Thursday, February 22, 2007

Knowing Me Knowing You, It’s The Best I Can Do

Knowing Me, Knowing You, ABBA

As some of you will know by now, and some of you won’t, Dominic and I broke up on Monday.

I’m doing ok I guess, still got some way to go before I’m completely right, but I’m getting there. It helps we’re still friends. I think it would be harder if we weren’t still talking.

Thank you to everyone for their support and help, particularly Jess and Liz, and the chatpeople like Helena and Ali.

Love and Huggles, Claire


Anonymous said...

You play lots of ABBA. Amazing how they did those songs while they were going through it. So sorry. Keep your chin up.

Anonymous said...

Marshmallow, I'm sorry, I've been a bit out of the loop and din't know. Sounds like you're dealing with things ok - sending {{hugs}} anyway! xx

Paul said...

Sorry to hear that Claire. Hope you stay friends and are OK soon.

Jeans Pants said...

What?! What?! Oh girl I am so so sorry. This is one crazy month. You know where to find me if you need me.