Sunday, December 23, 2007

I’ll Give It To Someone Special, Who’ll Give Me Something In Return

Last Christmas, Wham

So who’s ready for Christmas? I’m just about ready I thinks, all my presents are wrapped, aside one for Richard which I’m hoping will arrive tomorrow. If not it’ll be ok. :)I’m looking forward to Christmas a lot this year, it’s the first one I’ll be splitting with someone other than my family, and I’m just well…excited and happy.
I’ve managed to see Richard pretty much everyday, even if it’s only whilst working. As for work, JEESE it’s been busy. Why is it the moment you put on the uniform you become invisible to customers? Yeah that’s right mate, stand in front of a pallet full of frozen food that can’t stop so easy, it will hurt if it hits you! Ah well I’ve been lucky and only worked for three days, my friend Katie has done every day since she got back, poor thing.

OOOO and a note to my nasty “I don’t like the way you spell stuff but I’ll read your blog anyway just so I can leave a bitchy message”, the only word that’s spelt wrong so far according to Word is blog, mainly because it isn’t in the dictionary. Honestly haven’t you got anything better to do than be nasty about my spelling abilities? Trying to make me feel bad because of something I’m not so good at is just, well pathetic, almost as pathetic as not leaving your name. So next time I’ll be naming and shaming you because I know where you live… to speak. Thank you magic little stats counter :)

Moving on, I kinda miss uni, something I know a lot of students are feeling. Mainly the lack of independence, which was a little depressing at first, but now I’m well rested I’m feeling fine. Slowly getting through the endless tasks I seem to have which are more to do with tidying my room or scraping booking. But in general I like my life and am very happy. Think I need some new glasses but that’s about it. Now I’m going to go to bed and be happy there :) Merry Christmas folks.

Haven’t I done well Mr. Nasty Spelling Commenter, a whole blog and no spelling errors? And I’ve managed to not babble on about how loved up I am. We’ll save that for the conversations I have with myself and my teddy


Lord Hutton said...

Justin called by his student house in Southampton today. He left pretty quick cos it was so cold and messy and empty.
Your speling is fine;-)

Claire said...

Damn straight my spelling is fine :)