Wednesday, November 21, 2007

I need some help and advice people.
My parents found out Richard and I are engaged ths weekend. They didn't take it well. Tonight I was issued with 2 choices;
1) Call off the enagegment and re-do it all once I've graduated
2) Don't call it off, apparently be selfish, and risk alienating my family.

Apparently the option to leave things as they are and get married post degree isn't allowed. So apparently what I want isn't really being considered.

What exactly do I do? I don't think I'm even being given a choice but there you go. Help!


Lord Hutton said...

Aren't some parents great? Always ready to throw a spanner in the works. Are they concerned that you aren't ready for this sort of thing, going by their experience of your miserable last 18 months?
I should just leave things as they are, let them see that you are still together in 3 years time, post graduation, and then they will have to acknowledge you are an adult, and have shown you mean what you say.
My son Justin's experience with Roxie in America shows the controlling hand of parents who cant let their children be adults.
Good luck, Claire

Washington Irving said...

I know we don't know each other that well, but your situation is quite similar to the way my parents reacted with me and Simon (apart from the engagement bit). So if you want to chat with me as someone who's been through a similar sort of thing my msn is :)
I don't know if I can solve the problem but I can definitely empathise,
Jess x

silver horde said...

No advice, as you already have had some excellant advice from ^^
Hugs and hope things calm down now everyone has had a few days to think about things!!


Lord Hutton said...

I have tagged you!

Anonymous said...

No, I think you got option (2) wrong:

"2) Don't call it off, and let your PARENTS be selfish by alienating themselves from YOU"

It seems to me that it is THEY who have the problem, not you!


Paul B

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