Monday, April 02, 2007


This morning my mum told me she wanted to talk to me. I figured she'd found out I'd skived Chem last week but no. Someone decieded to tell my mum on Friday how unhappy I have been.

They, I assume, thought it would make things better if my parents where aware of how I've been feeling. I thank them for their concern, and understand they meant well. But it's actually made the situation feel a hell of a site worse.

We talked or argued or whatever you want to call it with no actual conclusion. Nothing came out of it. NOTHING!

My parents knowing I'm unhappy doesn't help anything. That's why I hadn't told them. I don't know how to talk to them anymore. I didn't want them knowing because it meant that when I was home at least it didn't feel like I was walking on eggshells.

Which is what it feels like now. I was just starting to find existance bearable yesterday, depsite being knackered. Now I feel like shit yet again. Now I am so wound up I've been sick. Pretending, no matter how hard it got, meant I had some normality in my life. Now I don't. I have a great big urge to go up the hill behind my house and scream until I'm sick. Or cry like hell.

And I get to feel like this again when my dad comes home and has the same talk with me.



Paul said...

Claire, I'm so sorry. It wasn't me. I may have thought you should tell your Mum, but I'd never have done that.

I just hope that, in spite of your expectations, it turns out to be for the best that she knows.

Katie said...

I know the feeling. makes you want to whack someone doesn't it?

Anonymous said...

I'm surprised your mum hadnt spotted before. It will all be for the best. It's not like you've crashed the car or started taking drugs, is it?

Jeans Pants said...

Hey yu can never get enough of parents telling you what to do and how to feel