Friday, April 20, 2007

I’m Standing In The Light Of My Mistakes And Begging You Come Home

Did I Say That, Meat Loaf

I want to blogg I was planning on blogging, I had it all written out in my head but now I’ve forgotten. I’ve seen several people, I recall running round Tesco trying to pull Luke’s trousers down and playing Frisbee in the store, (why is Word capitalising Frisbee?), before going back to Luke’s to play on Crash Bandicote. Which was fun, even if I lack the coordination. Last night we had a meal out together before everyone bums off back to uni, which was nice. Oh yeah and my Meat Loaf tickets have come.

As for how I’m feeling, well I’d rather not talk about it really. It would be nice to be able to let some stuff out in my diary but frankly, if my parents have read it once, they’ll read it again. My Dad feels seriously guilty about it, so I’ve not exactly said much on it, just trying to pretend its all ok when really it isn’t because I don't want him to feel bad. So it’s all got to sit inside me stagnating.

Has anyone noticed my blogg pet has suddenly got younger? I swear she was 32 days old the other day, now she's 26 again. How very odd. I wonder if there's some weird physic force in my blogg. Or maybe it's just having a freak out and is bust.


Jeans Pants said...

Crash Bandicoot, Nice! MEat Loaf tickets, Where's mine?

Lord Hutton said...

Being down can become part of you, so that you miss it when isnt there. Try not to go down that route;-)
Meatloaf? Tchoh!

Anonymous said...

Why do you insist on continuing to hurt yourself so you don't hurt other people? You need to break that habit and break it soon, it's so self-destructive (here speaks the voice of experience... trust me!)

It DOES matter and that's OK. Your dad SHOULD be feeling guilty but he'll cope.

You're doing great, keep it up.


M x