Saturday, February 10, 2007

There Are No Cats In America And (The Moon Is Made Of Cheese)

An American Tale, a film about a mouse called Fiver who moves with his family to America. They sing a song about there being no cats there and the streets being paved with cheese. Today’s blog(g) title is in tribute to Google Moon *

Wednesday night I was at Dominic’s. I went round as usual after work but thanks to a very drunk Stan I was told to stay the night. Woot! We had lots of fun as per usual, especially once I took my contact lenses out and tried to watch Friends without glasses on, (my glasses not being with me). Japanese subtitles are funny when they are all blurry.

We had snow yesterday, lots of it, but it’s all gone today. Bummer, I wanted to make a mini snowman.
My ipod is still broken, I miss her so much. But on the other hand I rang the laptop people who are coming to take my laptop away and this time fix her. I hope.

I’m sure I have something else to say but it seems to have escaped me. Damn just like my hamsters used to…why oh why did they run away. Could it be I didn’t squeeze them tightly enough or let my sister kick their exercise ball enough?*2

Love and Huggles, Claire

*hopes she can be bothered to insert a link, if not Google it. Then zoom riiiiiight in on the moon.

*2 I never actually had a hamster escape. I had one once who went to live in my cousin. Unfortunately my sister did kick its exercise ball once… hamster was never the same, she became EVIL.


Anonymous said...

I would just bump into things if I took my contacts out without having my glasses to hand, let alone be able to watch the telly

Jeans Pants said...

So everyone needs to make sure to keep hamsters away from your sister. Good luck with the laptop