Friday, June 08, 2007

You’re Charlie but without the H!

I should blogg. I haven’t for aaaaaages because I suck.

So, right, well what’ve I been up to in a nutshell? Well last Friday I went for lunch and shopping with Katie-Jane, Kim, and Katie-Jane’s brother and sister. It was very amusing, especially as Kim and I came up with a very interesting theory and totally rearrange the theory of evolution. It went something like this;

Jam was around when the dinosaurs were. What else would the Triceratops put on their leaves other than jam. Jam and toast, leaves and toast, not a big jump.
Ketchup was also around with the dinosaurs because T.Rex’s kinda need something to go with that slab of Triceratops.
Predating those was Tar-tar sauce, which or course appeared at the same time as that fishy primordial soup we crawled out of.

The weekend was less good, mainly because we went to see my Nana on Saturday who decided to spend a good chunk of the day telling me I’m fat or words to that effect. Thank a bunch. And yes she DOES know she’s accusing me of being fat. As if I didn’t have enough issues with my weight and food and stuff.

Earlier this week I went for dinner with Katie-Jane, which was good because it gave us a chance to talk. I like that, someone who understands so completely. *hugs to Katie-Jane.

I was supposed to be going out tonight with Adam but thankfully he had to cancel. I didn’t particularly feel like being groped at or whatever.


Unknown said...

pah! what a rubbish theory it totally fails to take into account the pre-HP-storic period, or the evolutionary effect caused by worcestercesestershire sauce :o)

also, I'm sorry about earlier, don't say it's all right cause it's not. I can tell when you're upset remember, it's a sixth sense :-p *hug*

Katie said...

You're a bit ace yourself love, see you in about oooo and hour? :p

Loves xx

Max said...

I thought that Dinosaurs built vast time machines, travelled far into the future and could reappear at any day. Maybe some are already here hence the Jam in this time period

Paul said...

You're not fat, Claire - I've just reviewed the Alice in Wonderland picture, so I know. I've been out with some fat birds, and trust me, you're not one!

Lord Hutton said...

Strangely, ketchup and Worcescestershire sauce have their origins as fishy primordial soup. Perhaps you need to address the anchovy question