday is a fight which I lose everyday. Frankly it’s no better than things with Liz. I spent roughly 2 hours crying last night. No guilt trip intended, just thought I’d be honest.

Thank you for the lovely compliments, and *hugs to Katie-Jane, I love you too honey!


Lord Hutton said...

You dont lose everyday. You win just by still being here. At least your dad has clean walls to stare at;-)

Max said...

Just offering a word of encouragement and a big hug!

We all need one