Wednesday, March 07, 2007

I’m Just A Girl, But Not An Ordinary Girl

Just A Girl, Deana Carter

So yeah, I’m not going to Manchester University.

The lovely merkin (!!! How hot is that accent? On TV it’s like, same old same old, but in person, wow! Ok, and how American teen did I just sound??? *has head transplant back to Brit teen)…Neways so the dude that interviewed me told me I need to get a B in Chemistry. Err that isn’t gonna happen. I’ll be lucky to pass it.

In some respects the day was kinda what I needed for today. We got there and registered, and were given a free lunch. I noticed some dude stood next to me was all alone, so when my mum disappeared I said hi. Tim from Tamworth was lovely, I got the impression he was kinda shy, it was his first open day visit too. We sat together during the lecture after any parents were sent off for a different tour thing. Then we got split into different groups and I never saw him again. Bummer. Hope he gets where he wants.
Then our big group became lots of little groups and we were all given tours and our interviews. I ended up with five girls, all of which were lovely. We wandered around the various buildings with out tour guide for god knows how long before deciding unanimously to go for a cup of coffee at one of the many student cafes. Suffice to say I got to spend most of the day distracted. I’m trying the “don’t think about it” tactic currently, which is hard given I generally over analyse stuff so it’s always on my mind.

One thing that made me laugh was the uni people going on about “gut instinct” telling you where to go. Yeah I did that and look what happened. My gut instinct isn’t always so bright.

I’m pretty sure now my Firm choice will be Chester and my Insurance will be Lancaster, which means as I’m not waiting on any grades, I’ll be at Chester next year. That isn’t set in stone, but I know I don’t want to live in a HUGE city like Liverpool or Leeds, and Manchester/Man Met are so close to home, that it doesn’t seem worth living there, but I want to live at uni not commute. Meh whatever, I don’t have to decide for another few weeks.

I got another CD through the post today, one more left to come. Today was one by Deana Carter, who I also heard years ago. Everyone and again I go through my CD list on Amazon and eBay and get a few, that way I just about keep on top of it.

Love and Huggles, Claire


Jeans Pants said...

Hooray for Chester. Chester's a guy right? I'm j/k =0)

Anonymous said...

Chester is officially lovely. And just right for days out to Llandudno and Rhyl;-)

silver horde said...

Chester is lovely, has a canal and lots of history!


Andre Veloux said...

Chester? I've lived in Manchester and Chester, and all I can say is for student life I don't think Chester really scores unless evenings out at WHSmiths are your thing. Manchester on the other hand, well you probably know it already, it's bit off the full onscale really. Is there no happy medium?

Good luck.