Monday, January 14, 2008

Well I'm back in Lancaster, all unpacked and fully launched into the term :) It's looking like it will be a good one; we have one scary lecturer and we've got the module on Aquatic Biology this half, they had to swap it because it only have one lecturer and she's in Antarctica when its supposed to run. How cool is that? She is one of my favourite lecturers so far anyway, her description of what happens to certain protozoa out of water was hilarious.
Mondays are always my busiest day, three lectures and a three hour practical. I've managed to write up one set of notes this evening but I've had a massive headache so haven't done any since. It's going now so I'll do a little more whilst I watch the end of Signs before bed. And eat popcorn :) The microwavable kind.
It all helps not missing Richard, it's certainly weird without him. But it's the weekend soon :) And he's coming down for the 13th and 14th of February. But ohmigod two of my modules have decided to put their end of module exams on Valentines Day. *swears at evil tutors. Could be worse though, at least they're in the morning so I get them over and done with.
Oh dear I'm now absorbed in the film.......this doesn't bode well for my note making.
See you soon folks xxx


Katie said...

hehe, glad your all work full and keeping distracted. We never met up for that brew, damn i'm unorganised! many sorrys!

glad you're well


Lord Hutton said...

protozoa out of water? That's Boys, isn't it?