Sunday, February 11, 2007

“It was like looking at the sun. Is it beautiful? Yes. Can it blind you? Yes.”

A Geek from Beauty and The Geek.

I watched the second episode of that today, having seen the start of this series at Dom’s last weekend. I love geeks; they are by far the sweetest and coolest people ever. I know for a fact that the “freaks, geeks and social rejects” are the best people to be friends with. They’re not obsessed with climbing the social ladder and do not bitch. They are the ones who will like you for who you are and except you faults. My social group was not the popular one, but it was the closest knit group in our year. I may not be the world's biggest geek, but I am damn proud to be a little geeky.

So I shall be watching the Beauty and The Geek and drooling over the Geeks. Mainly because they are so sweet and seem so desperate to be loved I just want to cuddle them all! Darn this compassionate streak.

Thank God my boyfriend is a Geek. He’s gorgeous.

Love and Huggles, Claire


Anonymous said...

Nice thought, Claire. As long as the geek has time for you outside of Geekyville

Anonymous said...

Good in pink, C

Jeans Pants said...

Hooray for us geeks. We are cute and cuddely