Monday, January 21, 2008

National Sad Day was not so sad

Today has been National Sad Day but I wouldn't say it's been very sad. Exhausting yes but sad no. Mondays are always, for want of a better word, a bitch. Starting at 9 I have three hours of lectures followed by three hours of practical. Then another three hours to write up my lecture notes and make a start into the coursework for one module. In short I'm knackered. The silver lining is that I only have 2 lectures tomorrow and two afternoons free and I don't have to be up till 10 :) Woot!

My weekend was brilliant, I had no idea how much I'd missed Richard till I was trapped behind the deli at ASDA desperate to go and cuddle up to him and just talk all about my week. I'm missing him alot right now, probably cause I'm so tired, but I only have to wait till Friday as he has Friday and Saturday off he's coming here this weekend. YAY YAY YAY YAY!!!!! Can't wait! Is it nearly Friday yet??????

This week is probably going to be as busy as last week. I'm not planning on going into town really, I don't think I can afford the time off study, but I've got a girlie biology meal planned with everyone and my flatmate is having people round tomorrow night so I won't starve socially.

I wore my retainer last night for the first time in months, mainly because I've been holding my jaw so tense recently and wearing it encourages me not to. Fell asleep all OK but when I woke up I realised it wasn't in my mouth. Now it's way too big to swallow but I couldn't find the bugger in my bed anywhere. It showed up eventually but how it fell out of my mouth I don't know!

Well that's it for me, it's bed time :) Oh and guess what! It's the start of National Bunny Week today :)
love and hoppy rabbits, Claire

1 comment:

Lord Hutton said...

You let them give you lectures on a Monday? I never used to go back until first thing Tuesday and then slope off on Thursday pm.