Friday, April 06, 2007

*blogged too fast for title or font alterage, sorry

It’s been ages since I’ve blogged. I’ve either not been here at blogging time or have been too shattered. So in super quick time heres what I’ve done;

Tuesday I met Luke for dinner. We had a good giggle over lunch then bought chocolate to replenish the supplies he had stolen from his mum’s secret stash. Then we went back to his to watch various DVD’s, (I think I might be warming to Little Britain, but I still find it offensive for the most part), and Daddy Day Care. A good film, I recommend. It was freezing in Luke’s granny flat so we ended up snuggled in sleeping bags to keep warm before migrating to the main house for access to Sky channels and the Simpsons.

Wednesday evening was The Great Gathering of everyone. It’s quite a task to get about 10 people, all with their own social lives, together in one spot but hats off to Jess for managing it. Pretty much everyone was there from the inner circle. We sat around in McDonalds messing around before realising that we’d missed the films we were thinking of seeing so it was bowling instead. Defiantly more amusing, and much less popcorn being thrown around*, and it was easier to talk and catch up on all the gossip in each others lives. And too tease each other….
We ended up back at Luke’s after a mad trip around ASDA, you’d think they’d want to kick piggyback-giving-candyfloss-moving-around teenagers out but they must have better things to do on a Wednesday evening. Luke’s house was fun as usual; we had food fights with popcorn and other poor food stuffs. I lost my seat on the sofa and had a massive fight to get it back- why is it always me? I learnt that BB guns are very painful when they hit you butt or your elbow and that candyfloss tastes as good as I remember. We spent the last hour or so talking about the scandalous behaviour of the teachers at our High School before we went home to our warm beds.

Yesterday my friends Christine and Joanne came round from Middleton and they got to see The Princess Diaries 2 and then Chris spent ages showing various emulators cause she’s a wicked funky geek girl. We had a great laugh, I can’t believe I don’t get to see her until May next! Errr, As If!
Last night was also what can only be described as my “date” with Hit-On-You-Guy**. He bought me dinner and we went to a pub quiz before he walked me home. He’s lovely, funny and sweet and very attentive. I don’t know what to say though that won’t come out wrong. Put it this way, I don’t think it was a good idea given how things ended. Actually remove the think there, it wasn’t, even if he is such a lovely person. I want to talk to someone about it but there literally isn’t the time frame for that now, I leave for my train to Blackpool err like NOW. Chrish should cheer me up, she always does.

I shall return possibly needing to chat on Sunday, see you then!

*sorry cinema cleaners!
**his real name is Adam chat people, he started being nice and not hitty-on-you so we can use his real name


Anonymous said...

You can always talk to me about it over MSN, you know. I'm always here for you, Clairey.

...At least I'm funky. :D

Anonymous said...

Hey! Having a good time! Good luck with Adam

Jeans Pants said...

I'm a little confused, you met someone new? He's nice? Is this a good thing? See, Im confused! =0)