Wednesday, September 06, 2006

We Will Take Over, We Are Superior Beings

Doctorin the Tardis, the Timelords

I shall blogg whilst I wait for the computer. Well currently I’m on the laptop, but I want to use the printer. Wait a minuet I hear you cry; didn’t you buy a printer with your laptop? Yes I did, can I be fluffed to get it out of its box, connect it all? Can I hell. Why waste my ink when I can waste my parents?

Christine made it up, and we had a wonderful time. As she lives in Middleton I don’t see her that often and now we’re all bumming off top uni I’ll see her even less. Och noo. We implemented last times plan to watch classic episodes of Doctor Who and watched the following;

The Five Doctors
Genesis of the Darleks Parts 1 & 2
The Sontaran Experiment

I LOVE Tom Baker’s Doctor, he’s so cool. So I insisted on watching episodes with him in. Next time we are SO finishing Genesis of the Darleks. We also demolished most of a packet of fizzy Haribo, an improvement on last time when we ate a whole packet between the two of us.

I got dropped off for cleaning, and was actually doing only one patch rather than two. I am baffled by why Linda and Marj are training a Y13 on toilets when she’ll only be here another year. It seems more logical to train up a Y12 newbie. Oh well I’m not the boss, and since when have bosses ever thought logically?

Neways I’m off to my paper diary. Tomorrow I am supposed to be learning ho to ride a unicycle with any luck. Something I was supposed to do six months ago. How time flies!

Love and Huggles, Claire

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Are you janitoring? The boy did that. It will look good when you need a job as the NI number will be registered and you'll be all legit.
Tom Baker was good, but I love the modern storylines and D Tennant and esp C Ecclestone (and I remeber William Hartnell, first time around (from behind the sofa, obviously))