Sunday, March 11, 2007

I Never Thought Anyone Could Make Me Feel This Way

Leave (Get Out), Jojo

So I said I’d tell you all about my weekend. Well yesterday I did nothing really, despite getting up earlier than intended to shut my phone up because it was making it’s “Charge me Charge me!!” noise. I did get two drawings done, and another today, but none of them are particularly good. I’ve lost my spark for it again. Oh well, so long as I cobble something together. Neways I spent the majority of my Saturday watching Friends, which isn’t a bad thing, it’s funny.
I did go out to post Luke’s parcel and got a lovely one from Alison, who is a wonderful person!!! It made me cry so hard but I was happy too! Thank you honey!

Today I went to see Ben and learn some Chemicals work, we went through some pastpapers and he insulted how much tea I like in my milk. *huh.
Then I went bowling with Liz and almost won. By almost I was third out of four, but I was winning for some of it. We had funny anyway, I got a slush puppy!!! Strawberry flavour. Then Liz and I drove allllllll the way up to Jesses house to see if she was there, but she wasn’t, so we did a circle and came back for tea. She was most surprised when she called us from her boyfriends having read the text from us saying we’d been to try and visit her. What she doesn’t know is we went to her boffs and left post-ticks saying hello on her car. That’ll surprise her even more.

Love and Huggles, Claire


Jeans Pants said...

I haven't had a slush puppy in like 12 years. Yeah, that's right! I'm Old!!!

Bowling is always fun, even if you do come in third out of four =0)

Anonymous said...

Glad you had a good weekend. Chin up, and all that;-)